Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 791: Kayak with small paddle (5/1 * 10 +)

Li Du beckoned and said, "Why are you here, aren't you going to help Christie with the divorce formalities?"

Hans laughed: "It's over. Bruhans's soft egg doesn't even have to go to the court. After the lawyer I called called him, he softened."

"So simple?" Li Du wondered.

Hans shrugged: "Lawyer McEn said that the **** did not dare to go to court because his domestic violence was illegal and hurt Christie. Once he goes to court, he has to go to jail."

The **** asked, "What about the division of property? I'm afraid this is not something that can be done in a short time, right?"

Hans said: "It was also quickly done. Bruhans gave Christie $ 5 million in property. He kept the fishing certificate inherited by his father. The family funds were mainly given to Christie."

"Five million dollars, this **** is really rich." Dao whistleed.

"Which Heijinbao fisherman is not a rich man?" Hans asked in return.

Christie is a very quiet Japanese woman, standing beside and not talking, just listening with a smile.

Li Du looked at Christie. He was also smiling, but his smile was meaningful.

They helped Hai Nu to divorce easily, Hai Nu voted for her, and offered them help.

She brought some big tire inner tubes, which are special tires for construction site super trucks. After being inflated, they are two meters in diameter, full of elasticity and very strong.

"What is it for?" Sophie asked curiously.

Christie nodded politely, and then said, "I know you didn't prepare a leather raft, so go and find it with Boss Fu, they can become leather rafts."

With that said, she picked up the fishing nets and other tools in the carriage and began to pack them. She spread the thick fishing nets on the side of the tires and fixed them with thin steel wires, so that when a person sat on the fishing nets, the tires became a raft.

Christie signaled that Da Oo and Godzilla each had a Shanghai beach. She threw the tire into the mud, and the tire made a dull noise when it fell to the ground, floating on it steadily.

"Look, this way we can search for Hei Jin Bao, but you have to be careful, the tire boat is not good at controlling the direction, and it is very laborious, it is not easy to use it."

She demonstrated to everyone that using this thing requires people to lie on it, pull their legs to the outside, maintain the balance of the tyre boat with their arms, and lean on the beach with their feet to move forward.

You can also kneel on it and use one foot to pedal the beach, which is more labor-intensive, but easier to control the direction.

The emergence of this tool attracted Li Du's attention. He lay down on the interview and tried really hard, but it was also very interesting.

Hai Nu brought several tires. One tire could accommodate two people. She said: "One person sits in front to pick up things, and the other person provides power at the back, which is no worse than a leather raft."

The coast exposed after low tide is a mudflat, and reefs are exposed from time to time. It is difficult to travel by any tool.

Li Du and Wolf Brothers got together on a tyre boat. Before the action, he suddenly asked, "Does this belong to us using tools to find Hei Jin Bao?"

Hans looked around and said, "Obviously it doesn't belong. Look, everyone else is riding in a leather raft, Cruz's little bad guy is ahead."

In this case, Li Du had a good heart, and waved his hand to motion the wolf brother.

Ah Meow, Ah Ye, and simply noodles will also be brought up to play. Li Du slaps them down and slaps his face and says, "Why so countless? Can't see Dad doing work?"

Wolf brother was struggling just to push the tires and the two of them, plus the three fat little boys, it was so tired that he rolled his eyes.

San Xiao fell to the ground, unwilling to run along the tire boat.

Li Du had a headache and looked back: "Dear, call them back, they have become mud monkeys!"

Sophie said with a grin: "Yes, they have become mud monkeys. In this case, it is better to let them continue to play, go back and pack together."

The bottom of the sea is very muddy. In some places, it is the same fine sand layer as the beach, but more of it is sea mud, because the sea water is brought in by river water. The river water contains a lot of mud, and they will settle down after entering the sea.

In addition, the aquatic algae and various animals and plants in the sea died, and the corpses fell to the bottom of the sea, eventually decaying, and eventually becoming sea mud.

Three Xiaoxiao ran in the mud, Li Du worried that they would fall, but it turned out that he thought more, and Sanxiao ran very happy.

It is true that the mud is very soft, but the three small claws are strong, and they do not have large feet like humans. After their claws are plunged into the mud, they can be pulled out easily, like a dog sled.

This discovery made Li Du's eyes light up. He looked at the tired wolf brother, and then looked at the three primary school rushing, and he was immediately happy.

He let the wolf go down, and then found some ropes and cotton cloths ~ ~ with Dao, **** and Hans to make three simple sets of water reel.

Of course, these three sets of water traps are for the three little ones, and Li Du put them on their bodies. They didn't know what to do, and they shook their heads back.

Without saying anything, Li Du slap their butts one by one, and they had to come back unhappy and drill their heads into the water.

The front of the water was fixed on three small bodies, and the back was tied to the tire boat.

In this way, with Li Du's "movement", San Xiao dragged the tire ship out of the way.

Grandma is a strong and powerful leader, and Meow and crispy noodles help on both sides. The tires are slippery and the sea mud is slippery. The three small pulls are difficult, but they can bear it.

Seeing this, Sophie and others were stunned, and Hans cried a long time ago: "These little crickets smash, they run really fast!"

Three small towboats gliding across the muddy sea, attracting a lot of attention.

Some black-gold abalone fishermen who are struggling to paddle the leather raft are envious. They paddle the raft in a posture similar to that of a boat, standing on the ground with a thick rod, and then pushing the rod, pushing the leather raft by reaction force.

Li Du passed by in front of them while sitting on the tire boat. He waved his salute proudly and said, "Good morning, guys, you have to work harder. This is too slow."

The black gold abalone fishers are envious of envy and hate, but they can do nothing about it.

Li Du released Xiao Fei to search around, and soon he found a black gold abalone, and then ordered the three small trot.

San Xiao could understand his orders. They felt the envy of the people around them, and Sao Bao's heart beat, and he ran happier.

The tire boat drove past, Li Du shouted ‘Stop’, and the three children kept running, running forward while yelling and yelling, “嗷 hoo! Hoo!”

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