Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 233: Dispatch

Silent overnight.

The morning sun slowly rises, the Dragon Claw team did not sleep well yesterday, and the shadow of Lawrence still lingers in the hearts of everyone, which also makes everyone's desire for strength even more urgent.

Although they have made great progress now, they are far from enough!

On this world-class stage, powerful opponents abound. If you don't reach the level of A-level, you won't have any right to speak at all!

"Everyone packs up and prepares to dispatch. Many teams have already gone out to explore." Wang Zheng said loudly.

Last night, there was no attack from the Sea Clan, and the attraction of the purple blood coral has grown again, and many people have already gone out to find it.

And Dragonclaw Team obviously won't give up this opportunity, and the appeal of Purple Blood Coral to them is huge.

After a while, everyone in Dragon Claw Squad left the Mannis camp and walked into the depths of the Great Western Continent.

There were not many dangers along the way, but it was a pity that they never encountered the shadow of purple blood coral.

The place where the purple blood coral appears is a very valuable piece of information. Knowing where it is, you can find more purple corals, so people who know it will not easily leak the news.

The Dragon Claw Squad rushed like a headless fly on the way, but never saw the shadow of purple blood coral.

Yin Tian was also a little helpless in his heart. He had never seen what purple blood coral looked like. It was impossible to use the system to search for it with the words purple blood coral.

And this purple blood coral didn't know what was going on, and it was not displayed on the system's holographic map. Could it be that this thing could not be judged by the system as a baby?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this broken system was unreliable, and he couldn't even handle this.

"Hey, who do you see over there?" Wang Zhengyi said, pointing to a hillside not far away.

It is said that it is a hillside, but in fact it should be a 100-meter-high sand pile. On the sand pile, a team is stopping there.

That teammate is European, and blacks make up half.

People from Dragon Claw Team took a closer look and found that this team is their old enemy, the private arm of the Morgan family!

Giles was not in this team, thinking that he would separate his men to find purple coral.

"Captain, do you want to..." Zhou Hongyu cut his throat as he said, he meant to kill all those people.

Hu Hai and a few people are also eager to try. Yesterday's Shi affair was too awkward. The Dragon Claw Squad has never been forced by anyone since its establishment. As the culprit, the Morgan family is naturally the object of everyone's hatred. Now that there is a chance for revenge, I don't want to let it go.

Wang Zhengyi thought for a while, and temporarily gave up his plan to kill those people. Their Dragon Claw Squad was here to hunt for treasure. Although they were aggrieved, they could not give up the main task of the Squad.

"Don't do it for now, let's follow them and see if we can find purple blood coral."

Wang Zhengyi quickly made a decision. He decided to sit back and wait for the rabbits, first quietly follow them behind, and find the place where the purple blood coral is.

The crowd nodded their heads after hearing that, Wang Zhengyi's words still weighed heavily in the team.

The seven quietly followed a hundred meters behind the Morgan family team, and hung behind them so unhurriedly.

It can be seen that most of the front team is composed of ordinary soldiers. Although there are two genetic warriors, they are the weakest C-rank genetic warriors and pose no threat to the Dragon Claw squad.

"Captain, they stopped." Hu Hai pointed to the front and said.

The opponent was no longer advancing now. They looked around and found that no one was following, they took out a small shovel and began to dig the sand on the ground.

And the dragon claw is hiding in the distance, watching the sand that is constantly digging the ground.

"What are they...what are they doing now?" Zhou Hongyu asked in a puzzled manner.

The others turned and glanced at him, then showed a look of contempt.

This silly boy, what else can they do, of course they are digging purple blood coral!

As the first treasure found in Daxizhou, everyone's purpose must be placed on it. The name "Purple Gold" is not just for fun.

Zhou Hongyu knew that he had been silly again, so he smiled and stopped talking, rather embarrassed to hide behind everyone and observe the Morgan family team.

At this moment, the place where the other party dug is at the highest point of a hill, and although it has been exposed to the sun today, it is always wet there, and there is no dry and compacted ground structure elsewhere.

The Morgan family team dug very hard. Seven or eight people worked together and quickly dug a large hole in the ground. Then they jumped in and continued digging, and soon disappeared on the ground.

After being unable to see the place, Dragon Claw Team became a little anxious.

"Let's get closer, don't excite each other." Wang Zhengyi suggested.

Following Wang Zhengyi's order, the Dragon Claw Team began to advance slowly.

Yin Tian walked at the back of the team, without a trace of anxiety.

He has seen all the sights ahead through the system's holographic map. The team hasn't gained anything yet, so he is not in a hurry.

But soon, Yin Tian got a little excited!

Those people actually dug up a purple coral-like object!

If there is no accident, it must be a purple coral!

"Captain, those people should have found Purple Blood Coral, we..." Yin Tian said to Wang Zhengyi.

When Wang Zheng heard this, he was a little excited, but his expression was quickly stunned.

"We naturally rob them, kill these guys by the way, and treat the enemy, we can't have any kindness!"

Everyone was excited after hearing Wang Zhengyi's words, and the secret road could finally collect some interest first.

As a result, everyone took out the alloy swords and gently touched them forward.

At this time, it is not cost-effective to use Firstly, the opponent's strength is not worth wasting bullets. Secondly, if you shoot, you may attract other dangers, so everyone chose to use cold weapons to kill the enemy this time!

The Morgan family team was still immersed in the excitement of finding the purple blood coral at this moment. They triumphantly discussed that the purple blood coral would be distributed to the family after it was handed over to the family, but they did not send a single person to guard it.

So, now they don't know that a group of death gods have touched where they are.

The Dragon Claw squad dispersed gently, and came to wait for orders five meters outside the big pit.

"Do it!"

Following Wang Zheng's order, the seven members of the Dragon Claw Team gripped the alloy sabers in their hands and quickly rushed into the pit.


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