Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 585: Wilson's visit

   In the next few days, Yin Tian returned to his leisurely days again.

   The other members of the Dragon Claw Team are more or less wounded, and it will take some time for them to fully recover.

   And Yin Tian asked Lan Xiaodie to look at the news on the Internet, and found that there weren’t any major tasks to do in the world recently, so he started salting fish at home.

  On this day, an unexpected person came to Yin Tian's house.

   Wilson looked at Yin Tian with extremely complicated eyes. He had something important to confirm to Yin Tian this time.

   The main force of the three major hunting groups have all come to China, but so far, no one has returned alive, which surprised the major powers in Europe.

   No one knows the strength of the three major hunting groups better than those in Europe, but now it is only a trip to China, but they have all heard nothing from them, and none of them came back.

In the end what happened?

   Is the truth really as Huaxia official said, Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum is full of crises, and all those who entered it in violation of China’s laws died in it?

   "Come in, old friend, why did you come here to find me?" Yin Tian asked.

Wilson looked at Yin Tian with a wry smile, and said, "Man, with your ingenuity, you must have guessed what I'm here for? Then I won't be ambiguous. Can you tell me how the people of the three big hunting groups are. Yet?"

   Yin Tian smiled, then shrugged, and said to Wilson with a non-smiling smile: "Old friend, congratulations, your dream has come true."

   "Uh, what do you mean?" Wilson was puzzled.

   Yin Tian patted Wilson on the shoulder and said, "Didn't you dream of developing the hand of God into the world's number one hunting group? Congratulations now, your goal has been achieved."

   Wilson is not stupid. After hearing Yin Tian's words, she instantly understood what was going on.

  The Hand of God is ranked fourth in the world, but Yin Tian said that his dream has come true, that is, the Hand of God is already number one in the world.

   And want this to happen, unless the three big hunting groups are completely wiped out!

   Wilson's body trembles badly at this moment. Although he has confirmed his conjecture, he still can't believe it.

   That's the three big hunting groups!

   There are four s-level masters, and China has brought hundreds of A-level and B-level masters to China. If they want to come to the famous Qin Shihuang Mausoleum, they should not be able to stop them.

   But who would have thought that such a powerful force that could destroy a small country was folded in the tomb of an ancient Chinese emperor.

   "Oh my god, it's incredible, let me take a moment, my mind is all gone."

   Wilson kept rubbing his hair with his hands. The neat hairstyle had been scratched into a bird's nest, but he still didn't stop.

   This excitement is too great for him.

   The three major hunting groups joined forces, and a hegemonic country like the United States did not dare to fight against them, but who would have thought of a Chinese emperor’s tomb that would have caused all the three hunting groups to fall here.

   Wilson lay on the sofa, staring blankly at the chandelier on the ceiling.

   She wanted to develop the hand of God into the world's No. 1 hunting group's dream, is it so simple to achieve?

   After receiving a glass of water from Yin Tian, ​​Wilson dried up his mouth, and finally recovered his sobriety.

   "My dear buddy, can you tell me what happened? I know you entered the tomb too." Wilson asked.

   Yin Tian nodded. Although he can't tell Wilson about the specific things, he can still tell him some general situations.

   "Yes, it's like this. The three big hunting groups, and some forces from China, entered the underground palace of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin together..."

   Ten minutes later, Yin Tian roughly said the matter again, and at this moment Wilson was stunned again.

   As the leader of the world's fourth-ranked hunting group, Wilson's knowledge naturally goes without saying. After so many years of career as a treasure hunter, he has entered countless dangerous places, but he has never encountered a place as dangerous as Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

   Thousands of A-level masters’ siege, coupled with the resurrection of Qin Shihuang, who is far beyond the S-level strength, this level of strength configuration is simply not something that any force on the earth can stop.

   He is very thankful now that Yin Tian prevented him from entering it.

  If the Hand of God also went in with the three big hunting groups, then Wilson might have gone to see God now.

   Thinking of this, Wilson became more and more grateful to Yin Tian. This is a life-saving grace. Yin Tian not only saved the man from God's hand, but also saved his life.

   Wilson stepped forward, gave Yin Tian a warm hug, and said, "Thank you, my dear buddy, you saved everyone's lives by the hand of God."

   Yin Tian shook his head politely: "Wilson, you don't have to be like this. It was your own choice that saved you and your team. I didn't do anything."

"No! Your kindness to me Wilson and God will never be erased! Okay, let's not talk about it, I have to tell you that I came to you this time, mainly to send a message." Wilson Said easily.

   Such a great kindness, you don't need to always talk about it. Wilson has already remembered this in his heart. In the future, whenever Yin Tian needs help, God's hand will help Yin Tian unconditionally.

   "Oh, who would use you Wilson to help him spread the word? This is really great!" Yitian asked with interest.

   Wilson's strength has half-footed into the S rank, and the strength of those who can support him to spread the word must be S rank.

   And there are only a few S-level masters in the Western world, and Yin Tian already has some guesses in his heart.

   Wilson smiled at Yin Tian and said, "Man, you surely can't guess who is the one who came to me to spread the word. Haha, I still don't want to tell you the truth, just tell you! Do you know the Big Four in the West?"

   Yin Tian nodded, he naturally knew the four powerhouses in the West.

  The first place is naturally Pope Mario Berglio, who is also an s-level master in the West. Needless to say, the strength of the Holy See is world-renowned, and the attack power is unparalleled in the world.

   As for the second place is the old rival of the Pope, Yaqi Mocha, the chairman of the Dark Council.

  As an ancient organization that can compete directly with the Holy See for hundreds of years, the Dark Council is undoubtedly powerful, with vampires, werewolves, dark wizards, dark wizards and other masters joining the Dark Council, no power dare to underestimate it.

The president of the Dark Council is generally selected from these three forces. Although not as fixed as the Pope’s inheritance, the president of the Dark Council has never been because every council that becomes the Dark Council The first requirement of long-term people is to be able to stay in the face of the Pope.

As for the third strongest, that is the long-lost blood prince Ogula. The blood is sleepy, and the stronger the blood is, the more sleepy, so no one has seen the blood prince for hundreds of years. Is he still alive? no one knows.

  The fourth-ranked strong man is a lone dark mage, nicknamed ghost, no one knows the specific name. Although practising dark magic, this dark mage is not a wicked villain. On the contrary, he is very helpful. Even Pope Root has good friendship.

These four people are recognized as the Big Four in Western countries. Many people were dissatisfied with their names and wanted to challenge them, but without exception, all of them were defeated, and many people even gave their lives for it. cost.

   Wilson was relieved to see that Yin Tian knew the existence of the four powerhouses in the West.

  Since Yin Tian knew about it, things were much easier to handle. He was really afraid that Yin Tian didn't know the so-called four powerhouses in the West and would not give the right side.

   "Man, you know the best. What I want to tell you is that this time I received the order of the four masters to pass the message." Wilson said helplessly.

   "Oh, are there four of them?"

   Yin Tian's face showed doubts for the first time. He didn't expect that there were four people who wanted to see himself.

   Wilson nodded: "Yes, it's four people. They asked you to meet in the Vatican, and they said that there is a major issue that concerns all mankind to discuss with you."

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