Treasure hunter, sailing on the blue sea

Chapter 352 Current situation of Zehai

The fleet rowed across the water, leaving traces of water moving towards Hezehai ahead.

as they slide over it.

Some pieces of mutilated limbs were dragged into the water by something, which must have been carnivorous.


With the sound of the sea breaking open.

A three-meter-long fish with sharp teeth that could even be described as deformed jumped out of the water.


A loud roar of thunder.

A gray-blue lightning shot straight from the side.

He passed over Jason's shoulder standing beside the boat and hit the strange fish that jumped up and was about to bite Jason.

The gray-blue lightning accurately hit the strange fish, creating a huge gap. One-third of its body dissipated and quickly lost its life, falling into the sea water.

As it fell into the sea, countless strange fish of the same kind gathered around it and began to chew on its body.

Pororo strode over and looked at the situation below, the lightning lines on his body lit up.

A large amount of electric light penetrated into the sea water below.

As the lightning surges into the sea.

The smoke floated out, and pieces of strange sea fish emerged from the sea surface, and were then bitten and dragged into the water.

Looking at this scene, Alka frowned.

Some of these fish with low infection can roughly identify the previous categories, and they have eaten them before.

A large number have become completely deformed and cannot be distinguished from their former breed.

But it can be seen that these are all changed by some kind of force and are not something naturally occurring.

Julia stood on the edge of the boat and looked at the situation in the sea outside. The coins floated next to her and kept flipping.

"What's going on with these fish? Why are they like this?" Jason asked in confusion.

"They are desecrating the ocean!" Pororo was extremely angry, and the lightning lines on his body had even spread to his face, making him look extremely ferocious.

Not only him, but Matissa and Julia behind him also had uncontrollable anger.

As the corpses floated out, more and more strange fish gathered here.

The three of them began to use their respective abilities to clean up the fish below.

The Voice of Dawn has not yet reached the edge, and Alka and the others have also joined in the action of cleaning up the strange fish.

Although they all know that for such a large area of ​​​​sea, their actions are of little use.

Two church teams driving behind them.

The captain of one of the Holy Mother Church's ships watched Aka's actions.

"The shark fishman on their ship is actually a storm champion?" He turned to look at the priest next to him in confusion.

"We only know now." This priest is the contact between the Notre Dame team and Alka.

He is relatively familiar with Alka and the others.

"Champion of the Storm, you are really awesome."

said the leader.

Soon the fleet was all close to the edge of Zehai.

Alka and the others took the Feiyan and sailed out through the opening in the bow.

As they drove out, the sound of dawn slowly left in the distance.

Alka and the others waited on the swamp for the church team behind them to finish sorting things out.

Those huge steel ships leaned side by side on the edge of Zehai, followed by the roar of machinery.

Rows of openings opened side by side on the sides of all the ships.

One after another, ships built like speedboats floated out directly, with a huge floating platform like a platform towed behind him.

There are various mechanical structures and church members on the table.

The machine also roared manically in the direction of the Holy Mother Church.

"Lord Sarati."

The middle-aged man named Sarati who led the Holy Mother Church waved his hand and looked in the direction of the Holy Mechanism Church: "Humph, childish."

Then he turned to the priests and knights behind him and said, "Pull out our ship!"


Following the order, soft rays of light floated out from the ships behind them one by one, weaving into the shape of one small boat after another in the air.

Those church members behind were riding on it.

"Are they competing?" Lucilia sat on Alka's shoulder and asked doubtfully.

Alka smiled and nodded.

It makes sense, after all, they belong to two different gods, but they are still on an island, separating the two places.

While they seem harmonious, they will definitely be competing in various aspects in the dark.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

While several people were talking.

The leader of the Holy Mother Church, a middle-aged man named Arati, rowed over to Alka and the others in a light-woven boat.

Only then did Alka have time to observe the leader.

He has dull medium-long wheat-yellow hair, and there are obvious scars on his forehead and chin. Even his beard is not shaved cleanly, and he looks a bit unkempt.

He was wearing a body-shaping soft light armor with a cloak-like coat on top.

He looks like a wandering knight.

A huge sword that seemed to be 1.6 meters long was slung behind him, and there were two daggers on his calves.

