Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 805: Passionate friend

Drinking, Brachet asked how Li Du wanted to develop in the Lightning Ridge.

He said: "Bob told me that you fished black gold abalone in Golden Island? This is the real gold industry. You are envious of fishing in water."

Li Du smiled, "Maybe it is worth envying others, but it is not worth mentioning here. What you are looking for is more valuable than gold."

Brachet took a sip of beer and sighed, "Yeah, but only if you can find a gem."

"I'm full of confidence in this. I'm here for this. I believe we will look for it carefully. There will always be gains." Li Du said a scene.

Brachet smiled bitterly: "I hope, but don't hope too much, otherwise you will be disappointed. By the way, aren't you here to be a miner? Are you rich enough to buy a gemstone mine? "

Li Dudao: "Yes, this is my plan."

Brachet asked immediately: "Do you have a place in the picture? If so, tell me, I will contact you to see if I can buy it."

Li Du shook his head and said, "I went around the town today and I don't know much about the local situation. I plan to buy a mine first and use it to practice."

After hearing this, Brachet groaned, "Are you planning this?"

He considered it for a while and said, "If you don't have a particularly promising mining area, I can introduce you to it, but I can't guarantee its harvest. I can only say that the mining area is very good and many people are coveting it."

Li Du became interested and asked, "I must thank you. What is the situation in this mine?"

Brachet introduced him to the situation around the mines around Lightning Ridge, which is a very complicated topic.

Black Opal has been on the luxury stage for some years, and in the past millennia, Māori and Australian tribal people have begun digging them up.

Nowadays, it is said internationally that Black Opal is only produced in Lightning Ridge, but this is not the case. It is only that Lightning Ridge has the largest vein in the world and still has output.

At first, black opals were produced in Australia and New Zealand, but as people overexploited, many mining areas were destroyed.

There used to be some good mining areas in the Australian coastal areas, but at that time the mining process was not good, and people would just dig underground randomly.

This has led to a series of problems, such as holes in the ground.

Coastal areas are rich in groundwater. Underground caves eventually became groundwater tunnels due to seepage. For security, the government banned continued mining, and no one dared to mine again.

After all, money is precious and life is more expensive!

The mine, the Lightning Ridge, appeared relatively late and has only been discovered in the twentieth century, but this is the largest black opal mine found in history.

By the twentieth century, the ore mining technology had been perfected at this time, and people knew that they would hire engineers to plan and use more advanced machines.

In addition, Lightning Ridge is located in the central and western regions of Australia. It is relatively dry here and the groundwater has not flooded. Therefore, this mining area is better protected and can still be mined.

Blache told Li Du that Lightning Ridge is contracting 80% of the world's current black opal.

Li Du marveled: "This production is really amazing."

Brachet shook his head and said, "No, production is already decreasing. Actually, more than ten years ago, 95% of the world's black opals were produced here."

The reason for the decrease in output is that the entire mining area has been dug almost once. He said: "The surrounding area of ​​Lightning Ridge has a length of 60 kilometers and the ground has been almost mined, so it is not easy to think of something."

Li Du thought that what he said was a bit too alarmist. Yesterday, he released a small flying insect to search underground. True, he did not find the Hei Opal deposit, but found that many places have not been mined yet.

Brachet went on to say, "I'll introduce you to this place. It's an area that hasn't been mined very much. After being bought by a guy before, that guy has other business, and he didn't care about development."

He took a sip of beer and said, "Now his business seems to be in trouble, and there is a problem with the capital chain, and he wants to sell this mine. If you want to buy a piece of land, I bet it is the best choice."

Li Du asked: "What is this guy doing? What is the size of the mine? What is the price?"

Brachet leaned back to Li Du and whispered: "Small voice, Lee, now the information on the sale of this mine has not been transmitted, don't let others know, otherwise the price will be raised."

Li Du wondering, is it useful to be quiet? If the other party wants to sell the mining area, it will definitely release information to invite tenders.

However, he was not familiar with it, and nodded his head and listened to Brachet.

Blachet said: "His name is Chris Bontra. He works in urban greening in Sydney. The mining area is about 20 acres. I think it can be won by half a million people."

The price is low ~ ~ Bob's notebook records the price of the mining area. Generally, it needs 30,000 to 50,000 yuan per mu.

If a large number of gems have been produced in a certain mining area, the price is hard to say, and it is possible to sell hundreds of thousands per acre.

Blache went on to introduce the mining area. After explaining the location and the mining situation, he asked: "Are you interested in buying? If you are interested, make your decision early, and after the news is released, you will get 800,000 or even one. million."

Li Du thought about it and decided to take a look at the mine. He was very interested in the information introduced by Blache.

The main harvest tonight is this. When Li Du was about to leave, he encountered Obradović and others in the parking lot.

Li Du smiled: "What's wrong, do you want to continue playing?"

Obradovich snorted. He said, "For the sake of toasting us tonight, I'll tell you something, Brace is a cunning bastard, don't get too close to him!"

Leaving this sentence, they boarded the car and left.

Li Du didn't care. After returning to the hotel for a break, the next day, as agreed, he went to a breakfast shop in town to find Brachet.

Today Brache is estimated to be going down the mine and changed into a coarse denim jacket. After the two sides met, he said, "Don't have breakfast, hurry up and find Chris. I heard his son say that he wants to release the news of the sale of the mining area today. . "

The two parties drove straight outside the town. About ten kilometers away from the center of the town, Brachet's pickup truck drove into the path and entered a mine surrounded by a fence.

Inside the mine was a wooden hut, and a white man with a mustache was calling.

Brachet frowned. "Damn, he's releasing the news, and we have to hurry."

After speaking, he went up and hugged Bachi's shoulder and said, "Hey, Chris, I brought you a friend. Come and see."

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