Yin Tian's self-confidence is not unreasonable, the current strength of Dragon Claw Team is not bad.

Although the number of Dragon Claw squad is not large, the lowest strength is the B-level master.

What's more, there is Yin Tian, ​​an innate master, and Fang Yun is also an A-level strength. Wang Zhengyi and Zhou Hongyu have reached the late stage of dark energy, and may be able to break through internal energy soon.

Taken together, the strength of the Dragon Claw Squad can definitely be ranked in the top three among the Hunter Squads in the world, at least there is no problem with the Paladin Squad that was ranked fourth in the world alone.

"Brother Wang, do you think there will be innate masters in the hunting group?" Yin Tian said playfully.


Wang Zhengyi was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed.

Yes, Yin Tian is an innate master, and there are few innate masters in the world.

Even if the hunting group is very strong and mysterious, does their team necessarily have innate masters? This is certainly not necessarily!

Perhaps the top three hunting groups have innate level masters, or the so-called S-level masters in Western countries, but other hunting groups will certainly not have them.

First masters can be called strategic nuclear weapons, and one person can threaten the security of a country.

This is because Huaxia didn't know that Yin Tian had broken through the innate, otherwise he would definitely try his best to win him over, instead of letting him be a treasure hunter for Rao Shizi like now.

Others also understood what Yin Tian meant.

There is a day of innate masters in the team, even the hunting group dare not despise them.

At the very least, the hunting group will not attack them unscrupulously, otherwise a congenital master will start a surge, even the hunting group will not be easy to parry.

After no worries, everyone has a lot of courage.

What about the hunting group, our Dragon Claw team also said that they are vegetarian.

"Well, everyone, go ahead. Since someone has been here before us, the good things must have been taken away long ago. We will go directly to the King City of Atlantis this time." Yin Tian said.

Just now he used the system to search the surroundings, but he didn't find any traces of the hunting group. Therefore, it is very likely that the hunting group has already entered the king's city. This led to no display on the holographic map.

Others naturally didn't have any opinion on Yin Tian's words. Ever since they saw the majestic city like a super castle, they could not wait to go in and take a look.

The team continued to move forward, this time they did not walk randomly, but kept up with the messy footprints on the ground.

Yin Tian felt that instead of blazing a trail on his own, it would be better to take this path that others have taken. Although the treasures will be much less, the danger will be much lower, and the speed of progress can be greatly accelerated.

After 5 kilometers quickly passed, the huge King City of Atlantis was closer to everyone and became more magnificent and tall.


Yin Tian raised his right hand to signal everyone to stop, and something different finally appeared on this quiet road.

In the front is a moat with a width of 100 meters, and a suspension bridge with a width of about 10 meters in the middle is the only way past.

After a thousand years, the moat is still full of blue waters, and the suspension bridge looks okay, except for some vines on it, and there is not much trace of time.

All this was normal at first, but Yin Tian's eyesight saw something different.

In the center of the suspension bridge, there was a lot of red blood! The blood was shining brightly, and it didn't seem to have been freezing for long.

But the strange thing is that there is nothing around the blood!

This is really abnormal. If there is nothing, this bloodstain will obviously not appear out of thin air, and the red blood cannot be left by marine creatures. This is even more strange.

"What's the matter, Yin Tian?" Fang Yun asked by her side.

Yin Tian slightly Yin Tian led everyone on, but the speed slowed down and took out the Seagod Trident that he had just obtained.

Seeing this, everyone quickly took out their weapons and followed.

Since Yin Tian is so careful, it must be dangerous.

After advancing one hundred meters again, the Dragon Claw Squad had already arrived in front of the suspension bridge. At this time, everyone saw the thick blood stains in the middle of the suspension bridge.

Everyone is not a fool, and their faces become serious when they see the blood.

In this desolate, silent and perilous Atlantis, blood stains represent extreme danger, and there must be lives dying in the near future, otherwise even the red blood has already turned brown.

"That... is that blood?" Lan Xiaodie asked uncertainly.

Everyone nodded, and Yin Tian said directly: "It's blood, and 80% of it is human blood, and the time is less than 24 hours."

The surface of the blood coagulates very quickly, perhaps only five or six minutes, but by 24 hours, the clot will completely shrink and the serum will be precipitated, appearing this strange color with clear blood below and above.

Although everyone doesn't know how Yin Tian judged that this was human blood, no one doubted his words.

Naturally, Yin Tian wouldn't talk nonsense. With his perverted vision, Yin Tian saw a lot of bullet shells in the middle of the suspension bridge. This is definitely something that only humans have.

With these bullet shells as a reference, it is not difficult to guess the owner of the blood.

Yin Tian felt that it was the hunting group that encountered an attack by a monster in the river when they passed the suspension bridge. They suffered casualties during the battle with the monster, which caused a lot of blood to stay on the bridge.

Finally, why there is no entity is easier, it must be eaten by monsters.

I heard that human meat is the most delicious meat in the world, which is why many beasts like to eat people.

Sea monsters are no exception. With the delicious existence of human corpses, they will naturally not let it go, and will definitely drag them into the water and eat them slowly.

This point was also verified by Yin Tian from some military green cloth floating in the moat.

He is familiar with the green fabric ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which obviously fell from the camouflage uniform.

"Wait a moment, I will go over to see if it is dangerous, you shoot for fire support."

Yin Tian said and walked slowly forward with the Seagod's trident, while Wang Zhengyi and the others were earnestly holding up their rifles, always preparing to deal with the danger that was coming.

Yin Tian's instinct is very accurate. The more he walks into the suspension bridge, the more he feels that the danger is approaching, but he can't back down at this time. He must draw out the potential danger and eliminate it so that the team can continue to move forward.

Boom, boom, boom...

Yin Tian stepped on the suspension bridge with both feet, making a crisp sound.

Soon, Yin Tian approached the center of the suspension bridge, and at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


The monstrous huge wave was set off, and the huge black shadow pounced on Yin Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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