Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 811: Miners are not good (5/5)

"Snake has something to do with Black Opal?" Li Du asked.

A miner said, "Yes, I've found Black Opal around the underground snake's nest many times. Not only me, but other folks too, right?"

"Yeah," someone immediately retorted. "I dug more than a dozen opals, but none of them were related to snakes. You are idealistic."

"I haven't seen snakes related to Opal. This is ridiculous."

Conflicts soon appeared in the crowd. Some people felt that there was a relationship between the two parties, and more people thought it was okay.

Li Duzhuo pondered this statement. If the snake can find gems, then he can find a way to make the small worm tame a snake for his use, and then follow it to find gems.

However, he did not believe this statement in his heart. He had never heard of snakes related to Opal. There were gems under the mine 114 next door, but he did not see any snakes around the gems.

Also, he picked up fire in the national park Opal, and there was no information about snakes and gems, and the history of gem discovery was pushed horizontally, and there was no argument.

The night was getting darker, because the next day they had to work, the miners left one after another, and the mine became silent again.

At the middle of the night, the rain drops ticked down, and the water droplets beat the roof of the cabin very rhythmically. With this sound, Li Du slept more fragrantly.

Get up in the morning, the weather outside is gloomy, and there is still light rain ticking.

Li Du opened the door and saw that there was a fog between the heavens and the earth. This is very rare in the central region of Australia. Normally, the humidity here is very small.

Sophie drove to buy umbrellas and raincoats for breakfast, so Li Dulai brought a few bear children.

It was raining outside, and Ah Meow and Noodles didn't like the water on their hair, so they hid in the house and didn't go out.

Grandma likes to play with water, or she likes to play with muddy water. After lying at the door and looking at the outside environment, she ran out like a wild dog.

Rushing into the mine, it found a puddle and pierced its head, just like a war horse broke a glacier. Its limbs trampled the puddle, splashed a layer of mud, and then shuttled over.

Li Du hurried to call it, Grandma didn't listen, and ran for joy in the wide mine, until Li Du managed to catch up with it, at this time it was covered with mud.

This made Li Du furious. It was so bad, and there was no bathroom in the mine. He couldn't bathe Grandma.

Grandma should be dirty, and after she came back with her ears lifted, she wanted to touch the pond fish and rushed to Grandma and crispy noodles with muddy water.

Amao and crispy noodles are not savvy, can't you understand its purpose?

Like a burning buttock, A Meow walked up the wall. The hut is made of planks and wooden barriers. It has a strong point. It is not difficult for an animal such as a tiger cat to climb up.

The raccoon's climbing ability is not as good as the tiger cat, but there is another way to deal with it. It pats the bouncing Ali to the grandma with a paw to distract the grandma's attention.

Ali was about to squat and poop. He was slaped and flew, and flew to a wolf with a fangs and a grin, scaring it on the spot.

The wolf shook his head and said, "This little kangaroo is unlucky."

Indeed, the reason why Ali fell into the hands of Li Du and others was that his mother threw it away to attract firepower.

Now it came to Li Du and was thrown away again to attract firepower.

Grandma just wanted to play, and it didn't matter who it was with. The little kangaroo jumped forward in front of it. It twitched its paw and fluffed its hair, and the kangaroo became muddy.

Li Du went up again with his ears open and pulled it away, angrily: "Draft, do you think you are dirty, or do you take someone dirty with you, while you wait?"

He rescued Ali and wiped him with a towel dipped in warm water.

The baby kangaroo is still feeding. It will have poor resistance. The reason why Li Du is angry is that the cold muddy water thrown off by the grandma will cause the baby kangaroo to get sick.

When Sophie came back, she saw a muddy grandma sitting alone under the eaves of the doorway, facing the Yuhua on the ground in a daze.

"What's wrong with it?" Sophie asked.

Li Du said: "Go play with the mud, don't worry about it."

"No, I mean its emotions, why does it look unhappy?"

Li Du said: "I was scolded, this bear child is becoming increasingly disobedient."

Ali hid beside him, it was frightened by the friends, and now he was afraid when he saw them, and he could only follow Li Du closely.

Although there is no high IQ for the grandma and the meow, but it also knows that Li Du is the umbrella, and Li Du Cai is safe. This is the nature of survival. The smaller and weaker the animals, the more sensitive they are.

In addition to buying a raincoat and umbrella, Sophie also bought a thick tarpaulin. This pole was propped up and covered above the mine to protect it from rain.

After the meal, Li Du and Godzilla and Wolf brothers held up the tarpaulin, so that the rain was not much. With the cover of the tarpaulin, the rainwater was no longer affected by the mine, and they could continue to work.

This is the excellent geology of Dianling Ridge ~ ~ It is gravel underground and has a good ability to penetrate water. After rainwater drops into the mine, it will penetrate underground.

And there is no groundwater around the lightning ridge, so there is no need to worry about reverse osmosis, that is, no groundwater will flow into the mine along the sandstone gap.

Godzilla and Wolf Brothers continued their work. Sophie asked worriedly: "Now the weather is so bad. Is it dangerous to dig a well below?"

Li Du said: "It's okay now, light rain. I've read the data. The lightning geological water resistance is very strong. Unless it is a heavy storm, you can continue to work."

The small flying insects corrected the direction. Godzilla and Wolf brothers took turns to work. The crusher was used to break the rock layer. The crushed stone was transported from the pit to the bottom of the mine by a belt conveyor, and then transported to the ground by buckets.

The rubble cannot be thrown away and must be left here. According to Australian law, backfilling is required after mining.

For safety reasons, Li Du bought a steel pipe support and wooden boards. For every meter of mining in the mine, he and the **** went down to support a section of support.

Horizontal mining is more difficult than mining shafts. Because of scale, they can only work with handheld crushers, which is very labor-intensive and difficult to transport crushed stones.

After working for two days and advancing ten meters, the third day began to encounter heavy rain at the lightning hill, and the pouring rain poured down from the air, Li Du had to interrupt his work.

The heavy rain lasted one day and one night. On the fourth day, it suddenly became fine, and the sun that had disappeared for several days reappeared.

The weather in Australia was very bad. Li Du was not happy after the sun came out. The hot sun burned the ground. Just after it rained, there was a lot of water on the ground and high humidity in the air.

In this way, the sunlight evaporates the accumulated water, and the humidity in the air is greater. The underground mines are not ventilated and sweltering. Staying inside is like a sauna!

Mining is so difficult. No matter it rains or is sunny, the miners are the victims.

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