Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 223: set off

Today, the Dragon Claw Squad gathered again.

The difference from the past is that Hu Hai, Shang Tao and Sima Liang are full of red faces, full of vigor and confidence.

It seems that after becoming genetic warriors, the three are in very good condition.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet."

As Wang Zheng spoke, everyone calmed down.

"To call everyone here this time, there is a very big task waiting for us to do. Everyone see..."

Wang Zhengyi told the Daxizhou incident again, letting the people know that Hu Hai and others were shocked.

After a long while, Wang Zhengyi continued talking after they calmed down.

"Our mission this time is to explore Daxi Continent. The mission is very difficult and dangerous."

"However, the reward for the task is also very generous. Whether it is a variety of intelligence materials or rare resources, everything you get in it can be exchanged for money, and the price will definitely far exceed everyone's imagination."

"The duration of this mission will be very long, but if we successfully complete this mission, the money we get is enough to retire all of us!"

Everyone was excited when they heard it. Although everyone had allocated a lot of money in the last mission, no one had too much money.

When Wang Zheng saw the excitement of everyone, he was very satisfied, and finally concluded: "Presumably everyone is already clear about the matter. I will give you two days of preparation time. Tomorrow night we will go to Daxizhou with the military transport plane. Now disband!"


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yin Tian took the "Xiao Hui" to his hometown and took Fang Yun back. The old couple were so happy this time, they never thought that Yin Tian would find such a beautiful object. , It's just like a star.

Although Fang Yun was a bit older than Yin Tian, ​​the old couple didn't mind, they almost treated Fang Yun as his wife for two days.

Happy days are always fast, and the Dragon Claw Team was already sitting on the plane to Daxizhou the next night.

The comfort level of the transport plane is naturally not comparable to that of the passenger plane, but the harsh noise makes everyone very irritable.

Fortunately, the military transport plane is also much faster, and it landed on the Huaxia aircraft carrier late at night.

This time there is not only the Dragon Claw Team. If Yin Tian had read it right, Xiao Feng's Wolfyao Special Team had also come, and there were even people from special departments such as Guoan.

Wang Zheng pulled a box with weapons and equipment over and greeted everyone to prepare.

They will not spend the night on the aircraft carrier. After an hour, all the non-staff personnel on the aircraft carrier will take a small boat to Daxizhou. After leaving the aircraft carrier, everyone’s life safety can only depend on themselves.

There were hundreds of people who flew to the carrier this time, divided into more than 20 teams.

In the night, more than 20 speedboats cut through the calm sea and began to move in the direction of a big western continent.

A quarter of an hour later, the speedboat entered a turbulent magnetic field, and all the electronic equipment was useless, but the engine was still running.

"Everyone, be careful. According to the information I have obtained, it will take us half an hour to enter Daxi Continent. In the meantime, we may encounter an attack from the Sea Clan. Please be alert." Wang Zhengyi said solemnly.

Everyone in the team looked serious when they heard it, and they all began to organize their weapons and equipment.

This time, Dragon Claw Team didn't bring Blue Fluttershy. She was just an ordinary person, and there was no signal from Daxizhou, and her hacking skills had no room for use. So even if this girl made trouble in the end, everyone was determined not to bring her here, otherwise it would be irresponsible for her life.

Compared with the original weapons and equipment of Dragon Claw Squad, the shotgun is definitely changed.

Each person wears China’s latest "Yanlong" series of combat uniforms, which are not only waterproof and breathable, but also capable of shooting small-caliber bullets. The attached helmets are equipped with the most advanced night vision equipment and oxygen supply equipment for underwater combat. .

The rifle in everyone’s hands has also been replaced with the latest 20-type assault rifle developed by China. This is a weapon in the laboratory. Various parameters have completely exploded the original 97-type, and all fired are the latest high-precision armor-piercing projectiles. Holographic scope and grenade launcher.

In addition, Wang Zhengyi also spent a lot of money to build seven alloy knives, which are definitely the top of the world's cold weapons, and they cut iron like mud.

As for the others, the most advanced weapons such as grenade and explosives are not missing.

The speedboat has already entered the clouds and fog. Because of the late night, the visibility is less than 5 meters. Hu Hai, who is in charge of driving the speedboat, had to slow down.

At this time, more than 20 speedboats had already separated, and there was no sound around Dragonclaw Team except the sound of the speedboat's engines and waves.

"Have you heard the screams?" Yin Tian said suddenly.

Everyone shook their heads, their hearing was incomparable to Yin Tian.

"Yin Tian, ​​are you sure it's a scream?" Wang Zhengyi asked.

Yin Tian nodded, he naturally wouldn't be joking about this kind of thing, but the environment here is too bad, even if he has a system, he can't observe everything here.

"It should be someone who is in danger, please be on your guard."

Before Wang Zheng's voice fell, the speedboat trembled suddenly, and then jumped high from the water.

"Be careful, everyone! Hurry up!" Hu Hai tried to steer the helm while looking at the sea.


The speedboat patted the water again. Fortunately, everyone had firmly grasped the handrails, so they were not thrown into the sea.

"what happened?"

"Is there a sea monster?"

"Too scary."


Everyone was surprised, shouting and looking around, but unfortunately, in the middle of the night when the visibility was less than 5 meters, they could see clearly everywhere.

But other people can't see clearly, it doesn't mean that Yin Tian can't see clearly either. To be precise, he can feel everything within 50 meters around him.

After the cultivation base reached the peak of inner strength, he vaguely felt one with heaven and earth, and any wind and grass nearby could not escape his perception.

"Back left! Shoot!"

Yin Tian yelled, then squeezed the trigger firmly.

Da Da Da... Da Da Da...

Although the others didn't know what was going on, they all started shooting in the direction Yin Tian said based on their trust in Yin Tian.

Da Da Da... Da Da Da...

The gunshots were continuous, but there was no abnormality other than the first time.

Just when everyone thought Yin Tian was the sea suddenly trembled, and then a black shadow jumped out from the bottom of the water!

"so big!"

Seeing the full length of 5 meters in the sky, like a squid-like monster, everyone was dumbfounded.

"This... is it us who hit?" Wang Zheng was surprised.

Everyone looked dull and puzzled.

What kind of monster is this? It is such a big one, and it seems that the upper body is somewhat similar to a shark, but the back half has squid tentacles. This is definitely not any creature that has been discovered on earth.

"Attention everyone, right front, it's coming again!" Yin Tian shouted again.

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