Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 478: A trip to Shennongjia (18th)

Soon, the dragon team came to the vicinity of the savage nest.

Long Fei made a gesture and let the team move forward against the wall.

Yin Tian looked at all this coldly and didn't mean to speak.

These idiots have made a mistake again, and even dealt with the savages as ordinary human enemies. It is impossible not to suffer.

Yin Tian had reminded Long Fei before that the savage has the strength not lower than the dark warrior, and the savage with such a strong strength will have poor perception?

Although the giant dragon team's footsteps were very light, the savage must have discovered it a long time ago. It is really difficult for Long Fei to command the team forward seriously.

Through the holographic map, Yin Tian had already discovered the situation inside.

It was a huge space of more than 500 square meters. A savage was holding a piece of meat like a human leg and gnawing, his mouth was stained with purple blood. As for the other savage, holding a two-meter long wooden stick quietly guarding the entrance.

Yes, Yin Tiangang was also a little surprised at first. There are not one savages in this cave, but two!

Inside, the savage who is gnawing on human flesh has two large-scale bulges on his chest, plus a slightly softer face, it is not difficult to guess that this is a female savage, and the savage guarding at the entrance has a hideous and muscular face. At first glance, it is undoubtedly male.

In addition, there are several wounds on the male savage body. The shape of the wounds is exactly a gunshot wound. Because the savages can't handle the wounds, although some wounds are scarred, some of them are very red and swollen, with a faint yellow pus flowing out of the middle, which shows that the bullet inside must have not been taken out.

It's really difficult for a male savage with so many guns to live so vigorously. It looks like a okay person.

Soon, the Dragon Squad walked to the entrance, and Long Fei gave a color to one of the team members, who nodded and actually took out a flash bomb from his arms.

Well, the Dragon Squad is indeed the one used by special forces for storming. First use flash bombs or tear gas to relieve the opponent's senses, and then collectively break in and take control of the scene instantly.

This is indeed a good way to deal with ordinary criminals, but Long Fei actually used this method in this situation, I really don't know if his brain was kicked by the donkey.

Sure enough, after the giant dragon member threw the flash bomb in, Long Fei immediately rushed in with everyone.

Moreover, while rushing in, Long Fei did not forget to push Yin Tian, ​​pushing the latter in first.


I have to say that Long Fei has a good grasp of the time. When Yin Tian entered, the flash bomb exploded, and when the dragon team entered, the light of the flash bomb had disappeared.


The savage didn't seem to think of this situation, and the strong light of the explosion instantly made him lose his sight. However, this savage deserved to have the strength of dark energy, even after temporarily losing his eyesight, it relied on strong perception to immediately lift the stick in his hand and hit the entrance.

Naturally, Yin Tian wouldn’t watch him being hit by a barbarian’s stick. He only saw Yin Tian’s feet force slightly, his whole body appeared five meters away like a teleport, and then Long Fei, who entered, was not so lucky. .

"not good!"

Long Fei was shocked. He didn't expect the savage to hide here, and Yin Tian was so slippery. He planned to let him fight the first wave of the savage's attack, but now he has avoided it.

To make matters worse, the savage shook his stick very quickly. One blow did not hit Yin Tianhou with a backhand slap, and the second hit followed, and the target happened to be himself.

Bang bang bang...

Long Fei couldn't take aim, reflexively pulled the trigger, and at the same time, a lazy donkey rolled and hid two meters away.

It's a pity that most of Long Fei's bullets missed, only one bullet wiped a large gap in the savage's waist, and the severe pain made the savage roar.



Then two sticks smashed down, and the dragon member who entered behind was hit by the seedlings. The one on the far left couldn't dodge, and was directly smashed to the head by the wild man.


Blood and brain plasma burst out, splashing everywhere.

"Xiao Liu!! Kill me!" Long Fei yelled frantically.

At the beginning, one member was lost, and the Savage was almost unscathed!

Fortunately, this person's death also bought some time for the Dragon Team. Long Fei and the remaining three team members disconnected their guns and the bullet immediately hit the savage.

Da Da Da... Da Da Da...

The savage ran wildly, but Long Fei's marksmanship were very accurate, and blood spattered on the savage from time to time.

But surprisingly, the bullet seemed unable to seriously injure the savage. This bullet, which can penetrate even steel plates, could not penetrate the muscles of the savage.

The savage's wisdom is still good. It was surprised to fight with special forces once, knowing that the gun is powerful, so at this moment, it rushed hard and wanted to avoid the bullet with speed.

It has to be said that the two long legs of the savage are powerful enough, and the speed under the rush is absolutely more than 20 meters per second.

Although the members of the Dragon Squad have good marksmanship, they have no time to aim at such a fast movement of the target. They can only barely keep up with the speed of the savage by strafing.

The 500-square-meter field is enough for the savages to run happily. Although the Dragon Squad shoots desperately, there are not many bullets that hit the savages. Even if they hit occasionally, they are all insignificant parts.

Long Fei was sweating in a If bullets can't destroy the savage, then it will be difficult to handle, maybe his team can only be left with a polished commander.

At this moment, something worse happened.


"Captain, I have no bullets!" said a player with an automatic rifle.

Long Fei was stunned when he heard the words. The secret path was really a leak in the night. The automatic rifle had not many bullets. The two guns averaged only more than 60 bullets each, and now they are almost all shot.

Five seconds later, the bullets of another automatic rifle were also shot out, and now everyone can only attack with pistols.

The original automatic rifle's rate of fire and power could hurt the savages, but now it is impossible to even tick the savages with four pistols.

Now the savage is less than fifty meters away, beyond the effective range of the pistol, it is obviously impossible to shoot the savage with the pistol.

Gritting his teeth, Long Fei made up his mind.

"You keep shooting, I slaughtered this beast in the past!"

After Long Fei finished speaking, he drew the sword from his waist and rushed out.

He didn't believe it anymore. With the strength of his secret strength ancient warrior, he couldn't compare to a wounded savage in close combat!

At the same time, Long Fei coldly glanced at Yin Tian who was hiding from the sidelines watching the play, a trace of hatred flashed across his mouth.

Fuck off, think I can't help you if I hide.

While rushing out, Long Fei took out a grenade to unplug the insurance, waited three seconds and then threw the grenade out.

However, the direction of the grenade turned out not to be facing the savage, but to Yin Tian!

Now Long Fei has made no secret of Yin Tian's killing intentions. It is normal to die alone at this time. There will be no other witnesses around except the people of the giant dragon, so Yin Tian died in vain!

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