Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 808: Spicy bitch (2/5)

The boss explained the reason was in a hurry. When Li Du came to see it, there was a tool rental company next door.

Seeing this, he said, "I don't see this set. If you don't have a better one, then I have to go and see you next door."

Hearing that, the boss laughed, and the two miners who were repairing the electric drill also laughed.

"What's wrong?" Li Du asked with a frown.

The boss said easily: "If you really go next door, man, you will find that there is no broken copper and iron waiting for you, there is only a bunch of air, that rental company has closed down."

Li Du released Xiaofei to quickly fly to the company next door. He hadn't noticed before, but only saw the signboard at the door of the factory building.

This will take a look at Xiao Fei, indeed, there is no one in the company.

But there is something in this warehouse, there is a helicopter inside, the whole is light blue and white, the shape is very beautiful.

Seeing a helicopter, Li Du thought that there was someone in it, but Xiao Fei probably flew to find it. The helicopter was left in the factory, and no one was inside.

The owner of the sunglasses said, "My neighbor has long since closed down. His machines are all here. In fact, even the factory and warehouse are not his. He sold it to the owner of the later mine."

"Classic car mine, but as far as I know, the mine seems to have closed down, and the government intends to auction it off. It has been unpaid for a long time and no one has managed it." A miner added.

The owner of the sunglasses said, "Yes, I know what's going on. The boss is a fool. He has a company in Sydney. The company's finances are out of order. This guy is running out of money."

The two sides simply talked to the nearby mine, and the owner of the sunglasses seemed to have taken Li Du and ignored him.

Seeing this, Li Du laughed and said to the eunuch: "Let's go and go to other rental companies to see, we have a set of tools ourselves."

They turned around and left. The owner of the sunglasses saw that he was really leaving, and was finally anxious. He came up and stopped him.

Li Du said: "You gave me a new sharpener for the ball mill, a new power unit for the crusher, and a new conveyor belt, so I can barely see it."

After hearing what he said, the boss finally understood that Li Du was not cheating him just now, but he was really researching the industry.

He said stupidly: "It seems I've done stupid things, I've looked away, you are an expert."

I wasted a little time, but Li Du finally got the tools he wanted. The guy behind the boss was not very good-looking, but very durable. This is the tool needed for mining.

Li Du paid for it, and the boss was responsible for delivering it. He had a truck.

The off-road vehicle was on the road ahead, and then drove to the mine that Brache introduced to him yesterday.

When the car arrived at the door, Li Du felt wrong. Why was anyone working at the mine?

They drove in, and a tall and strong miner came out and said, "Hey man, what are you doing?"

Li Du got out of the car and said, "This is my mine. I should ask. What are you doing here?"

The miner laughed, and he said easily: "This joke is very interesting, but I don't have time to joke with you, this is not your mine, unless you say it to cause trouble."

A miner poked his head out of the hut and asked, "What's going on, Barry?"

The tall miner shouted, "Here is a man here, that is the Chinese who recently made a splash in the earth star bar. He said the mine is his."

The miner in the room laughed and said, "No, he's joking."

Li Du carried the land certificate with him. He showed it to the miner and said, "I'm not kidding. Maybe you don't know. I bought it yesterday."

"It's a big guy, **** it," the miner said enviously when he saw the new land certificate.

He opened it and pointed to the southeast: "No, Mr. Li, your mine is over there, not this mine."

The owner of the sunglasses who sent the tool got out of the car to check the land certificate, and said, "Yes, this is the mine No. 114. You are No. 115. It's south."

There was a bad feeling in Li Du's heart, saying, "How is that possible? I was here yesterday. You told me, who is the owner of this mine? Is it Chris Bontra?"

"No, it's Blache," said the miner.

The owner of the sunglasses nodded and said, "This is the sly Blache mine. You bought that one too, which is very interesting. How could you not know the mine you bought from him?"

Suddenly, Li Du's face changed greatly.

He was cheated by Brachet!

Withdrawing the certificate, Li Du returned to the car and Tie Qing said with a face: "Go out and go to the south of the mine."

Yesterday, he noticed that this mine in the south ~ ~ Like mine 114, they both cover an area of ​​20 acres, but the mine in the south was excavated more and there were rolling pits everywhere.

Driving over, Li Du let out the little flying insect and went underground, the scene in his vision made him sink in his heart.

Just like the "Underground War" movie I watched as a kid, the underground of the mine here is messed up. I don't know how many mines are below.

There are many mines scattered around. Although there are no mines in some places, but they are full of crushed stones. Such places are worth less than excavated mines. Li Du knows that this is a garbage shaft for backfilling broken ore.

Do n’t even think about finding gems here, the underground has been dug up and down, it is difficult to continue, let alone continue to start mining below to find gems?

The owner of the sunglasses got out of the car and asked, "What's the matter, did you buy this mine?"

Li Du's face was iron-blue, and he finally cursed in his hometown dialect: "Grass, a bitch!"

He was pitted by Blache, and of course he had to blame him. He trusted Blache too much. For the first transaction, many procedures were carried out without understanding the procedures.

Brache had been helping him with the formalities during that time, and touched him. In fact, people were pitting him.

He asked the owner of the sunglasses about Chris's information. The boss shook his head and said that there was no mine owner named Chris. Instead, Brachet had a little **** named Chris Bontra.

What else could Li Du say? The truth of the matter emerged.

Blache teamed up with Xiaozi to pit him and sold him an abandoned mine.

The sale of the mine is basically discounted because it will only be sold if the previous mine owner feels that there are no gems in the mine.

In a mine like No. 114, no one took over even if the price was changed, and Blache could only hit it until Li Du arrived ...

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