Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 510: Keep going


After the devil flying in the front encountered Wilson's mental attack, he immediately cried out in pain.

The severe head pain made them no longer able to maintain a steady flight, and they would fall off one by one.

Yin Tian watched this scene coldly, and did not immediately attack.

Knowing himself, knowing his opponent, and victorious in all battles, he must clearly observe the true strength of these demons.

Large swaths of demons began to fall to the ground, and everyone in the back was very excited, as if victory had come, they just had to wait to pick up the fallen demons.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred.

The eyes of the large group of demons in the air turned red, and then they screamed at the same time.


The harsh sound waves condensed together, and the invisible waves began to spread around.


Wilson spurted out blood, and was directly hit by mental strength.

Although his strength was good, he couldn't resist more than two hundred demons launching a sonic attack together.


The people in the rear looked worse than Wilson, one by one fell directly to the ground, struggling with pain, and the headache seemed to explode.

Although Yin Tian was also affected a bit, it was not serious.

He knew that he had to take action now, otherwise, I was afraid that everyone would fall into the hands of these demons.

No wonder someone is willing to pay a high price of 2 billion meters of national currency for the sake of only 10 demons. It turns out that this kind of creature is so difficult to catch.

If the army came, no matter how many people would die in the devil's sonic attack, those talents had to issue a high-value mission to let the treasure hunters who want money and life to do it.

"Return me!"

Yin Tian roared, and the tide of mental power burst out, and all the demons in the air were overturned at once, and the devil's sonic attack was stopped.

After a successful blow, Yin Tian took the Seagod's trident into the sky.

"The sun bursts!"


A large swarm of demons died under Yin Tian's attack.

He must now kill him, otherwise these demons will have another sonic attack, and this team will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Yin Tian didn't care how many people died in the hand of God, but he would never allow the Dragon Claw team to suffer casualties.

Therefore, even if the task cannot be completed, Yin Tian must take action to kill the devil.

What's more, he has his own plan now. The devil's sonic attack is a quantitative change into a qualitative change. Anyone can withstand a devil's sonic attack. Therefore, as long as Yin Tian kills most of the demons, after only a few dozen demons are left, their sonic attacks are irrelevant.

"The sun breaks through the sky!"


The flames exploded again, and at least twenty demons died under Yin Tian's hands.

These demons with a strength of only Grade B at most are nothing to Yin Tian, ​​he can kill them with any shot.

In addition, Yin Tian is now using cosmic energy magnification moves at all costs in pursuit of killing speed, and the killing efficiency is simply amazing.

Each time he attacked, he would kill at least a dozen demons, and even more than 30 at a time.

In just half a minute, more than two hundred demons had taken less than 30, and Yin Tian's attack at this time finally slowed down.

Looking down, they found that everyone was shaking their heads and stood up, and it seemed that they had basically recovered from the sequelae of the sonic attack.

Especially Wilson, his mental power was already strong, and the impact he had just received was the least. He is already fine now.

It's just that Wilson was stunned by Yin Tian's amazing killing methods, and for a while he forgot to help him.

"Wilson, what are you doing in a daze! These demons are going to run away!" Yin Tian shouted.

He wanted to kill the devil easily, but he wanted to keep it.

As long as the Seagod's Trident touches the devil's body, it can smash them into pieces instantly. As for mental power attacks, Yin Tian's crude attack method will directly shake the devil into a mass of flesh.

Therefore, in order to catch the devil intact, Wilson has to act.

Yin Tian speeded up to the back of the devil and started to drive them in Wilson's direction.

And Wilson also reacted now, directly turning his mental power into awls to pierce the devil's mind.

In the process of expelling the demons, Yin Tian once again killed a few, and now there are less than 20 demons alive.

Wilson Bukui is a psychic superpower. The devils fell to the ground under his attack, and the others rushed to capture them with net bags.

In the meantime, if there is a devil who hasn't fainted, everyone is unambiguous, and shoots directly. With a large amount of automatic rifle bullets piled up, the devil will be quickly killed.

In this way, everyone worked together, and after ten minutes, the battle was finally over.

"Huh, I'm exhausted!"

Wilson fart. He sat on the ground and didn't want to get up again.

The mental power attack just now directly consumed 90% of his mental power. If the battle hadn't ended, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Laura took the hand of God and gathered the captured devils together. In the end, a total of fourteen devils were caught, which is considered to have overfulfilled the Seeing piled together The devil, everyone was lying on the ground, laughing.


Today is really exciting. Although there are only 12 hours from entering the gate of **** to the present, the intensity and excitement of the battle during this period is no less than any battle that everyone has experienced. It will definitely make everyone remember for life.

Yin Tian fell to the ground, looking at the devil that had only been captured, and he was relieved.

This mission is now half completed. As long as he can safely bring these demons back to the ground, he can get an alien flying saucer.

For his own dream of getting out of the solar system, Yin Tian is bound to win the flying saucer.

Wilson stood up after a short rest and said to Yin Tian, ​​"Yin Tian, ​​thank you so much this time. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what the result will be."

"Hehe, you're welcome, we are people on the same boat now." Yin Tian said politely.

Wilson shook his head slightly and said: "You are welcome. Although I have always overestimated your strength, I never thought you would be so strong. I have seen the leaders of the three hunting groups in the top three, despite their strength. It is also very strong, but I feel that if you fight with them, they will definitely not be your opponents. Not to mention, the last attack you performed, I think is the strongest attack recognized in the world, the Pope’s light The spells are not necessarily comparable."

Yin Tian smiled, but he didn't care.

What he displays is cosmic energy, this kind of energy that hardly exists on earth, so it is naturally stronger than other energies. Whether it is the light energy of the church or the internal energy cultivated by the martial artist, the lethality is not as good as his cosmic energy.

In the vast universe, the universe can be recognized as the strongest energy.

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