In the other direction, the leader of the Holy Mechanism Church also came over on a mechanical speedboat.

This leader looks very distinctive.

He is a strong man over two meters tall, with dark skin and obvious sunburn marks.

The most conspicuous thing is the dark and shiny bald head and his left hand. The position of his left forearm has completely disappeared, replaced by a huge metal glove larger than his head.

There is an exposed mechanical structure on it, which looks extremely rough, and you can see the energy or something radiating light inside.

The upper body is exposed, and you can see dense scars, burns, and bullet holes on the upper body.

In addition, what is more conspicuous is the weapon in his right hand, a huge mechanical power hammer that is taller than anyone else.


On the way over, the two of them stood side by side and looked at each other, making disdainful sounds.

Finally, they came to Alka and his companions, the Feiyan.

After Arati came closer, he saw Alka and nodded politely to him: "Arati, a Golden Mai Knight."

Although it sounds a bit earthy, the wheat ear is an important symbol of the Virgin.

Therefore, the more elite group among the Church Knights are called Golden Mai Knights, which is like the Flower Fairy's Flower Knights. Simple and direct.

After introducing each other, they looked at the ship of the Holy Mechanism that was approaching on the other side.

To be honest, this leader does not look like a church leader who is famous for his knowledge and scholars.

Even if you say that he is a believer of the blacksmith god or the god of war, it will be easier for others to believe him.

Appearances can be deceiving.

After he came over, he first looked at Simon and nodded with a smile, then looked at Alka.

"Let me meet you, my name is Ruike. I am a structural knight of the Holy Mechanic Church."

Alka also shook hands with him and introduced himself.

The two leaders were knights, and Alka could clearly feel their strength.

It seems that starting from the fourth stage, he no longer needs glasses to assist him in distinguishing. He can rely on his naked eyes to detect the strength information of people who are not too tall than him.

Although it was very vague, Alka could probably tell what stage of strength these people were at.

For example, the strength of the two knights in front of me has reached stage 5, or even above the level of stage 5.

It is also possible to achieve perfection almost in five stages.

The specific details cannot be seen clearly. The stage of discernment and the general direction are already his limit.

“In recent years, few church members are willing to come to Zehai to explore, so our understanding of this area is still a few decades ago.

I wonder how much you know about this place now? "

Arati asked looking at Alka.

"This is what people without enterprising spirit look like." Ruike was standing next to him, sarcastically mocking Arati.

Hearing this, Arati raised his head and glanced at him, "Oh? Since you know, tell me about it?"

"This is the land of all spirits. It is an area that your church should be aware of. How do we know? We are not impolite people."

"Courtesy? If your exploration team was polite, it would be an ocean of trouble."

The two of them were just like this, taunting each other with every word they said.

Alka stood nearby, slightly embarrassed.

"You two are in a hurry right now, why don't you let me tell you what I know about the situation?"

After hearing Alka's words, the two of them shut up at the same time. It seemed that the mutual sarcasm just now disappeared, and they nodded calmly.

A map of the Land of All Souls appeared directly on Alka's hand, and he held it between the three of them with magic power.

In his eyes, there were various cursors marking information on the map.

Alka pointed to where they were now and said: "Our current location is probably in this area, and our destination is here. This is the core of the entire land of spirits, the land of fragrance where the flower fairies are. .

According to our members who stayed on the island, about 1/3 of the entire Land of Souls has fallen, and most of the main fallen areas are in the direction close to the boundary between life and death.

The boundary between life and death is here. According to the speculation from the information, we are probably on the edge of the occupied area now.

Therefore, our current situation is not very safe, and it is very likely that we will encounter enemies as we move forward. "

The two looked at the information on the map and listened to Alka's story.

Arati frowned and asked: "Is the news reliable? When was the news?"

"Reliable, last night."

"Last night?" Ruikai was a little surprised, but it was just a little surprised. Then he nodded and didn't ask too much.

Believed in the credibility of Alka's information.

After briefly knowing how much the Arkaji people knew about this place, and that their access to information was indeed much higher than theirs.

The two started asking questions directly and began to accept some of Alka's opinions.

After a brief discussion, the two returned to their respective teams. Then he started to move forward.

