Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 784: Police Car Escort (3/5)

The genius remembered the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The two policemen looked at each other, and Moustache wondered: "Are there such things? Do you say there is someone in this container?"

The **** said resolutely: "Yes, more than one person!"

Another big policeman shook his head: "No, it's impossible. Who puts people in a container and wants to strangle him?"

"You will know if you take it apart," Li Du said.

The two policemen stared at each other again, and Moustache asked the loader: "Who owns this container? Open it."

The loaders shook their heads together: "I don't know, we don't have the keys."

Brother Wolf found two wires from the car and fiddled with the container iron lock. It didn't take long before the container door was opened.

After opening, some large paper-case boxes appeared in the container. Wolf brother pulled down a box, and some electronic waste appeared inside after opening.

The loaders are ready to watch the excitement, and someone sneered: "It's just e-waste to be disposed of, these idiots!"

Li Du said, "Pack up the boxes!"

Wolf brother and Godzilla quickly cleared the boxes inside, and when the two policemen were impatient, a large wooden box appeared between a pile of cardboard boxes.

Opening the big wooden box, a child suddenly got out and knelt down on the ground with a big gasp!

One child, two children, three children, four children ...

The first child who got out was kneeling on the ground and panting, he was wearing a Superman T-shirt with two pipes wrapped around him.

The other children were sleeping, with masks on their faces and oxygen boxes in the boxes.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. The two policemen even opened their mouths and eyes wide, their faces were incredible.

Li Du seized the opportunity and said, "See it, sneaking, it's definitely sneaking!"

The mustache policeman looked at him in difficulty and shook his head and murmured, "No, no, sir, no, no, it's not smuggling. I'm afraid things are more serious. This is Howard!"

The big policeman took out the walkie-talkie and shouted quickly: "Police station police station police station, here is William Wharf, here is William Wharf, find Little Superman Howard, fully support, fully support!"

The two spoke a few words in a hurry, and then rushed towards the children together.

Moustache picked up the little boy in a Superman t-shirt and asked, "Hey, hey, Howard, look at me, are you Howard? Show me your back ..."

After hearing this, Li Du suddenly realized why he felt that the little boy was familiar. He had seen the child, but it was only on TV.

When he first arrived in Melbourne, he suffered a storm. At the hotel, he had nothing to do but watch TV. Several TV stations reported the loss of a young boy named Howard.

This happened for a long time, and he didn't care about it at the time, so when he saw the little boy at first, he didn't think about it.

The little boy froze. He just breathed in a big mouth, saying nothing, and then suddenly said, "Ahhh, let me breathe, let me drink water!"

The busy loaders were about to mess up, but they didn't run away because of the east window incident. On the contrary, they surrounded them together.

"What's going on? Why are there children in the container?"

"My God, Little Superman Howard, he is Little Superman Howard, we almost made a big mistake!"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"You don't know Little Superman Howard? That lost child!"

Two police cars drove quickly. It didn't take long for a helicopter to appear above them. Police helicopter!

The police jumped down from several heavily armed police officers, wearing bullet-proof vests, holding shotguns or pistols. When they came down, they immediately martialized the dock.

Later, a police car arrived. Five police officers arrived one after another. There was also a van with the sbs printed on it. The car stopped, and reporters and videographers hurried in.

Hans looked at the **** and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

The **** said: "It's not smuggling, the boss, the child trafficking, these four children are missing children. The child who woke up is Howard. He just lost a while ago, and he was searched across Australia. Reporting his message. "

"You all know that?" Hans asked in surprise. "The news you saw when you came to the island for trading a few times before?"

Eunuch said: "Of course not, I listen to these guys, they are discussing this matter."

There was another ambulance behind, all four children were taken up.

The police surrounded Li Du and the loaders. A majestic white middle-aged white man presented his credentials and said, "I'm Quentin Linquier, Hobart Police Station. I hope you will come with us. Cooperate with us in an investigation. "

Li Dudao: "We are willing, but I hope you can understand that we are black gold abalone fishermen, and now we need to trade these abalones, otherwise they will die and will be worthless."

Quentin looked at the black gold abalone in the storage box and said quite logically: "No problem, but I don't have much time for you."

"We have made an appointment ~ ~ and just send it over."


Several people from Li Du got on the police, and three police cars accompanied them, sending them to trade Hei Jin Bao.

The **** contacted a Frenchman to buy Hei Jin Bao, and the man looked wonderful when he saw Li Du coming down from the police car with a storage box.

"Pay money in one hand and deliver in the other hand," said the **** ghost.

The Frenchman hurriedly said to the police: "Police officer, I am a Heijingbau acquirer. There must be a misunderstanding. I have not engaged in any illegal transactions ..."

The police officer who led the team said, "I know, you guys should deal quickly."

The Frenchman shouted, "No, I am not involved in illegal transactions. What are you doing? Fishing enforcement?"

Li Du couldn't help crying and had to explain why the police followed him.

The French then relaxed. He checked the condition of Hei Jinbao, and the two parties quickly negotiated the price and the transaction was completed.

He put away Hei Jinbao while he said, "Man, you are so bullish. I first saw a man who brought a team of police to sell Hei Jinbao. I saw him for the first time in my life."

After the transaction was completed, the police car headed southeast to Hobart, the capital city of Tasmania.

Hobart is an ancient city located at the mouth of the Derwent River in the southeast of Tasmania, covering an area of ​​about 100 square kilometers.

The city was founded in 1803 and is second only to Sydney in Australia.

As early as 1642, the Dutchman Tasman voyaged to the South Pacific Ocean. He first discovered the island and toured the southwest coast. Later, a navigator visited the island but did not intend to occupy it.

It wasn't until the British Navy Captain Bowen landed in the southeast corner of the island in 1802 that the island was declared a British colony the following year, and then the establishment of the island began. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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