Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 565: The appearance of a meteorite (1)

When Yin Tian passed through the bronze gate, he was completely shocked.

He had imagined the place where Qin Shihuang was buried was very magnificent, but when he saw it, he realized that what he had thought was too simple.

In any case, Yin Tian did not expect that there was another spatial formation in the main hall of the underground palace!

There is another space formation inside the space formation. This kind of thing is too incredible to say that no one believes it.

Looking around, this hall is huge and magnificent like a world.

On the dark dome, there are shining stars, and on the ground are tall stone pillars erected one after another. On the stone pillars stand rows of terracotta soldiers, which are connected to each other by suspension bridges.

Only in the mid-air, there are still bronze chariots with terracotta horses walking in the volley. Above the chariots are terracotta soldiers wearing golden armor and holding spears.

At the most central position, there is a huge boulder platform with a diameter of 100 meters. A fiery red meteorite with a diameter of two meters is suspended in the flat center. The meteorite emits a halo. The light source in the entire space comes from this.

Below the fiery red meteorite, a huge black coffin is located in the place. The coffin is surrounded by gold and silver jewels, and hundreds of white skeletons.

"Have you finally come here..." Yin Tian muttered to himself.

If Yin Tian didn't guess wrong, the flaming red stone floating in the center is the legendary meteorite. As for why there are so many terracotta warriors and horses floating around, it must be because the meteorite has changed the gravity here!

Although he had not yet approached the Tianxing meteorite, Yin Tian did not feel that the gravity was getting smaller.

At the moment, the gravity at Yin Tian's feet was only one-third of the original gravity, and near the location of the Tianxing meteorite, gravity might have completely disappeared.

The other members of Dragon Claw Team also got in soon.

After they came in, they saw everything here, and their performance was much worse than Yin Tian.

"Oh my god, where is this?"

"It's really hard to imagine. I thought this underground palace was already a miracle on earth."

"Yeah, this place is just like another world..."

Yin Tian ignored the surprise of the people. He looked into the distance, trying to find where the people who came before them had gone.

The light in this space is still good, and Yin Tian's eyesight naturally goes without saying. After a round, he has found the position of other people.

Master Wuxiang and Venard were able to fly, and they had come to the vicinity of the Tianxing meteorite, but their situation was obviously not very good. A group of terracotta warriors and horses had surrounded them, and the two sides fought very fiercely in the air.

The Guwumen, Guoan and Jiuju people are walking along the suspension bridge between the stone pillars and struggling towards the huge stone platform in the center.

"Yin Tian, ​​are we going there too?" Wang Zhengyi asked.

Yin Tian nodded: "Well, let's go there too, but let's not put the target in the center. The target there is too obvious, and it must be the first target of attack that does not exist.

Moreover, the gravity here is very small, which is not conducive to our battle. Everyone should become familiar with the battle under weightlessness as soon as possible. "

Weightlessness has little effect on Yin Tian, ​​because he can fly, and various aerial skills are already familiar, but the other members of the Dragon Claw team are different. After weightlessness, they cannot control their movements at all, and in battle Once you can't control your actions, you can basically declare GAME and OVER.

After giving everyone some time to digest, Yin Tian continued: "I mean, next we will put our goal on the tallest stone pillar, which is the highest place, where we can clearly see the central stone platform. everything of."

After hearing this, everyone nodded, naturally they would not have any objections to Yin Tian's words.

So, under the leadership of Yin Tian, ​​the Dragon Claw Team began to move towards that stone pillar.

Because of the weightlessness, everyone has a spring installed on their feet, so they can easily jump to more than 20 meters each time they jump. When entering a kangaroo, they usually jump forward.

But before that, Master Wuxiang and Wiener came here almost back and forth.

Although they were shocked by the grandeur here, they did not waste their time in a daze.

The so-called meeting of enemies is extremely jealous.

When the three Venards saw the first glance of Master Wuxiang, their eyes immediately became blood red!

