Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 273: Turnaround

Three or four hours have passed, Yin Tian constantly adjusted his breathing, trying to maintain his strength.

Ever since he was arrested, he has been thinking of a way to escape, but after much deliberation he has not found the best way.

He still has some system points, which can be exchanged for a magnetic storm mine, which is enough to blow up this water prison.

But even so he was not sure to run away, after all, there were still seven innate masters in the Sea Clan.

A little bit of time passed, and without the nourishment of qi and blood, he already felt a little sleepy.

At this moment, the door of the water jail was suddenly opened, and the dazzling white light made Yin Tian couldn't help closing his eyes.

Boom, boom, boom...

There was a crisp sound of footsteps, and there was no rush.

Yin Tian opened his eyes and found that the person here was a bit familiar.

With a tall figure, long waist-length hair, **** leather armor, and the circle of golden scales on his forehead, isn't this the sea woman who attacked Yin Tian?

"Kagorasi ride, Alu..."

The voice of the sea girl was so sweet that Yin Tian couldn't understand it.

"Is it true that the enemy does not meet together, you came to kill me?"

While Yin Tian was talking, he took out a plasma grenade in his right hand hidden under the water. If it is really dangerous for a while, don’t mind to die together, and he thinks that with his physical fitness, after being electrocuted, he should First recover, when he fights for his life, he may not be able to break the three white auras on his body.

The sea girl also seemed to know that the two languages ​​were not spoken, so she didn't say much next.

She slowly walked into the dungeon, getting closer and closer to Yin Tian.

Yin Tian was also getting more and more nervous, ready to detonate the plasma grenade in her hand, but at this time the Sea Clan woman actually took out two long swords and handed one to Yin Tian.

"Aruchilia squinted..."

Yin Tian's eyes were blank, and he didn't know what it meant.

The Sea Clan woman was a little angry, and she said and gestured for a while.

At this time, Yin Tian finally knew what the other party meant, she wanted to fight herself!

It seems that this sea clan girl is a little unhappy about losing in her own hands last time, and now she wants to compare with Yin Tian.

If it were normal, Yin Tian wouldn't be afraid of the other party, but now he is tied up, his arms and arms can't move, and he can't do anything at this time except as a human target for a sea girl.

"Hey, can you unlock this for me first?" Yin Tian said tentatively, while standing up straight and letting the white halo that bound him leave the water.

He felt that maybe this sea clan woman's brain was not good enough, and she would undo the three white halos on him.

The sea woman was taken aback, and then she noticed that Yin Tian was tied up.

I saw the expressions of the sea clan woman keep changing, and finally gave Yin Tian a bitter look, not knowing what to do.

This is a spell cast by the high priest, how can she unlock it.

Yin Tian naturally knew the result when he saw the expression of the sea girl. It seemed that the white halo on his body could not be unlocked for the time being.

Suddenly, two sea clan walked into the water prison again. Yin Tian was frightened when he saw one, and secretly prayed that the other party would not come to kill him.

After entering the water jail, the two sea people did not continue forward, but knelt on one knee and performed an ancient etiquette in the direction of Yin Tian. At the same time, they said: "Migura Qiu Agu..."

Yin Tian looked puzzled, and secretly said that these two sea races are stupid, what are they going to do?

But he soon understood the reason, the two were saluting the sea clan girl in front of him!

After hearing the words of the two of them, the expressions of the sea clan girl kept changing, and finally turned around and gave Yin Tian a bitter look, then turned and left the water prison.

Yin Tian thought about the scene just now, with a vague thought in his heart.

The strength of the two sea clan who came in was no less than that of the inner strength martial artist, and their strength was definitely stronger than that of the sea clan woman, but the two of them were willing to bow down to the sea clan woman. Doesn't this mean that the sea clan woman's status is very high.

If he can hold the sea clan female, does it mean that those sea clan powerhouses will throw rat-in-laws and give him a chance to escape here?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was reliable, and Yin Tian was faintly excited.


A sneeze brought Yin Tian from fantasy back to reality.

The water prison was so cold that he had caught a cold.

Feeling that he would not be able to hold on any longer, Yin Tian gritted his teeth and prepared to use desperate tricks to break away from the three white halos on his body, and then he could carry it out according to the route displayed by the system. He didn't believe he was so unhappy. Neither of the two teleport arrays can be activated.

Looking at the holographic map in his mind again, Yin Tian was preparing to do his best, but he was suddenly stunned.

On the holographic map, there are about a dozen red dots around him. This kind of red dot is not unfamiliar to him. This means that there are treasures!

Looking at the position carefully, Yin Tian was shocked.

The location of these red dots is clearly in the dungeon!

"No, this is incredible."

He was full of surprise, looking at the water jail, which was about 100 square meters, what treasures existed in the secret tunnel.

It's a pity that he is now **** and unable to move around freely, so after watching it for a long time, he found nothing.

But Yin Tian knew that the system couldn't go wrong, there must be treasures here.

I saw Yin Tian close his eyes, and then entered the realm of Wuwu and Selflessness. He slowly radiated his mental power and slowly turned away from the surrounding eyes.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes.


Suddenly, Yin Tian's eyes opened suddenly.

"Finally found!"

Under the water surface of the dungeon, a dozen strange fish the size of a thumb are swimming. The positions of these strange fish correspond to the positions of the red dots on the holographic map. They must be so-called treasures!

Yin Tian was overjoyed. Although he didn't know what these strange fish were used for, the things that were judged by the system as treasures were definitely not ordinary goods. If all these strange fish were caught before leaving, it would not be a waste of time.

The strange fish is not swimming fast, but Yin Tian is trapped in his hands and feet, and it is inconvenient to catch the fish. If he desperately breaks free from the white halo on his body, he will only have half his life left. The fish is afraid that it has more than enough energy and lacks energy.

Looking at a strange fish swimming in front of him, Yin Tian kept his eyes on The strange fish had already swimed above the water surface, and Yin Tian had seen its appearance.

The strange fish is purple-red, and its head resembles a carp, but its mouth is like a hippopotamus with a beard on its mouth. Its body is slim and long, similar to a loach, and there is no scale on the surface of the body.

In addition, what surprised Yin Tian is that the tail of the strange fish is 80% similar to the legendary dragon tail!

"What the **** is this..." Yin Tian sighed in his heart.

There are too many mysterious things on the earth, and he feels that the books such as "Encyclopedia of Species" and "Encyclopedia" are really weak.

The strange fish has already swam to Yin Tianren's chest, and it continues to float up.

Yin Tian looked at the strange fish with all eyes, saliva flowed out of his mouth unconsciously.

He felt that he might be able to swallow this strange fish!

(End of this chapter)

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