Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 831: Get 1 more mine (5/5)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! In the end, Li Du decided to receive eight people from Obradovich.

Since he came to Lightning Ridge, mining has mainly depended on Godzilla and Wolf Brothers. Godzilla is okay. Wolf Brothers is his bodyguard, but he does this job.

Of course, the bonus he gave was very generous, and Wolf Brothers really enjoyed it.

Li Du himself couldn't enjoy it. He also participated in the digging of the pit, but he was not tired. If someone was under his control, he would be free here.

As for his secret? This problem is easy to solve. He can arrange for Obradović and others to carry out the initial mining of the mine. When they are close to the gem, they will switch to Godzilla and Wolf.

He considered a problem. Godzilla and Wolf are laymen in the gem mining industry. Obradović and others are laymen. The ability to mine tunnels should be stronger.

In addition, the salary of eight people is relatively low, which is the main reason for him to take over.

Obradovich's eight people make a monthly salary of less than 60,000 yuan. The salary of the eight people is slightly different. The highest is the captain Obu. The monthly salary is about 8,000 yuan. The others are more than 6,000 yuan.

Li Du thinks that the miners' salary is very low, this job is very tiring, stays underground all the time, has great mental stress, and earns less than 10,000 yuan.

The only thing they can count on is digging gems. According to industry regulations, after a miner digs a gem, the boss will give a tenth of the profit as a bonus.

Most mines do not have any gems, and they may not be able to dig out a piece in a month or two. In this way, the miners will no longer have bonus income and can only rely on basic wages.

The party was not over until the early hours of the morning, and Li Du and Sophie were a little sleepy, so they left the bar early.

In the next two days, Li Du heard that Marcos had listed three mines for sale.

The miners all said that Marcos was scared by the disaster.

Li Du knew, however, that he was not afraid of a mine disaster, but that he had figured out many things while underground.

What do you want to pursue? Lenovo Marcos, he began to think.

Underground gems have been dug out. There is only one vein in mine 408, and there are several gems scattered in some places.

These Li Du did not want to dig, the distribution is too scattered, the texture is average, not enough labor costs.

There was nothing to do, he sat at the door of the cottage and enjoyed the Australian autumn sun.

Inland Australia is still quite warm. In the past two days, he talked to Hans. Hans said that it was almost snowing along the coast and it was very cold.

He wanted to stop fishing for Hei Jinbao and came to the Mainland to find Li Du.

As a result, Snow Girl has a way to cope with the low water temperature, so cold weather as usual.

And because it is now the black gold abalone's banning season, fresh black gold abalone is very expensive internationally, so Hans had to accompany Snow Girl to stay at the beach and continue fishing for black gold abalone.

Thinking of these things, Li Du had a feeling of sudden realization: his dream now is to make money, then make money and buy the equity of the Winston Group, and make good use of Xiao Fei's ability.

He was basking in the sun, and A-Dang, who was dozing beside him, looked up at the way, and raised his ears vigilantly.

Several pickup trucks entered the mine one after another, and a group of tall men got out of the car and stood in the distance watching Li Du.

These people were Obradovich and his party. Li Du whistleed and signaled them to come here.

The eight big men shoved over and no one was willing to walk in front.

Li Du felt strange, and asked, "What's wrong? Wouldn't you like to come to me?"

Huo Ledi laughed: "No, Boss Li, don't get me wrong, huh, we, we are a little embarrassed, I mean this is really embarrassing enough ..."

Li Duhaha laughed: "What's the embarrassment of this? We have fought side by side, fighting together to dig out Aub from the ground, right?"

Aub sneered and didn't answer.

To make a long story short, he directly asked the eight people if they would like to work under his hands, and if they were willing to stay here, they could sign a labor contract.

The eight people nodded happily. Marcos processed the tools in the mine in the past two days and dispersed their team. Now he waits to sell the mine and then leaves Lightning Ridge.

They did not follow Li Du and there was nowhere else to go.

Li Du's opponents have never been hesitant. After the eight people expressed their willingness to work with him, he said, "I will find someone to take you to sign a contract. In terms of treatment, the main salary is the same as before, and the basic salary will be 20% for you."

"Really?" Obradorevich asked joyfully.

Li Du nodded and said, "Yes, this is a probation period. If you pass the probation period, I will double the basic salary for you later."

Obradović was shocked, and Holloday cried, "This must be fake, this is not true!"

Li Duyou said: "This is true, but I have the conditions, that is, you work for me, there is a basic salary and bonus, the bonus is not linked to the ore you dug ~ ~ this way, you are not afraid Are we passively idle? "Hollody asked strangely.

Li Du said, "I'm not afraid. I will dismiss him for anyone who is negatively working. In addition, the bonus I said is not linked to the ore you dug, not to say that you won't give you a bonus if you dig the ore."

"That's it. You have two ways of working. One is that I look for gems. You come to work for me. In this way, the gems you dig out have nothing to do with you."

"The other way is that you use your experience to find gems. At this time, you can still get bonuses for the gems you dug."

He was thinking about the treatment of eight people in the past two days. According to the treatment of other mines, it was unreliable. He had a way to find gems. Both Wolf Brother and Godzilla could not get a 10% dividend.

The eight did not know his ability, and laughed when he said that, and agreed happily.

The next step is to continue to look for mines. No. 408 mine has no mining value. Li Du is ready to sell.

Continuing to find the targeted mines, he went to the trading hall to find listed mines for sale, and then went to these mines for field inspections.

He had good luck, spent two days, inspected four mines, and found another vein.

This vein is richer in gems than in the previous two mines, but goes deeper underground, and it takes a lot of effort to dig them out.

As it happens, Li Duxin hired eight employees and it was their eight appearances.

Brother Wolf and Godzilla have been upgraded. Godzilla has become a foreman. Brother Wolf can concentrate on being a Li Du bodyguard, and they can dig again when they are close to the veins.

This mine is No. 122, not far from the two mines in Brache, but now Li Du is not thinking about Brache's problem, but the surrounding neighbors.

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