Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 500: Terrifying resilience

"Let me see what level the monsters of **** are!"

Yin Tian roared, and at the same time he flew up, the Seagod Trident had already appeared in his hand.

The blood-red tentacles were less than 20 meters away from Yin Tian, ​​and they were about to touch him.

But Yin Tian's speed did not decrease, and the Poseidon Trident waved continuously.

Shoo, swoop, swoop...

The white crescent-shaped energy revolved and shot out, and the blood-red tentacles were met in front.

Bang, bang, bang...

After the crescent-shaped energy touched the blood red tentacles, it exploded directly, and the powerful power instantly exploded the blood red to pieces!

For a time, blood rain and minced meat drifted all over the sky.

Wilson and others were stunned. They knew that Yin Tian was very powerful, but they didn't expect to be so powerful.

Not only can it fly, but it can also issue long-range attacks. Even more terrifying long-range attacks have such a powerful power. By the way, where did the weapon in his hand come from? Yin Tian obviously passed by empty-handed just now.

Yin Tian didn't relax in the slightest after he succeeded.

Although he smashed a lot of blood-red tentacles, but there were too many tentacles extended by Roshan, almost covering the entire height. The skills he had just cut off were just a drop in the bucket.

At this distance, Yin Tian has not enough time to cut off these blood red tentacles one by one.

Only by breaking through the past and directly killing Roshan can he be able to eliminate the danger.

"Wilson, flares!" Yin Tian shouted.

"it is good."

Wilson threw two flares again. In this underground world, if there is not enough light, it will have a great impact on strength.

Puff, puff!

Two flares exploded not far from Roshan, and Yin Tian saw the true face of Roshan for the first time.

This Roshan has no eyes, only a big round mouth rising from the uppermost position. No teeth can be seen in the mouth, but a lot of green liquid can be seen.

It seems that after the Roshan caught the monster, it directly corroded the animal's flesh and blood by relying on the innermost green liquid, and then spit out the bones and threw it away.

This also explains why there are so many bones around Roshan.

Seeing that the tentacles were about to entangle Yin Tian, ​​Yin Tian clenched the Seagod's trident and spun it quickly.

"The sun is shining!"


Yin Tian spins fast, the dazzling energy is covered with the Seagod Trident, and his whole person becomes shining like the sun!

What he used was exactly a group attacking technique in "The Great Sun Spear Technique", and he could not use it to deal with the countless blood red tentacles in his heart.

Bang Bang Bang...

With the continuous sound of explosions, all the tentacles within Yin Tian's attack range were cut off, and Yin Tian quickly approached Roshan.

"The sun bursts!"

The Poseidon's trident turned into a white ball of light and quickly pierced towards the big mouth at the top of Roshan.

But when Yin Tian's hand was fast, his face changed wildly, and he backed away at full speed!

"not good!"

This Roshan actually knows tactics. It seems to have deliberately attracted Yin Tian to his side, because this guy has another attack method besides his tentacle attack!

That is, use the dark green liquid in its mouth to attack!


Large patches of dark green liquid ejected from Roshan's mouth, like a fairy flower.

Yin Tian was anxious. He knew that he couldn't avoid it. He planned to use his internal strength to protect him, but he was not sure how powerful the dark green liquid was. So Yin Tianyi gritted his teeth and directly used the strongest defense state.

The Xuanjia battle clothes appeared on Yin Tian instantly, wrapping him from head to toe.

At the same time, a lot of dark green liquid spattered on Yin Tian.


There was a violent corrosion sound, and everything that was touched by the dark green liquid immediately emitted a puff of blue smoke.

However, Yin Tian's mysterious armor suit was so powerful that he had not suffered much damage.

Yin Tian, ​​who was overcast, was furious, and with a wave of his right hand, two thermo-pressure liquid bombs shot directly into Roshan's mouth.

Boom, boom!

With two loud noises, the thermo-pressure liquid bomb exploded in Roshan's mouth.

The huge power directly exploded Roshan's mouth with a diameter of more than two meters into a size of seven or eight meters, and a large piece of dark green liquid was directly blown out.

"I'll let you spray again! Humph." Yin Tian said with qi.

He felt that under the power of these two temperature-pressure liquid bombs, Roshan was almost crippled without death.

In the distance, Wilson and the others were stunned again, Yin Tian was too powerful, so powerful that people couldn't believe it!

No one thought Roshan was still alive at this moment, but the tentacles were cut off by a half, and two bombs exploded in their mouths. Even the most powerful monster should die.

But who knows, the exposed muscles of Roshan, which was completely deformed by the bombing, rolled up quickly. After just three seconds, its big mouth that was blown by the bomb recovered as before, and Yin Tian cut you off. The shot is completely recoverable, and it is completely impossible to see that he has fought with Yin Tian.

"Damn! What's going on?"

Yin Tian was so shocked that he immediately exploded in foul language. Is this monster immortal Xiaoqiang, and his resilience is too abnormal.

Seeing countless tentacles rushing towards him again, Yin Tian turned around and ran.

It seems that ordinary methods can't kill this monster at all, or in other words, it's impossible to kill him until the energy in this monster is consumed.

Yin Tian didn't want to fight with this and had to leave temporarily.

Fortunately, after Yin Tian ran a hundred meters, Roshan gave up the other party's chasing. From this, it can be seen that the monster's attack range was about one hundred meters.

Soon, Yin Tian returned to the front of the team. The Xuanjia suit had already withdrawn from the surface of his body. Yin Tian always acted like wearing this golden suit is too shameless, and it's really uncomfortable in front of so many people. habit.

"Yin Tian, ​​are you okay?" Fang Yun ran up and asked with concern.

Yin Tian shook his head and said, "I'm fine, don't worry. But that monster is not easy to kill, we have to think about a new way."

"It's okay if you are fine, and the monster's affairs will just take your time." Fang Yun said in relief.

As long as Yin Tian has nothing to do, she doesn't bother to care about other things. This is what a woman thinks!

Wilson looked at Yin Tian, ​​a little hesitant to speak, which made Yin Tian look quite funny.

"Wilson, just say anything, how uncomfortable it is to hold back."

"Ha ha……"

Wilson smiled awkwardly, still asking: "Man, your weapon is from..."

call out.

Yin Tian flicked his wrist, and the Seagod Trident once again disappeared out of thin air.

"Hey, that's how it came. It's just space equipment." Yin Tian smiled.

Then his wrist shook again, and the disappeared Trident of the Seagod suppressed everyone in the Hand of God.

"This this this..."

Wilson was speechless in surprise.

Is this still the earth! Why does the equipment appearing in the myth appear in reality.

The other people in the Hand of God also grew their mouths in surprise, and everything in front of them was beyond their understanding.

For foreigners who have never read Chinese fairy tales or fantasy novels, there is no concept of storage space in their minds.

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