Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 838: Stealing Meow (2/5)

The room was very good. The only thing that made Li Du upset was that the next door was Bradley, the executive director of Coventry Group in Australia.

Li Du went out. Sophie wanted to visit Marceau. He went to Cole to ask if it was appropriate. Cole had contact with Marceau. After asking him for help, Marceau welcomed him.

He was in a good mood. When he opened the door to enter the room when he returned, he just saw Bradley stepping out from the next door.

The two took a face-to-face look, and both showed stiff smiles.

Back in the room, Sophie was not very happy to see Li Du, and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't it convenient for Ms. Marceau to accept the visit? That's okay."

Li Du said: "No, Marceau said it's okay. She welcomes you to visit her. I saw Bradley and the guy lives next to us."

After listening to his words, Sophie pouted and smiled, came up and gave him a hot kiss, comforted him: "What does it matter? You think he brought Ms. Marceau, and we have to thank him Well, otherwise we will not see Marceau. "

Li Du scratched his head and said, "I don't know what's going on. I'm annoyed to see him anyway."

He turned to look at Brother Wolf and asked, "Are you annoying? Is that guy in trouble?"

The wolf who was reading the newspaper sat upright and said, "Worry, he has a problem with his appearance."

Li Du spread his hand to Sophie and laughed, "Look, right?"

Sophie walked out of the room with a smile, and Wolf followed her out.

There was no one in the room. Li Du went to get some food for four snacks and said, "You guys, is that guy next door annoying? Do you hate him?"

A Meow, holding the dried fish and chewing, looked up at Li Du, with a thoughtful expression on his fat face.

Li Du gave him a brain breakdown, and he laughed, "Look at you, how can you find a way to help Dad solve him? Well, let's eat it with peace of mind, and take a nap after eating."

Helicopter rides are more comfortable than car rides, but they can be tiring after all.

Li Du slept in the soft bed for a while. After opening his eyes, he saw that Sophie hadn't returned. Only Amy, Ah, Noodle and Ali stayed at the bed.

He stretched out his hands and touched them one by one, and then took his clothes to get up.

Reaching out for a piece of clothing, Li Duzheng, this is a checkered shirt, not his clothes, he does not have such a shirt, and it does not smell right, there is perfume.

He sat up and looked at the bedside. In addition to this shirt, there were several clothes, pants and shoes, which were not his things.

"What's going on?" Li Du thought something was wrong. Did someone come in? Is it still a man coming in? Still undressed on his bed?

Subconsciously, the chrysanthemum was tight. He quickly released the small flying insect, opened the black hole space, and took out a crossbow from the inside.

This was a weapon he brought from the United States, worried that he would encounter danger in Australia and used it for self-defense.

However, because a wolf brother followed closely, he came to Australia and had several conflicts with him, but he did not use his shot, and the crossbow was useless.

There was no one in the room, and Li Du searched it. There was absolutely no outsider invasion.

Besides, the four children are beside him. If someone invades, the four of them cannot be so unresponsive.

So what's going on? Haunted?

Li Du went back to look at these clothes and pants, and found that this was not a set. There were several clothes on his bedside. If anyone had undressed here, there must be more than one person!

Thinking of this, he felt that the chrysanthemum was tight, and several men took off their clothes at the bedside, which was irritating just by thinking about it!

Seeing him staring at his clothes, A Meow raised his head in a heroic posture.

Li Du knew what he meant by this pose, in order to get him praise.

But today Ameow did nothing. Is there anything worth praising about it?

Li Duzheng wondered, A Meow used his eyes to guide him, he kept looking at the clothes and pants, and then turned his head to the side wall.

There was nothing on the wall, but if you crossed the wall, it was Bradley's room!

Li Du suddenly thought about this, and then he saw that this floral shirt became more and more familiar. When I saw Bradley in the morning, didn't he just wear this clothes?

"Crouch, don't you? You stole his clothes?" He took a breath.

Ameow waited for praise. He thought Li Du hadn't understood what he meant, so he took an elegant catwalk, shaking his big **** that became fat because he ate too much fatty fish, and ran to the balcony.

Li Du followed to the balcony and A Meow showed him:

On the wall outside the balcony, there are patterns protruding from the outside of the wall. These patterns are attached to the wall, making the wall more three-dimensional and more beautiful.

A meow used these patterns. He jumped from the balcony and walked on the light cornices. During the period, there was a sculpture protruding from the wall, he jumped on the sculpture, then continued the cornices and walked into the wall, and finally got into the balcony of the next room ... ...

Li Du, who was watching the whole time, kept his eyes fixed and held his breath. A Meow was too risky to walk this way. The sculpture was okay. The pattern on the wall stretched out at most ten centimeters ~ ~ It was really bold!

After walking back and forth, Ah Meo jumped back, this time with a slipper in her mouth ...

Looking at A Meow with his head raised and his chest waiting for his praise, Li Du really didn't know what to choose.

Scold it? Afraid to blow its confidence, boast it? Will it be bolder and more adventurous in the future?

For a long time, Li Du hately nodded on his forehead, and said, "It's not allowed. If you do anything in the future, you must inform me first!"

Back in the room, he was embarrassed. What about these clothes and shoes?

Knocking on the door and sending it back to Bradley? How does he explain? Explain that A Meow will also be treated as a thief.

Let A Meow send it back the old way? This is not possible. It is too dangerous. Li Du can't let Ameow take another adventure. The presidential room of the Four Seasons Hotel is on the second floor. It has a height of hundreds of meters. If it falls, it will become cat meat sauce!

He was hesitating. There was a roar outside, and Li Du went to open the door and peeped, and saw Bradley in the bathrobe roaring:

"... Is there a ghost? What the **** is going on? My clothes and shoes? That's the security of your hotel? Call your manager and tell me what's going on! Give me an explanation!"

The four children followed him looking out of the door slit, and the four heads clasped together: Ali was at the bottom, then Ah Meow's head, and he stood with his face on top, his head was above, and Ah was on the top.

Li Du pushed them away and went out and said, "Ahem, President Bolton, could it be that you have sleepwalking or something wrong and threw your clothes out of the window?"

Bradley exclaimed: "Are you mentally ill? What stupid words are spoken, this is absolutely impossible, there must be a thief coming in! This matter has nothing to do with you, don't come to trouble!"

After hearing what he said, Li Du hummed back, well, you said that it has nothing to do with me, then I will not participate.

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