Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 237: Don't have a cave

Huh, huh, huh!

The muzzles of seven guns were aimed at the seventh team.

Yin Tian and the others are finally angry. If you don't tell us the truth, we don't even need to investigate it ourselves. This is really unreasonable.

Although your sas are great, they are nothing in front of me and Dragon Claw Squad, and you have no bullets, and you still want to make waves.

"Matthew, if you dare to stop, I don't mind sending you to see God!" Yin Tian said coldly.

He can save the seventh team, and naturally can kill the seventh team.

Before, although he didn't ask Matthew any useful information, he verified his guess from Matthew's attitude.

So, now he doesn't care about the life and death of the seventh team.

If Matthew is still obsessed with understanding, Yin Tian doesn't mind sending them to see God.

Matthew looked at Yin Tian in front of him, and his body trembled slightly.

He has no doubt that if he doesn't push away, he will soon be beaten into a sieve.

"All back!" Matthew said.

"But the captain..."

"I said to quit!"

A sas special fighter wanted to say something, but was rudely planned by Matthew.

At this moment, even if they took their own lives for this, it was of no avail. Without the ammunition, any one of the Dragon Claw squad could destroy themselves.

After seeing the seventh team pushed away, Zhou Hongyu glanced at them with disdain, and then walked past them in a magnificent manner.

"Huh, a bunch of guys without eggs!"


Matthew's face was sour with emotion, his fist clenched, but in the end he sank weakly.

The skills are not as good as others, and if they continue, they will only take their own humiliation. Now I can only hope that the Dragon Claw Team will not discover the secrets there.

Zhou Hongyu came to the place where the seventh team was just defending and walked back and forth for several laps. Apart from finding the new soil in the fast place under his feet, he did not find anything.

Did Brother Tian make a wrong guess this time?

As soon as Zhou Hongyu had this idea in his mind, he was immediately rejected by him.

Brother Tian must not be wrong, he must be too stupid, and he didn't find what Matthew wanted to hide.

"Brother Tian, ​​I can't find it, or you should come." Zhou Hongyu said embarrassedly.

Yin Tian nodded when he saw this, and said to Wang Zhengyi and others around him: "Let's go there together, I believe there must be a problem there."

Soon, all seven people in the group came to Zhou Hongyu's side and searched around carefully.

Yin Tian looked back and forth and found that the soil under his feet was a little unnatural. The fresh soil had no traces of sun exposure, and it must have been newly dug out.

Moreover, his own eyes were correct now. On the holographic map before, he clearly saw a dark hole in the middle of the seventh team.


Yin Tian kicked to the ground and made a muffled noise, which made the people around him startled.

"Yin Tian, ​​what are you..." Wang Zhengyi asked in confusion.

"My elder brother, I think there is a problem with the ground." Yin Tian explained, "Matthew will not let us come here, and when I stomped just now, Matthew and the others were very excited."

Wang Zhengyi and the others looked at Matthew and found that their expressions were a little weird. Although they tried to hide it, they could still see the tension in their hearts.

"My god, let me dig, let's dig three feet, and I don't believe there is anything to hide!"

Zhou Hongyu took out the engineer shovel and immediately started digging.

Although this is the original method, it is unintentionally the most effective method.

Upon seeing this, Hu Hai joined the excavation, and there was a visible speed depression on the ground.

Not far away, Matthew and the others were extremely anxious. In their hearts, the Dragon Claw Team must not dig out a cave, but their **** did not hear their prayers.


"Brother Tian, ​​there is something here!" Zhou Hongyu said excitedly, pointing to his feet.

A square stone was dug out, and everyone's eyes were bright. Such a neatly shaped stone certainly cannot be formed naturally, that is to say, there are traces of human existence here!

"Keep digging!"


The engineer shovel kept raising, and a one-meter deep cave appeared at the foot.

When~ Wow~

Suddenly, the soil under his feet suddenly collapsed, and the three of Zhou Hongyu almost fell off unexpectedly.

But fortunately, the strength of a few people is not bad, this barely jumped out.

I saw a bottomless cave appeared under my feet, but the cave was not dark, but a faint blue light.

Yin Tian looked down and found that at a depth of about 20 meters below, there was a broken wall and a lot of light blue weeds growing among the broken masonry. The faint blue light was emitted by those weeds.

Not far away, Matthew's faces were ashen.

After all, the secret has not been kept. In the future, I am afraid that other countries will discover the secret here when China hits it. At that time, the Great Eagle Empire will be gone, and the loss will be unpredictable.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are really a god!" Zhou Hong said excitedly: "This must be a human relic in Daxizhou. We made a fortune this time."

The discovery this time is no less than the discovery of a new continent. This huge discovery is definitely not measurable by money!

Looking at the hole under their feet, everyone in the Dragon Claw team was extremely happy.

On this trip to Daxizhou, this discovery alone will bring you tremendous wealth.

There are too many valuable treasures in a human relic. Although it is said that half of it will be distributed to the country after being taken out underground, the remaining is enough for them to be smart for a lifetime.

"Huh, let's go down! Yin Tian, ​​this time you come to start, I'm afraid there is danger inside." Wang Zhengyi said cautiously. ,

Yin Tian nodded, he knew much more than others.

Before this entrance, it definitely didn't disappear for no reason, otherwise Matthew and the others wouldn't fight for their lives and don't want to keep here. So there must be other people below, perhaps, the disappearance of this hole is related to the people below.

"Okay, I'll get off first."

Yin Tian jumped into the cave entrance as he said.

The height of 20 meters is naturally nothing to At this height, it will be fine for anyone in Dragon Claw Team to jump off.

Looking around carefully, Yin Tian's eyes were full of surprise and incredible.

"There is no danger, everyone can come down."

Everyone in Dragon Claw Team jumped down one by one. When they saw the surrounding scenery, their expressions were even more surprised than Yin Tian just now.

Oh my god, where did we come here?

Not far away, within a collapsed city wall, there was a huge building complex.

Perhaps it was the ancient times where Jinpao had been in the sea for too long, and the houses were covered with algae, and the original appearance was completely invisible.

The ground is covered with weeds that unfortunately emit blue light. Under the blue light, this ancient building complex that has not seen its original appearance for a long time presents a mysterious atmosphere, which firmly attracts everyone’s attention. force.

(End of this chapter)


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