The snow outside the customs was extremely heavy, and it also snowed heavily in Shengjing, thousands of miles away.

Jiang Lianzhi left the household department and the carriage drove along Zhongbao Street.

The road was slippery in the snow and there were so many people on the street that the carriage could not run. It stopped completely while walking.

Attendant Gao Jin lifted the curtain and said, "Sir, I'm afraid we're going to be stuck for a while. The Sanwei Tower happens to be right next to it. Do you want to go up and have a rest first?"

Jiang Lianzhi looked around and saw that someone's horse was lying in the middle of the road. It was numb from the cold and refused to move no matter how hard the whip was whipped. The road was blocked by vehicles.

Jiang Lianzhi simply got out of the car and when he stepped into the Sanwei Building, he happened to see the waiter serving food to a table. There was a small plate of pineapple cake on the tray.

Jiang Lianzhi paused for a moment, then went upstairs and took a seat under the guidance of the waiter.

"Is the pineapple cake just now still fresh?"

The waiter smiled and said, "What a coincidence, sir. They are all freshly cooked. Can I give you a portion?"

Jiang Lianzhi said: "Pack it carefully in a food box. If you have sweet-scented osmanthus sugar steamed chestnut flour cake, pine nut and lily cake, etc., also put some in it and send them over."

The waiter nodded hurriedly and agreed, and soon he brought an exquisite wooden food box.

Jiang Lianzhi opened the lid and looked at the snacks in the food box silently.

In the past, Shen Yu took medicine all year round and liked sweets the most. There were always some of her favorite snacks at home.

Jiang Lianzhi pinched a piece from the food box and tasted it. He found it was too sweet and cloying. He didn't like sweets. It was probably because Ayu had suffered too much that she wanted such sweetness.

"You are quick on your feet. Send the food box to the general's mansion."

Gao Jin knew who he was giving it to and felt unhappy, but he still slipped on the road.

They sent food and clothing to the general's residence every two days, but Miss Shen didn't come out to see her. Every time, it was Miss Shen who came to deliver the message, and her airs were quite high.

When Gao Jin came back after delivering the things, the road was open.

Jiang Lian got on the carriage and asked, "The second lady came out to pick her up today? Did you say she is feeling better?"

"Yes," Gao Jin said, "The second young lady said that the eldest lady's illness is much better, but she just doesn't like to go out. But today the second lady brought a message to the eldest lady."

Jiang Lianzhi raised his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

Gao Jin said: "Don't send me any more gifts if you tell me it's something. I want to ask you something. Is there any news about Yanliang Pass?"

Jiang Lianzhi frowned, tomorrow is October 27th, Shen Zhongan will be defeated on this day, and Shen Yu will go to collect the bones of her father and brother in a few days, and what happened to her happened on the way.

He had to stop her this time, at least to let her have a healthy body, because he still wanted to stay with her for many years.

The wind and snow outside the pass were raging, and several tents were crushed last night. Fortunately, the people below were okay.

When we got up in the morning, the army had already begun to break up camp and retreat into the pass.

Shen Yu darkened her face and eyebrows again and followed Shen Zhao.

Then he saw a soldier running over in a hurry, "General, Mr. Liang, the supervisor, is missing."

Shen Zhao looked solemn, "What's going on?"

The soldier said: "The guard at the camp gate said that as soon as he saw Lord Liangliang, he took his own troops to the direction of Yanliang Pass."

Shen Zhao waved his hand, "Go after him and see if you can catch him back. If you can't catch him back, that's all."

Supervising the army is equivalent to Sheng Jing's recruitment in the army. Liang Jianfang has done nothing since he entered the camp. He spends all day in the tent and has people serve him good wine and food. The army has been short of food these days, and he has already complained. It has happened several times that such a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death will be a useless person if he stays in the army.

This place is more than a hundred miles away from Yanliang Pass, and we can march up to fifty miles in a day in the snow. The remaining rations can only last until Yanliang Pass. The follow-up supplies are not yet available. I am afraid that I will be hungry for several days before I can survive this battle.

On the evening of the second day, the snow finally stopped.

Across the Pingchuan River outside Yanliang Pass, you can see the brown city wall standing in the snow in the distance.

Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief. The army could finally enter the pass before sunset. The three armies would rest tonight and everyone could have a good sleep. However, the days of starvation were still to come.

Two scouts who were scouting the road galloped towards them from the direction of Yanliang Pass.

He turned over and dismounted, knelt on one knee and said, "General, the gate of Yanliang Pass is closed. I have shown my token, but the city guard refuses to open the door."

