Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 829: Apologies and thanks (3/5)

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The sky gradually darkened, Xiaoyu didn't know when it stopped, but the sky was still gloomy, and the light became very bad early Already.

At this time, the front of the fire brigade raised a light.

Unlike ordinary lamps, the light of this lamp is not dazzling, but is softer and cooler, but it is particularly penetrating. It can shine in a wide range, like moonlight.

This is called the moon light, which is commonly used by rescue teams. It is supported by up to 2000 watts of electricity. Two moon lights can illuminate a football field.

Under the light, Marcos was finally caught safe and sound.

His condition is much better than Obradović. After getting up, he adjusted to the environment and was able to stand up on his own.

The nurse wanted to help him on the stretcher, he refused, turned back to find Li Du, he stretched out his hand and said, "I guess it's you, Li, you good guy!"

A few miners gathered around, listening to Marcos's words, they lifted Li Du together, and then the two big men put him on his shoulders.

Marcos turned to look around and pointed to Li Du. "This Chinese guy saved me and Orb. Of course, we were rescued by the rescue team. But at first he was directing everything and he stabilized me and Orb. , Gives us hope ... "

At this time, many miners and mine owners have appeared in the Randy mine, and they rushed after they got the news, not to watch the liveliness, but to sincerely want to help.

Mining will inevitably be in danger. Working together and helping each other is the survival king.

They had heard what Li Du had done before, so when they saw Li Du being lifted up, everyone cheered:

"Li, good job, you are a good guy!"

"It's like God's presence, and no one will do better than you!"

"Hope I can be a friend with you, buddy, you have our respect!"

Li Du laughed: "It's just what I should do. No matter who encounters this kind of thing, I believe he will make the same choice as me, and he may do better than me!"

"No better than you," said a fireman.

They later learned what Li Du was doing and learned that he had completed the search and rescue work without the help of a machine and successfully delivered milk and oxygen. They also deeply admired him.

Marcos and Obradovich were taken to the hospital, Li Du returned to his mine for a day off, and now it was midnight. After a tired day, he had to take a good rest.

After waking up the next day, he saw that the bald miner Hollodi was squatting in the yard to amuse Grandma.

Grandma they looked at the pen, they did not accept his teasing at all, as soon as Li Du went out, they immediately ran over and ran over.

Holliday stood up and said, "Hello Lee."

Li Du asked: "Hello man, what's wrong?"

Holloday pulled out an envelope and handed it to him, saying: "This is what Mr. Marcos asked me to send you, an invitation letter, I hope you can join our party."

Li Du smiled: "Is Marcos still in the hospital? Now he is preparing for a party?"

Holloday smiled and replied: "The party is on the weekend, he can be discharged today, he is fine, everything is normal after the inspection, and Orb has to be hospitalized for a few days."

In the envelope was a bright yellow piece of paper with the time and place of the party, inviting Li Du to join.

Li Du put away the envelope and said, "Go back and tell Marcos, I will go."

Huo Ledi paid him a military salute, and whistled the four little guys. If he ignored him, he laughed and said, "Little smashed" and left the mine.

The weather was fine after the rain, and finally the good weather ushered in again.

Li Du was not in a hurry to reclaim the mine. With the lesson from Marcos, he spent a day first strengthening the mine with wooden and iron frames.

The fire brigade conducted an investigation into the collapse of Marcos' pit, mainly because they had some geological problems on this side and belonged to the karst area.

This kind of geology is a soluble rock layer, which has been washed by groundwater to form numerous small caves. Under the expansion of its own cave or under the influence of natural and human factors, the roof instability will cause collapse or subsidence.

Among them, the inducement of collapse is usually related to changes in water level, such as heavy rain or rainfall after prolonged drought, and the infiltration of surface water.

The collapse of the Marcos pit was due to the impact of heavy rain and the infiltration force on the surface, and Li Du had to be prepared.

Doing a good job of guarding, they went down to mine again to dig gems, and pieces of black opal rough were carefully collected and stored in the black hole space of the worm.

By the weekend, the gem veins had been dug out, Li Du took a few people to the Star Earth Bar, and the party was held here.

They pushed open the door of the bar in the evening and some miners had arrived. After seeing them, the miners suddenly cheered, "Welcome our heroes!"

Someone reached out to Li Du ~ ~ Li Du gave them high fives and laughed, "I am a Captain America?"

"No, it's an Australian miner."

"What's that name? Miner or Pickaxe? Or Jewel Man?"

"I'll give you wine, Lee. Just say what you want to drink."

Several sturdy miners pushed away the crowd and came out. These burly bodies were still conspicuous among the strong miners.

The team leader was Obradorevich. This guy had a neck brace around his neck, his left arm was hung from his chest, and his right arm was holding a wine bottle. His image was very rough.

Striding in front of Li Du, Obradovich blushed and said, "Lee, I apologize to you first, and I provoke you here last time."

Li Duguaner smiled and said: "Then you also told me about Blachet. We evened out. You don't need to apologize for this."

Obradovich was a stubborn Russian man, and Li Du's words did not let him care. He said, "No, I must apologize, I was stupid, stupid."

Hollodi and others later nodded: "Yes, we are all stupid, we all have to apologize to you."

Marcos came over and said, "Lee, accept their apology. These stupid people should apologize for the stupid things they have done."

Li Du said: "Well, I accept your apology, we are friends."

He raised his glass and said, "Toast for friendship."

A group of miners raised their glasses together and shouted, "Toast for friendship."

Obradovich directly dried a bottle of beer, and he took another bottle and said, "Now I thank you, Boss Li, you saved my life, and I must salute you!"

Marcos also took a bottle of beer and said to Li Du with a smile: "And me, this time it is the two of us thanking you. You did a great job, you saved us!"

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