Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 282: Final preparation

"Manager Wei, don't be nervous, I don't mean anything else, you have done a good job." Yin Tian smiled.

He has read the report on the operation of the pharmaceutical factory. Wei Zhiguo did a good job. Although he did not bring the pharmaceutical factory to a higher level, he did not decline much, and he was considered to be a defensive general.

"Chairman Xie, I will make persistent efforts and live up to your expectations!" Wei Zhiguo said hastily.

Seeing that Yin Tian didn't mean to hold him accountable, Wei Zhiguo finally breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to lose his position as the general manager of the pharmaceutical factory. It is not possible to find a job with an annual salary of more than 5 million.

Yin Tian nodded and asked, "Manager Wei, I remember that the pharmaceutical factory has a biological research institute. How is the level?"

"This..." Wei Zhiguo hesitated.

"But it doesn't matter."

"Yes, Chairman." Wei Zhiguo gritted his teeth and said: "Our biological research institute is very average. Generally, it does a medicinal test and data analysis of some new drugs, but...but it doesn't have the ability to develop."

Wei Zhiguo finished speaking in one breath, feeling a little nervous. The money that the pharmaceutical factory spends in the Institute of Biology every year is not small, but the Institute of Biology has been helpless. The masters have gone almost in the past two years, and only a dozen are left. The average level is in that pension.

Yin Tian frowned when he heard it, and he saw that the level of the Institute of Biology was much higher than he thought.

"Manager Wei, if I give the molecular formula of a drug, can the Institute of Biology produce it?" Yin Tian asked.

If this biological research institute can't even do this, Yin Tian feels that there is really no need for it to exist.

Wei Zhiguo was secretly relieved after hearing Yin Tian's words. The Institute of Biology was still at this level. He was very frightened when he saw Yin Tian's expression wrong just now.

Although the chairman is a bit too young, Wei Zhiguo, an old river and lake who has lived for half a century, feels special pressure every time he sees him, for fear that he will make the other party unhappy.

"Back to the chairman, there is no problem. I can assure you about this. It can definitely be done!"

"Well, this is the molecular formula. Take it back and let the Institute of Biology make it as soon as possible."

Yin Tian handed the printed information to Wei Zhiguo, and said: "All kinds of data and required weights are on it, so it must be done in the shortest time. I need it urgently."

"Yes, Chairman, I will never let you down! Three days, at most three days I will send it to you!" Wei Zhiguo promised.

Yin Tian nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's all, you can go back and prepare now. By the way, you must do a good job of confidentiality. Remember, if the information is leaked, you can afford it."

"Yes, you can rest assured, Chairman, I promise not to leak." Wei Zhiguo promised again.

"Well, go slowly on the road."


After Wei Zhiguo left, Yin Tian continued to make the next preparation.

The γ-11 cell lysate was handed over to the Institute of Biology, but the vacuum cell wall splitter still needs him to solve it.

Activating the controller on his wrist, Yin Tian entered the "Little Gray" again.

"Xiao Hui, can this thing be made?"

Yin Tian scanned the data of the vacuum cell wall splitter in his hand into the spacecraft's control system.

"Back to the master, according to the system analysis, the technology of this machine is very low and maintenance robots can be made."

"Well, how long will it take?" Yin Tian asked.

"So the resources needed are sufficient, and it can be manufactured in about seven earths."

Yin Tian let go of his heart when he heard the words, as long as he can make it.

"Arrange the repair of the robot immediately and hand it to me in 7 hours."

"Yes, master."

After the matter was resolved, Yin Tian did not return to the villa again. Instead, he went to the flower and bird market and bought an aquarium more than one meter long.

This is not Yin Tian's temporary intention, but that he has three fish in his hands and doesn't know how to deal with it.

On that day, in the sea clan's water prison, he swallowed seven of the dozen strange fish, and the remaining three were picked up and thrown into the storage space when he rushed out.

Ordinarily, after living things enter the storage space, they will immediately lose their lives, and the three fish will undoubtedly die.

Yin Tian thought the same way, but yesterday he planned to take out the three fish and stew and eat it, only to find that the three half-dead fish slowly regained their vitality, which really surprised him.

Strange fish is a great supplement, but Yin Tian has already eaten seven of them, and eating it again has no effect, so he wants to raise three fish to see if he can breed some offspring in the future.

This kind of strange fish is extremely precious, and it is likely to be on the verge of extinction. It would be a pity to eat it all.

After a lot of work, Yin Tian finally filled the fish tank with water, and then put filter cotton, water pump, nitrifying bacteria, and some pebbles tired.

Finally, after putting some sea salt and nitrifying bacteria in the water, Yin Tian finally turned on the water pump.

"Little guys, let me go in. It's up to you to survive."

Boom, boom, boom.

The three fishes were thrown into the aquarium by Yin Tian. As soon as they entered the water, they split and swam. They were very lively.

Looking at the three strange fish swimming happily, Yin Tian's doubts resurfaced again.

What kind of species these three strange fishes are, he still hasn't figured out yet.

This kind of species on earth, for hundreds of years, the system only knows that strange fish are treasures, but they cannot give specific names and information.


Sitting on the sofa, Yin Tian felt a little more relaxed. The recent loss is considered to have been arranged, but he still has the most important thing to do.

After swallowing seven strange fishes, his cultivation is infinitely close to his innate state, but he has never been able to break through. This has always been a knot of heart.

After knowing that he needed to take "Xiantian Pill" to break through, he went to Daxizhou to retrieve the most important medicine for refining Xiantian Pill-Dragon Herb, but he still didn't know the peculiar medicinal materials needed for Xiantian Pill. I don't know how to refine it.

In other words, Xiantian Dan is still far away from"

After sighing, Yin Tian lay down slumped.

The system is very powerful, but it lacks things on the earth. There are many items in the system mall, but all of them are from aliens. There are no cultivation techniques on the earth, no weapons and equipment, and even no medicines.

His cultivation path has just begun, and for the time being, he can only practice the exercises on earth.

There are better practices in the system, but they all absorb cosmic energy to improve their cultivation. But the earth is a planet with exhausted cosmic energy, and that kind of practice is simply impossible to cultivate.

Even the "Pancosmic Energy Breathing Method" that he is currently practicing, which ranks high in the universe, is very slow, and can only absorb some of the free energy of the universe to temper and grind the foundation.

After much thought to no avail, Yin Tian had to temporarily put aside the matter of Xiantian Pill.

This kind of thing can't come in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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