Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 605: Melting Laser Cannon

It's a pity that the next thing disappointed everyone again. Only two short seconds later, all the grenades exploded at the same time, and a violent shock wave hit the hole forever, causing everyone to step back a few steps.

"Sure enough, there should be a lot of people in the Three-Eyed Protoss. Otherwise, they would not be able to detonate so many grenades at the same time in such a fast time." Yin Tian said his own judgment.

"What should I do? Don't you have to go down in person?" Xuanyuan Wudi said.

Yin Tian shook his head and said, "This is not necessarily true. I still have a killer in my hand and haven't used it. Fortunately, I brought this thing this time."

Speaking, Yin Tian took out a very large wooden box from the storage space.

This is exactly the high-energy aluminum powder solvent used by Yin Tian in the underground palace of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum last time, and it is an enhanced version of traditional thermite.

The thermite is a mixture of aluminum powder and refractory metal oxide.

Common thermite is a mixture of aluminum powder and iron trioxide powder in proportion to form a pink mixture. When it is ignited with an igniter, the reaction proceeds violently to obtain aluminum oxide and elemental iron and release a lot of heat. The temperature can reach 2500 ℃, and emit a dazzling light.

Compared with ordinary thermite agents, the high-energy aluminum powder solvent Yin Tian now uses is exchanged from the system mall. The effect is more powerful and the price is very cheap. As long as a few hundred points, it can be called a good one. Good quality and cheap.

Based on the effect of the last use, Yitian guessed that the temperature generated by this high-energy aluminum powder solvent was as high as 5000℃, and even the most powerful metal would melt. He did not believe that the laser cannon of the three-eyed gods could withstand high temperatures above 5000℃.

As for whether the high-energy aluminum powder solvent will be attacked by the three-eyed gods during the fall, Yin Tian is not worried at all.

The high-energy donkey powder solvent is very stable, even if it is hit by someone, it will only scatter and will not affect its composition and function.

Once the high-energy aluminum powder solvent disperses, no one can stop it from falling.

At that time, after the high-energy aluminum powder solvent falls on the barrel of the laser cannon, it will react with it to generate a violent high temperature. Not only can the laser cannon be added to melt, it can even melt any metal under the hole. The Three-Eyed Protoss can no longer hide inside without coming out.

Everyone looked at the big box that Yin Tian took out, and they didn't know what he meant.

Is there a nuclear bomb in this box too?

The Pope looked at the wooden box that Yin Tian took out in a puzzled manner. He rushed to it very strangely. He naturally knew that it was obviously impossible to be a nuclear bomb, because the smallest nuclear bomb was also larger than this box.

"Yin Tian, ​​what exactly is this?" the Pope asked.

Yin Tian smiled mysteriously and said, "I wonder if you have ever heard of thermite?"

Everyone, if you look at me and I look at you, they all have a face of doubt. How do they old antiques know about things about technology?

"Yin Tian, ​​you don't want to sell it, let's talk about it quickly, what exactly does this thing do?" Xuanyuan Wudi said impatiently.

Yin Tian did not answer, no matter when the facts were more convincing than words.

Yin Tian opened the wooden box, revealing the shiny silver metal powder inside.

Then Yin Tian grabbed a small amount of thermite the size of a fingernail and threw it on the ground.


A dazzling red fire suddenly appeared on the metal floor, and a wave of heat hit their faces. Everyone was surprised and couldn't help backing, but even more surprising was still behind.

The original solid metal floor is melting fast!

"Oh my God, this is incredible."

"Is there such a poisonous thing in the world?"

"I really didn't expect that this metal floor, which is as hard as a sword, would be melted by this face powder."

"Yeah, it seems we old guys are a bit too ignorant."

"Not bad, not bad, now I finally know what method Yin Tian intends to use."


Everyone who talked to you and talked to me, their faces were filled with unstoppable excitement.

At this moment, no matter how stupid they were, they knew what Yin Tian had made.

As long as this so-called thermite is sprinkled on the laser cannon below, isn't it easy to melt it away?

"Haha, it really was God who helped me wait. This time I see how those foreign races can jump." Xuanyuan Wudi walked to Yin Tian excitedly and patted his shoulder.

"Yin Tian, ​​what are you waiting for, hurry up and throw this thing down, I want to see how these alien races can still struggle."

Yin Tian nodded and walked towards the edge of the hole.

He is not as optimistic as everyone thinks. High-energy aluminum powder solvent is very powerful, but it is not omnipotent.

As long as the Three-Eyed Protoss directly fires the laser cannon at the moment when the high-energy aluminum powder solvent is dropped, the box of high-energy high-energy aluminum powder solvent will be melted directly, and it will not play a role.

So whether this time can succeed or not, we have to bet.

The bet is whether the Three-Eyed Protoss realizes the effect of the high-energy aluminum powder solvent in advance and launches laser cannons desperately.

"Everyone, stay a little behind, I'm going to start."

After Yin Tian finished speaking, he directly lifted the wooden box containing the high-energy aluminum powder solvent into the air with mental strength, and then violently applied force.


The wooden box containing the high-energy aluminum powder solvent, under the blessing of Yin Tian's mental strength, rushed under the hole like a cannonball.

At this speed, it can reach the bottom in less than half a second at most.

Yin Tian still attached a trace of mental power to the wooden box. As the box fell, the connection between him and his mental power continued to weaken, but fortunately, he already felt that the Three-Eyed Protoss had acted.

A burst of black and purple energy shot out from a corner below and directly hit the wooden box.


The wooden box shattered in response to the sound.

The high-energy aluminum powder solvent, which has no constraints, is sprinkled around like flour, and then slowly falls downward under the action of gravity, like a white cloud.

Yin Tian raised his mind at this moment. Whether he can succeed or not depends on the scene before him.

He kept praying in his heart, hoping that the Three-Eyed Protoss would not fire laser cannons.

The spilled high-energy aluminum powder solvent is getting closer and closer to the laser cannon.

50 meters, 40 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters...

Finally, the high-energy aluminum powder solvent came into contact with the laser cannon.

When the high-energy aluminum powder solvent came into contact with the sound of the laser cannon, a red flame burst into the sky.


Amid the roar, more high-energy aluminum powder solvent fell, and the entire laser cannon turned into a fiery red color, and then slowly twisted and melted like ice cubes.

Not only that, because after the high-energy aluminum powder solvent was hit by the Three-Eyed Protoss, the spilled area was very large, as much as 30 or 40 square meters, which also caused a large amount of metal floor below to melt, and even some high-energy aluminum The powder solution fell to the surrounding metal wall and melted the wall.

"Haha, it worked."

Yin Tian was overjoyed, he didn't expect the plan to succeed so easily.

It seemed that the Three-Eyed Protoss was still careless in the end, perhaps they didn't expect such a strange thing to exist.

After learning that Yin Tian said the laser cannon was melted, Xuanyuan Wudi was the first to rush towards the entrance of the cave.

However, because the high-energy aluminum powder solvent below is burning with a lot of heat and gushing up, this also prevents him from entering it temporarily.

However, perhaps human masters don't need to go in at all, because at this moment the three-eyed **** race can no longer stay below.

Xuanyuan Wudi at the forefront was the first to spot the traces of the Three-Eyed God Race.

"Big guy prepares, those alien races are coming out!"

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