Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 537: Event fermentation (1)

After returning to the capital, Wang Zhengyi and the others had not recovered from their shock.

What have they experienced just now?

Why did it take only ten minutes to cross half of the earth and return to China from the distant Columbia?

Wang Zhengyi suddenly thought of his newly bought Najia plane. Originally, he was still complacent about buying such an advanced aircraft with extremely high technological content, but compared with the alien spacecraft in Yin Tian's hands, this is simply the difference between a bicycle and a motorcycle!

Fortunately, the alien spacecraft Yin Tian cannot be used blatantly, so the newly purchased aircraft is still useful.

Yin Tian ignored the surprise of the few people, and took Li Lin's mother and daughter back to the villa, arranged a room for her, and then a few people went to the supermarket and bought a lot of baby stuff.

Milk powder, baby bottles, diapers, clothes, toys... but a few people bought everything they thought of, and in the end they couldn't fit in the trunk.

Lan Xiaodie has become the happiest one now. This girl actually likes children so much that she stayed beside Xiao Mo'er and didn't want to leave.

Yin Tian didn't bother to pay attention to Lan Xiaodie, let her do something, save the day to go out wild.

Pulling Li Lin aside, Yin Tian had a good exchange with her.

The relationship between the two is still very awkward, and there is no feeling between each other, just barely have a little goodwill.

However, the existence of Xiao Mo'er firmly tied the two of them together, and the relationship in this life was unclear.

Soothing Li Lin, Yin Tian felt lighter.

There are a lot of women, and so do children. , The next step should be considered for the future.

First of all, those enemies and potential enemies that threaten the safety of family members must be eliminated, such as the Death Hunting Group, such as Catherine who escaped from Daxizhou...

Also, Yin Tian hasn't figured out how to tell Xiao Wan and Lin Xian about Li Lin's mother and daughter.

Unlike Fang Yun, the two of Xiao Wan were not so good at talking, especially for Lin Xian. Up to now, Yin Tian's feelings were so confused.

In addition, the children must be told to the parents in the family. With the old-fashioned appearance of the second elder, after knowing the troubles of Yin Tian, ​​he must not chase him with a stick.

Shaking his head, Yin Tian decided to put aside his personal affairs first, there were more important things waiting for him to do.

The Death Hunting Group has suffered such a big loss, this matter will definitely not be left alone. Besides, the temptation of the elixir is really too great, if there is a possibility, it can cause countless people to chase it frantically!

Throughout the ages, no one can escape the arrival of death, and no one wants to live forever.

Therefore, once the elixir of life spreads, Yin Tian's entire world will definitely be turbulent.

Yin Tian didn't want people to dig out the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, because it would be a huge loss for Huaxia to dig a little and fail to protect it.

With China's strength, it is not difficult to prevent foreigners from coming to dig Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. Even those powerful hunting groups dare not act unscrupulously in China, and even Western powers such as the United States cannot point fingers at this.

Yin Tian is now afraid that if Huaxia officials learn about this matter, will they fail to adhere to the principle and tacitly accept the excavation of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum.

The temptation of the elixir is so great that countless people can give up their principles for it.

Although there is only one elixir, and only one person can eventually take it, as long as it is a medicine, it can be used for research!

What could be developed by the Qin Dynasty more than 2,200 years ago, there is no reason why the current science and technology can not be cracked!

Of course, there will be the possibility that it cannot be cracked, but after knowing this, Yin Tian is sure that everyone will subconsciously forget this possibility.

To live forever, as long as there is a little hope, some people dare to do everything to pursue it.


In the next few days, Yin Tian kept letting Lan Xiaodie observe the movements of the Death Hunting Group and whether the elixir was spread in the international community.

Half a month later, the first bad news came.

A U.S. high-tech company spent 30 billion meters of national currency to acquire the right to develop the abandoned construction site near the Mausoleum of the First Emperor Qin Shi Huang, preparing to build a world-class high-tech company.

For this kind of thing, the local government naturally likes to see it, and vigorously promotes it in the media.

These are all political achievements, the favorite things of all those in power.

Lan Xiaodie has passed the information of this technology company to Yin Tian.

As imagined, this is just a shell company, and the person behind it is the Death Hunting Group!

It seems that the Death Hunting Group did not abandon the original plan. They still plan to use a drill to drill a hole into the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and take out the elixir inside.

Yin Tian felt helpless, hesitating whether to tell the high level of the country, so that they could prepare in advance.

But the elixir of life was too vague, and he might not believe it when he said it.

In the end, Yin Tian chose a more commissioned method, that is, to find a middleman to try to pass the message up.

And this candidate, Yin Tian already has, that is Xiao Wan's father, Xiao Jingtian, this rising star in China's political arena!

Xiao Jingtian didn't expect that Yin Tian would take the initiative to ask him, but he knew that his so-called son-in-law was very unwelcome to him.

In a coffee shop, Xiao Jingtian looked very happy at Yin Tian who came by.

In any case, Xiao Jingtian was able to get his current position after Yin Tian's Dongfeng, and in the future, this Dongfeng will continue to borrow.

As long as Yin Tian was behind Xiao Jingtian, no one would dare to use Xiao Jingtian's ugly tactics in the Chinese political arena, because no one would dare to provoke an innate master.

If Yin Tian's strength is enough to rank among China's top masters, if he wants to kill someone, he can't avoid it anyway.

"Yin Tian, ​​it's been a long time since I saw you, why did you think of looking for me?" Xiao Jingtian said enthusiastically, and the disdain from the previous meeting is simply not the same.

Yin Tian didn't care about his enthusiasm. He was used to two official words and two faces when he was an official.

Moreover, Xiao Jingtian did a lot of things behind his name, but because of Xiao Wan’s face, Yin Tian couldn’t say much, so he just opened one eye and closed one I'm looking for You do have something, and it's a big one. "Yin Tian said.

"Oh? What's the big deal?" Xiao Jingtian was taken aback, then surprised.

With Yin Tian's strength, if he said it was a major event, it would definitely not be easy.

Yin Tian took a sip of coffee and asked, "Do you know anything about the American company Motorian?"

Xiao Jingtian nodded. He is in charge of national environmental protection. He naturally knows the investment projects of high-tech companies like Motorian.

"I know, they spent 30 billion to invest in a high-tech company in China. This incident has even shocked the above. Several bigwigs take this seriously and want to take the opportunity to learn the high-tech technology of the United States. But there is one thing. That is, the location they chose is very strange. With so many good places in China, they actually chose Se'an City, which has a low-tech atmosphere. In fact, they hope they will build the company in Anxiong New District." Xiao Jingtian explained.

Yin Tian sighed after hearing Xiao Jingtian's explanation.

The spirit of the Death Hunting Group is really great. For the elixir of life, they dare to use 30 billion meters of national currency to paralyze China. This is really big.

Seeing Yin Tian sigh, Xiao Jingtian instinctively felt something was wrong. He can achieve this position, and his political sense is naturally not bad.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with this?" Xiao Jingtian asked.

Yin Tian nodded and said, "Of course it's not right. Motorian Company is just a cover. Their real goal is the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang!"


Xiao Jingtian stood up in shock.

The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang is a taboo!

Ever since that person said that he would not excavate the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, throughout the history of the China Republic, no one in power has dared to risk the world's disgrace to mention this matter.

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