But now there is no need for Alka and the others to open the way, they only need to give a general direction.

The team drives forward.

The light-weaving boat of the Holy Mother Church traveled in front, forming an arrow shape, while the steel ships of the Holy Mechanic Church were scattered on both sides and behind. In the middle is Alka's position.

Although the formation is like this, they are actually spread out widely, so the area they can cover can be said to be very wide.

There was some kind of inflating sound coming from behind.

Alka and the others turned their heads to look.

At some point, a cone-shaped, blue-white balloon appeared behind. Various machinery floated around and stood beneath it.

Soon an empty boat was assembled in front of them and then floated into the air.

They stopped about two to three hundred meters away and followed their group forward, providing a view for everyone below.

"You even brought an airship?" Jason was a little surprised.

At this time, Alka turned to look at Simon next to him and asked, "Can you tell what these mechanical devices they are carrying are?"

Simon nodded. As a member of the Holy Machine Church, he certainly knew what those things were.

"Did you see those three things with very obvious thick and long barrels? Those are very powerful long-range artillery weapons. However, it seems that the model is somewhat new. It should be an improved model in recent times, but in essence Not much has changed.

The platforms pulled behind those speedboats are actually armed power platforms. A simple fortress can be quickly built on the spot.

In addition to some standard weapons, there are more personal structures of these church crews. These account for most of them, so I can’t see them. "

Hearing Simon's words, Alka nodded.

Xia Detti frowned and said, "With so many weapons, it seems that this time the matter will not be solved so easily."

Alka also reminded: "This is only the first batch of advance teams, mainly used for rapid support. More main forces are still behind."

Only then did everyone think of this matter, and they couldn't help but nodded in shock.

Obviously, things are not so easy to resolve this time.

And they may not play a big role in this real war.

While a few people were chatting, an alarm came from above.

"Hell wave detected, 1.3 kilometers ahead."

Hearing this sound, Alka and the others immediately became vigilant, and the fleet quickly deviated from the sailing direction and sailed towards the other side.

He rushed straight towards the place where the fluctuation was detected.

"It seems that their goal is clear." Alka said while watching this scene, and then the ship piloted by Ye Ye followed.

If the main goal is to quickly support the Land of Fragrance, it is obviously not a wise choice to turn around and deal with the hell wave on the other side.

Alka of the Holy Mother Church did not know, but the Holy Mechanic Church was willing to send so many people to support. It was obviously because of the impact of the Gate of Hell here.

Alka suddenly remembered the deformed fish he had seen on the coast before.

Those fish were not just killed, Julia studied the carcasses.

These fish were changed in form after eating the meat of those monsters, and the energy fluctuations transmitted from Zehai affected them.

The scary thing is that Zehai can move. It will carry the corpses of monsters and the waves of hell with it, spreading them everywhere in this vast sea area.

This is obviously very fatal.

If you think about it this way, for the two churches, the priority must be to clean up anything that can transmit the fluctuations of hell and the corresponding monsters.

The speed of the entire fleet was increasing, and soon they saw a huge portal in front of them, which was seven or eight meters high.

The interior of the portal is a light orange-red color with yellow spirals.

A smell of sulfur wafted over.

Obviously this smell is deeply related to the demons of hell.

Various demons appeared below the portal. Most of the demons had red skin. It could not be said to be skin, but more like something similar to muscles.

Sharp claws, sharp teeth, and weird horns.

These large and small demons have different shapes, but they are not doing nothing, but fighting with the undead monsters that rush out from the border between life and death.

The number of these demons is not low.

But obviously, there are more undead monsters at the border between life and death.

To a certain extent, the two are locked in a stalemate.

However, the number of demons that can be transmitted through the portal seems to be limited, and the number of demons transmitted through the portal slows down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the number of undead souls coming to interact with each other in life and death is increasing, and it seems endless.

Look at this situation.

The two church knights were very sensible and immediately gathered the team and turned around to leave.

They were in a farther direction and did not alert the two parties. At this time, the two sides were already fighting in darkness.

The team that changed direction speeded up and began to move quickly towards the Land of Fragrance.

Alka and the others also saw the fighting in that area.

The largest number of undead monsters at the border of life and death were much more than they had encountered before at the emerald green fortress on the border.

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