This old monk is not dead!

This old monk killed all the masters of the three major hunting groups, making the three of them completely polished commanders.

This great hatred made them want to give the Wuxiang Master to the living widow now!

"Old stuff, die to me!"


"My mother wants to poke your skin!"

Venard, Adams and Ava used their unique tricks as soon as they came up, wishing to kill Master Wuxiang with one blow!

Of course, Master Wuxiang is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he will not stand still and let the three attack.

"Amitabha, golden bell jar!"

Master Wuxiang immediately used the strongest defensive method, and then slammed his feet, and the whole person flew out like an arrow from the string!


Although the attacks of the three Venards hit Master Wuxiang, they did not break the defense of Master Wuxiang at all!

The combination of the golden bell of Shaolin Temple and the iron cloth shirt is definitely one of the strongest defenses in the world.

Needless to say, the strength of Master Wuxiang naturally, coupled with the weightlessness of the distance, let Master Wuxiang fly directly above the dome with a leap!

The three Venards naturally followed to kill them. They were also S-rank in strength, and their speed was not much slower than that of Master Wuxiang.

Therefore, the three of them soon caught up with Master Wuxiang, and then cooperated with each other in the air to chase Master Wuxiang and fight to the death.

Although Master Wuxiang is strong in defense, if it is said that the real strength is naturally inferior to the three, and the defense method of the golden bell also consumes very fast internal energy. If this continues, Master Wuxiang will sooner or later Will deplete internal energy.

Master Wuxiang naturally wouldn't have been stupidly defensive, and quickly thought of a counterattack with his wisdom.

In mid-air, there are many bronze chariots floating back and forth. The terracotta warriors and horses with golden helmets and golden armors on the chariots are definitely not ordinary in strength. This can be seen by their pull-out appearance.

As a result, Master Wuxiang directly misled the water and led the three Venards to fight next to a terracotta warrior.

The strong energy fluctuations touched the terracotta warriors and horses, and the golden terracotta warriors on the bronze chariot would naturally not be stupid not to respond.

As the last organ guarding the underground palace of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, the golden armored terracotta warriors and horses can trigger their attacks in two ways.

The first is that someone stepped onto the central stone platform, and as long as someone wanted to get close to the coffin of Qin the golden armored terracotta warriors would be set off immediately, and the invaders would immediately launch an attack.

As for the other method, if an attack directly touches these golden armored terracotta warriors, they will be activated immediately.

Although both methods can activate the terracotta warriors and horses, the former method activates all the terracotta warriors and horses with golden armor, while the latter method is relatively safer. Only the terracotta warriors that are touched will be activated and will not cause a chain reaction. .

Right now, the three of Master Wuxiang and Venard activated the golden armored terracotta warriors on a chariot, only four.

The strength of the Golden Armored Terracotta Warriors is about the strength of the A-level peak, but the golden armor on them is so strong that even an S-level master cannot easily break it.

So the current battle is in a stalemate.

It was not too difficult for the three of Venards to deal with the three golden armored terracotta warriors, and they could also spare time to attack Master Wuxiang a few times from time to time.

But how could this kind of situation happen to Master Wuxiang, who could calculate that the three major hunting groups were almost annihilated, how could they not be able to cope with this crisis.


Master Wuxiang proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then continued to play a group of internal energy with both palms. These internal energy did not attack the Venard trio, nor the golden terracotta warriors, but attacked the bronze chariots wandering in the air!

Boom, boom, boom...

Bronze chariots were hit by Master Wuxiang, and in a blink of an eye there were as many as 20 terracotta warriors with golden armor besieging the three.

"Old monk! You are so mean!"

"Damn bastard, are you trying to die together!"

"You demon, wait to go to **** if you die!"

The three Venards were scolded, but at the moment they were already at a disadvantage when dealing with the Golden Armored Terracotta Warriors, and they could no longer go out to deal with Wuxiang Master.

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