Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 552: The Resurrected Terracotta Warriors (2)

Terracotta Warriors and Horses are a category of ancient tomb sculptures.

In ancient times, the death of people was practiced. Slaves were the attachments of the slave owner during his lifetime. After the death of the slave owner, the slave was to be buried as a burial object for the slave owner.

The terracotta warriors and horses are made into burial objects in the shape of terracotta horses (chariots, war horses, soldiers).

The terracotta warriors and horses of the Qin Dynasty are distinguished from their identities. They are mainly divided into two categories: soldiers and military officials. There are also low-level, intermediate and high-level military officials.

General soldiers do not wear crowns, while military officials wear crowns. The crowns of ordinary military officials are not the same as those of generals, and even armors are different. The terracotta warriors include infantry, cavalry, and chariots. According to actual combat needs, warriors of different arms have different equipment.

Among them, the most numerous are the warrior figurines. Most of them hold bronze weapons, including bows, crossbows, arrowheads, berylliums, spears, Ge, Pan, swords, scimitars and yues. They wear fine armor with colored lines on their chests. Wrap the ears. There are more military officials wearing long crowns than generals.

Moreover, the Terracotta Warriors’ faces, figures, expressions, eyebrows, eyes and ages are different.

Yin Tian led the team with dragon claws and launched a sprint towards the front representative of the terracotta warriors.

A team of infantry warriors holding their spears, after spotting Yin Tian and the others, they rushed over.


Yin Tian took the lead and charged up with the Seagod Trident.

The strength of these resurrected terracotta warriors and horses is extraordinary, already very close to the strength of B-level, plus they have no pain, do not know tired, even ordinary B-level masters will be very difficult to deal with.

Yin Tian's mind was very cold. He leaped vigorously, and the Seagod's trident swept away, and the heads of the two terracotta warriors were suddenly separated.

The terracotta warriors who lost their heads immediately fell to the ground with the impetus that the forward body immediately lost.

The other members of the Dragon Claw Team also fought hard, seeing the terracotta warriors slashed by the sword.

At this time, no one recalls that the terracotta warriors and horses are national cultural relics. If you can't bear to be cruel at this time, then these terracotta warriors will not be polite to you.

Bang bang bang...

With the arrow of Yin Tian, ​​the Dragon Claw Squad moved forward at a fast speed, and soon pierced this group of terracotta warriors and continued to rush forward.

In contrast, those Chinese ancient martial arts masters who had planned to stand in front of the mountain wall and watch jokes were not so lucky.

There were countless terracotta warriors and horses chasing them just now. Except for a few following Yin Tian and the others, all the others rushed towards them.

Moreover, these terracotta warriors are not the most common terracotta warriors, but there are still many cavalry warriors and chariot warriors.

The strength of these two types of terracotta warriors and horses is much higher than that of ordinary terracotta warriors, and even Guwu masters of the dark power level may not be able to easily defeat them.

What's more, the number of terracotta warriors and horses still occupies a huge advantage.

Among the masters of the ancient martial arts sect, a bald-headed monk wearing a cassock is obviously the leader, and everyone else seems to be dominated by him.

"Master Wuxiang, you quickly think of a way, what should we do?" Someone asked the bald monk.

This bald monk is the Shaolin Temple's eminent monk Wuxiang master, an innate-level eminent monk. Shaolin's 72 stunts are in his hands. It is absolutely inexistent in the ancient Chinese martial arts sect and has high prestige.

"Ami TOEFL."

Master Wuxiang put his hands together, solemnly chanted the Buddha's name, and said: "Everyone, it is a blessing, not a curse, or a curse that cannot be avoided. We just calculated that others are wrong, and now I am afraid it is our disaster. The poor monk thinks, right now Everyone's only side station has changed."

Everyone was anxious after hearing this. This old bald donkey said that it is not the same as nothing. Everyone knows that if you don't run, you will have a battle, but don't you want to ask if there is a better way?

"Master Wuxiang, is there no better way?" someone asked unwillingly.

If there are so many terracotta warriors and horses, at least half of the Guwumen sect will die here.


Master Wuxiang once again declared the Buddha's name, which means that he has no good solutions.

"Master Wuxiang, why do you want to run in the direction of those people? They seem to be a few treasure hunters in China. Although they are good, they are not the opponents of so many terracotta warriors?" Someone asked.

Master Wuxiang opened his eyes and explained: "The poor monk hasn't missed it in this life. The benefactor who took the lead just now is a rich and noble appearance. Looking at it, I will definitely live a long life, so it is impossible. Fallen here. If we can follow him, maybe we will survive the catastrophe in front of us."

A group of ancient martial arts masters saw the Wuxiang master speak truthfully. Although they don’t know if it is true or false, in a desperate environment, people subconsciously believe in those things that bring them hope. Therefore, most people are Unanimously, I believed in Master Wuxiang.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's chase after him!"

"Yes, Master Wuxiang, you can quickly take us over."

"Hurry up, it will be too late if you don't leave."



Seeing that there is no army to kill in front of you, there may be more hope if you walk for a while. If you are still standing here, it will be too late to be surrounded by the terracotta army for a while.

Master Wuxiang sighed. He had already figured out that entering the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang this time was a big culprit, but the world was too greedy. He had lost his sanity for the elixir of life. Then the abbot of Shaolin Temple Master Wuwen and Huaxia official It became an unknown agreement, which allowed him to enter here with a group of ancient martial arts masters looking for the elixir.

"It's nothing more, everyone has his own life, and it's up to everyone's own good fortune to" Master Wuxiang sighed in his heart.

However, as the leader of the team, Master Wuxiang still had to try his best to bring out the masters of the Guwu School.

"Then you can fight with the poor monks, Amitabha!"

After saying this, Master Wuxiang glowed with golden light on his body. This was exactly how the iron cloth shirt in Shaolin's 72 stunts had practiced to the peak.


Master Wuxiang took the lead and rushed towards the north, while other ancient martial arts masters followed closely, no one dared to fall behind.

At this time, as long as anyone leaves the large army, they will be immediately submerged by the countless terracotta warriors and horses, and there will be no place to die!

Bang bang bang...

Whenever Master Wuxiang encounters the terracotta warriors and horses, they are all crushed by him. During this period, all kinds of Shaolin stunts have been used by Master Wuxiang. No matter how powerful the terracotta warriors and horses are, there is no enemy of him.

The Guwumen sect masters who followed behind had a relatively small pressure. In addition, there were many internal power masters, so there was not much pressure for a while.

But over time, the situation became worse.

Fundamentally speaking, the method chosen by Master Wuxiang is no different from Yin Tian's method just now, and Master Wuxiang also thinks so. He felt that since Yin Tian can succeed, he must have no problem.

In terms of cultivation base and combat effectiveness, Master Wuxiang felt that he would not be weaker than Yin Tian just now.

In fact, Master Wuxiang’s combat power is really not much worse than Yin Tian, ​​who does not apply cosmic energy, but Master Wuxiang has forgotten one thing, that is speed!

The speed of Master Wuxiang's killing was not much slower than Yin Tian, ​​which also caused more and more soldiers and horse servants to surround themselves, and the speed of advancement became slower and slower.

With such a vicious circle, seeing them are about to be surrounded and unable to move on!

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