Shen Zhongan tightened his grip on the reins, raised his chin at Shen Zhao, and the two led a group of soldiers forward.

Shen Yu felt very uneasy.

Although he had successfully avoided the deadly battle in his previous life, there was no reason for the constant panic in his heart.

After marching another two miles, a message was sent from the front to camp where they were, which was less than five miles away from the city gate.

There were only five miles left, but without entering the city, everyone in the army began to speculate.

Shen Yu rode up to catch up, and when she got closer, she heard Shen Zhongan cursing.

"Tell Liang Jianfang to open the door!"

Liang Jianfang stood on the tower and said loudly: "General Shen, it's not that I won't open the door, it's just that before sending out troops, His Majesty ordered that this battle must be won. Now that the two sides are at loggerheads, there is no reason for our army to retreat."

Shen Zhongan was furious, and before he could say anything, the deputy general next to him had already cursed, "I can't keep up with the follow-up baggage. I'm fighting on the front line, but you wimps who can't even lift a knife are hiding in the city and enjoying the hot food." of."

"You are fucking trying to force us to death. Now there is no food and grass. If the Xijue attacks at this time, there will be no way out. If our front line is broken, you idiot thinks you can escape by hiding in the city. ?”

"Bold!" Liang Jianfang stood on the tower and yelled: "As a supervisor, if you are here to confuse people with your lies, I will take you down immediately."

"You fucking come down and get me." Deputy General Cao Gu yelled, "If you don't come out, you will be the grandson."

There was constant cursing at the city gate, but the gate remained motionless.

It was getting dark, and bonfires were lit in the camp.

Shen Zhongan stood on a small earthen bag and could see the faint light of the torch on the Yanliangguan gate in the distance.

On the first day, the army ran out of food and the city gate was not opened.

On the second day, the soldiers in the army looked haggard due to hunger. Everyone was recuperating and could only reduce their activities as much as possible to conserve their energy.

On the third day, the city gate was still not open...

Shen Zhao opened the curtain and went out of the tent, and found Shen Yu sitting on the earthen bun.

"What is Liang Jianfang's plan?" Shen Yu asked after he sat down.

Shen Zhao picked out the snow and pulled out a withered grass, "We are trying to force our idea to death. Several forces in the capital are fighting. We are likely to become consumables in their internal fighting, or Liang Jianfang will become Xijue's mole."

Just when Shen Yu was about to ask again, Shen Zhao let out a "shush", took out a paper bag from his lapel, spread it out, and handed it to her like a treasure, "Are you hungry?"

Shen Yu stared blankly at the corn bun, and Shen Zhao passed it forward again, "Eat it."

Shen Yu took it and broke it in half, but Shen Zhao didn't take it.

"If you don't eat, I won't eat either," she said.

Shen Zhao raised his lips and smiled, picked up the corn bun and took a bite. Then Shen Yu started eating.

It doesn't taste good, it's cold, hard, and even a little dry. You can still feel the rough texture scraping across your throat when you swallow it.

The two of them finished eating the steamed buns in the dark night and cold wind.

"Tomorrow I will send a small team of people to you and ask Kong Qing to follow you. You go all the way to the north, to the fiefdom of Beilin King, and then take a detour back to Beijing."

Shen Yu remained silent, and she could tell that this was tantamount to explaining the funeral arrangements.

No, she obviously tried so hard, why couldn't she prevent the tragedy from happening?

After two days, they all discovered a fact that they had to admit.

If they lose this battle, it will not be a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. As early as they set out from Shengjing, this will be a dead end.

Some people want them dead and defeated.

But she was only a mortal after all. She could find a way to avoid that deadly battle, but she couldn't stop the hands that stabbed them behind her, because you couldn't tell where those people would stab her next.

Shen Yu turned her face away, "I won't leave."

"Listen to brother." Shen Zhao advised.

Shen Yu said resolutely: "We will attack the city tomorrow. The garrison in the city is less than 10,000. Taking Yanliang Pass will not be a problem."

Shen Zhao smiled bitterly, "Are you raising a knife to one of your own?"

"Those are not our own at all! They want us dead!"

"But the people are not like that," Shen Zhao said with an indescribably cool look, "Once we attack the city, we will become rebels."

"Then we will lead the army to retreat." Shen Yu couldn't think about that much now, and just said whatever was in her mind.

Shen Zhao said: "You also said that the garrison in the city is less than 10,000. We can bypass the Xijue people and go straight to Yanliang Pass. What will happen to the hundreds of thousands of people in the pass?"

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