Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 558: Increased gravity

Hearing what Yin Tian said, everyone knew what was going on.

No wonder it feels that the body has become heavy, and the soil on the top of the head will fall down. It turns out that all this is the reason for the increase in gravity.

"Brother Tian, ​​what shall we do?" Zhou Hongyu said eagerly.

Others also looked anxious. The increase in gravity is a terrible thing.

Not to mention that an increase in gravity to a certain level will cause the underground palace to collapse, burying everyone in it. The gravity that the human body can bear is also limited. Once the gravity increases to a certain level, the human body will not be able to bear it and collapse.

In the Dragon Claw Squad, the three of Hu Hai with the worst strength will collapse at most 5 times the gravity, and can no longer move at 4 times the gravity.

But now, everyone feels like their body is carrying a weight of three or four hundred kilograms, which shows that gravity has tripled, and everyone is equivalent to carrying two of their own weight.

At this time, not only Dragon Claw Squad, but other people also discovered the problem.

Moreover, they are worse than Dragonclaw Team.

Because the worst in Dragon Claw Squad is also a B-level master, and there are C-level masters in other forces.

Now that the gravity has tripled, those C-level masters have been crushed on the ground, making it very difficult to even move.

The rocks and soil above are still falling down. The power of the stone falling at an altitude of 50 meters is already very powerful, and the kinetic energy it carries is no lower than a pistol bullet. Everyone with restricted movement can't be dodged from time to time and appears. No small casualties.

Misfortunes never come singly. At this moment, the terracotta warriors and horses who have been late have arrived, raising their weapons and rushing towards everyone.

The strength of these terracotta warriors and horses is still not very strong, barely regarded as B-level, but unfortunately, these terracotta warriors and horses do not seem to be affected by the triple gravity!

"I finally figured it out! What a genius!" Yin Tian exclaimed.

He had never wanted to understand why these terracotta warriors and horses came so slowly. He thought it was the designer of the mechanism who made a mistake, but now it seems that the other party has not made a mistake, but is very clever.

That person calculated all this!

He knows that the strength of those who have the strength to enter here must be very high-definition, which is no longer what the terracotta warriors can deal with, so even if these terracotta warriors rush over, it will not have much effect.

Therefore, in this case, the designer of the agency thought of a new method, which is to combine the gravity circle with the terracotta warriors and horses here, and use some magical method to keep the terracotta warriors from the gravity circle. Under the combination of the two, the power displayed is definitely one plus one greater than two!

"Yin Tian, ​​what are you talking about? What should we do now?" Wang Zheng said anxiously.

Yin Tian returned to his senses, thought for a moment, and said, "Oh, it's okay. Don't worry. Gravity has stabilized at three times. The influence among us is not too great except for the three of us, Hu Hai. Just keep up with our speed."

"Okay, Captain!" Hu Hai and the three replied.

Yin Tian nodded when he heard the words, and picked up the Poseidon Trident to deal with the rushing terracotta warriors.

With Yin Tian's strength, three times the gravity does not affect it too much, except for the difficulty of flying, the basic movement has not received much influence.

So now he is sure to protect the others in Dragonclaw Team.

Although there is no problem with Dragon Claw Team, the other three forces are in trouble.

Among the three major hunting groups, the faces of the three Venards have turned dark. Among them, B-level masters accounted for more than half of them, and B-level masters are already very difficult to act at this moment, and there is no way to fight back against so many terracotta warriors and horses below.

Although the three Venards are all S-level masters, they simply have no ability to protect so many people.

As for the C-level masters in the team, they had long since given up. At this time, no one has the ability to carry a person who can't move at all. What's more frightening is that this person who can't move has more than doubled his weight.

On the side of the ancient martial arts school, the Wuxiang master put his hands together and kept reciting Buddhist scriptures.

He knew that the Guwumen faction was miserable this time, and there were six or seven people in the team who were leaders of the young generation of various martial arts.

The Guwumen School has been arrogant for so many years, so it doesn't put others in the eyes, especially the Western masters.

Moreover, the Guwumen sect has a habit of doing things, that is, the elders in the sect like to take one or several younger generations with them when they go out to do things. It is called ‘experience’.

"Master Wuxiang, I can't move, what should I do now? You have to think of a way!" said a senior man of the ancient martial arts school.

Several other young people were also shouting vigorously. Their faces were as pale as paper when they were crushed on the ground. The terracotta warriors are coming. If they still can't move, they can only wait to die.

Facing these people's questions, Master Wuxiang shook his head: "Amitabha."

Although Master Wuxiang is an S-level master, he is not a god, and he has no ability to save so many people.

"Dear donors, if you have spare capacity, then help these young people. If not, then..."

Master Wuxiang didn't say anything, but everyone knew what he meant.

For a time, everyone looked sad.

A few masters of internal strength can barely resist the sudden increase in gravity, but if they are allowed to take another person, it will be equivalent to six times the gravity, which is simply difficult to move.

The dark masters are already very difficult to act, the speed has been slowed to half of the original speed, they are unable to protect themselves, and it is impossible to help others.

As for the so-called ‘young heroes’ who are bright, hehe, now I can only pray to God.

The faces of Guoan and Jiuju are also ugly. Their situation is the worst because there is no S-level master among them.

The senior officials of Huaxia didn't know how they thought, and they didn't send a top expert over. Even if they reached some agreement with the Guwumen faction, they couldn't deal with these foreign experts just by relying on this Wuxiang master alone!

Regardless of the mood of the crowd, the terracotta army still came over.

This time the battle, after all, was even worse than those before.

The front door was locked tightly, and the thick mercury fog blocked the road behind, coupled with the raging gravity formation underfoot, there was really no way to go to the sky and no way to the ground.

In despair, everyone slammed.

This time, without killing all the terracotta warriors and horses, there will be no way to survive!


There was a loud roar, but the people who were still able to move raised their weapons to greet the terracotta warriors who had come.

Bang bang bang... bang bang bang...

Suddenly, flesh and blood flew violently, and the light of the sword raged, and a large number of B-level masters died under the spears of the terracotta warriors and horses, and the terracotta warriors were quickly beheaded by the masters of the human side.

Especially the five S-level masters, no one has hidden their strength at this time, and they frequently use big moves, all of which are range attacks. Within ten meters of them, they have become a vacuum zone.

Time is running out. The faster and more they behead the terracotta warriors and horses, the greater the hope for their people to survive.

Furthermore, due to the increase in gravity, the physical strength and energy consumption of everyone is much faster than before. If the battle lasts for too long, they simply cannot hold on.

Bang bang bang... bang bang bang...

"Shaolin Tornado Palm!"

"The sun bursts!"

"Frost Arrow!"

"The Hand of Thunder!"

"Moon God Trial!"





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