Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 59: 1 million bottles!

   "Huh, I really didn't think that the ancient Loulan country, which was at its peak, disappeared like this. No wonder Huaxia did not understand it after decades of research. I am afraid that no one believes this reason."

   Yin Tian thought of the Lop Nur Mirror Man incident again, just like a real person, and they didn't even know that they were copied.

   From 630 AD to 1960, it happened to be 1330, which is generally the same as the time recorded by the Saint Loulan!

   At this moment, the mystery of the disappearance of the ancient Loulan country and the incident of the mirror man in Lop Nur are all solved. The only thing that I can't think of is the Pisces jade pendant, which is why the time and space treasure will once again return to the altar of the ancient Loulan country.

   But Yin Tian is not going to waste his brain cells anymore, even the incredible things like Time Baoyu and Space Baoyu have appeared. There is nothing in the world that is impossible.

boom! boom! boom……

   Suddenly there was a heavy slamming sound above his head, and the bricks and stones kept falling, and Yin Tian hurriedly hid away. He knew that this was Wang Zhengyi and others who were saving him out.

   Wang Zhengyi didn't let Yin Tianduo wait. After half an hour, a ray of light shone from above.

   "Yin Tian, ​​are you down there?" Lin Xian said anxiously.

   "I'm fine, don't worry." Yin Tian quickly replied.

   After a few minutes, the hole was already the size of a person, and a rope was hanging from the top.

   "Yin Tian, ​​come up quickly!" Wang Zheng said loudly.


   Yin Tian grabbed the rope and quickly climbed out.

   "Your kid is really scary, what's the place down there?" Wang Zhengyi asked.

   "That beautiful girl's boudoir."

  Wang Zhengyi was a little puzzled: "Which beauty?"

   "Hey, it's her... Damn, how could this be?!"

   Yin Tian jumped up in fright. The beauty he was talking about was naturally the glamorous corpse, that is, the body of the Yan Saintess.

   But the corpse was originally intact, and it turned out to be rotten at this moment. The skin of the corpse became black and ragged, and its bones were exposed, and it looked extremely sick!

   This is just under an hour, and this corpse seems to have gone through a thousand years!

   "She became like this when you went down, and we don't know why..." Lin Xian explained in a low voice.

   Yin Tian was taken aback for a while, and suddenly thought of the space treasure that he had taken away.

Perhaps it was the power of the Space Treasure that allowed the body of the Yan Shengyu to escape the decay of time, so that it maintained its state of death. After taking the Space Treasure, the power of time once again acted on her, and the body naturally Became rotten.

   "Hey, folks from China, I don't think there is much to study about this broken corpse. We should consider how to get out now. The monsters outside have no intention of leaving." Henry dissatisfied.

   No one answered his words, if there is a way, the ghost is willing to stay in this place.

   The roar of the Loulan Gulizard from time to time outside the gate, which made everyone more irritable.

   Yin Tian found his backpack and took out a few bottles of water to distribute to everyone. He still has at least 15 bottles of water now, so it shouldn't be a problem for two or three days.

At this time, Henry and the others beamed their eyes, and their throats were swallowing unconsciously. They didn’t know where the food they brought was lost, so after seeing Yin Tian drinking water, they felt their throats. It was so dry, and the feeling of thirst was magnified several times.

   "Well, Brother Huaxia, can you give us some water?" Henry asked embarrassedly

   Yin Tian is not a bad guy, he turned his head and cast a glance at Henry, and said, "No!"


   Henry did not expect Yin Tian to refuse so simply, he said unwillingly, "Man, I can give you money."

   "I am not short of money."

   Yin Tian is naturally not too stupid to get water to pay back the money. Water is the most important thing here. If you can't survive, what is the use of money.

   "Damn it, Huaxia, don't think I am afraid of you, I will fight with you if I am anxious!" Henry roared.

   They will die without water. If this is the case, it is better to fight for it. There may be hope of survival.

   Three foreigners stood behind Henry when they saw Henry, and they were all ready to do it.

  Wang Zheng and a few people naturally wouldn't let Yin Tian face it alone, so they also stood up.

   "Foreign devils, if I want to fight, I am afraid of you!" The young and energetic Zhou Hongyu shouted, and he would take the lead if he didn't agree with him.

   Wang Zhengyi also said: "Henry, don't go too far, you are not our opponent."

   Henry has only one true genetic warrior on his side. Although the other three are also good, Wang Zhengyi still doesn't take it seriously, not to mention that there is a master of internal strength like Yin Tian on his side.

"Hey, do you really think we're going to eat us?" Henry sneered and took out a tube of green potion, and said gloomily: "You should know what this is, I am not afraid of you with it, and they also have it. After using this, Their strength will not be worse than me now."

   As expected, the three people behind Henry took out a tube of green potion.

   Wang Zheng's expression turned gloomy, he naturally knew this stuff, the latest model of violent medicine in the United States, and it was the most advanced one. If the opponent is really working hard with this, they really may not be able to win.

   Yin Tian also frowned. He thought of Harvey before. That guy could only beat Wang Jianguo after using this violent potion.

   He hesitated in his heart now. If he attacked suddenly with his strength, he would be 80% sure to kill the four of Henry, but he resisted the killing from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't pay attention for a while.

   "Yin Tian, ​​what do you say?" Wang Zheng hesitated at first, it seemed that he didn't want to fight.


   "Sell it to them, we have to find a way to get out, otherwise even a few more bottles of water and it won't last a few days." Wang Zhengyi whispered.

   Yin Tian nodded when he heard the Zhengyi was right, if you can't get out, sooner or later, you will die.

   "Henry, weren't you willing to buy my water just now? How much are you willing to pay?" Yin Tian naturally wouldn't give Henry and the others the water for nothing.

   "Haha." Henry laughed happily and said: "Dear Huaxia friend, you can sell at any price as long as you are willing to sell it. I am not short of money."

   Yin Tian smiled secretly in his heart, since you are willing to be taken advantage of, don't blame me for the cruelty.

   "One million a bottle, do you want love!"

   "Oh, damn, you are a robbery!" Henry's face changed and he roared with anger.

   "By the way, I'm talking about the U.S. currency!"


   Henry was so angry that he wanted to fight Yin Tian desperately, but he could see Wang Zhengyi and the others, who were staring at him, suppressed the fire pressure again.

   He said in his heart, let this hateful Chinese person jump for a few days, and after going out, there will be a chance for revenge.

   "Bell, bring my check, **** it, we will do it for nothing this time!"

   Their remuneration for this task is only 5 million U.S. dollars, and now it costs 4 million to buy four bottles of Yin Tian water. After removing other expenses, there is really nothing left.

   Henry took the checkbook, quickly wrote it and tore it off.

   "Here you are, **** fellow!"

Yin Tian was overjoyed in his heart. He didn't expect that this guy was really willing to buy it, so he took it in a hurry. This is 5 million meters of national currency, which is equivalent to 30 million Chinese currency. Really got it right.

   "By the way, do you want compressed biscuits, this only costs 500,000 a pack!"

   It's a pity that Henry had already left with the water at this time. He really didn't want to see this nasty guy again, he was afraid that he could not help but do it!

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