Chapter 303 (Extra) Dream

Usually at times like this, as long as you follow Xie Tingzhou's hair, you can feel it smoothly in a moment.

Shen Yu stretched out her head and pecked the corner of his lips, "Then just don't let the children go to Yi'an."

Xie Tingzhou narrowed his eyes slightly, "Where can they go if they don't go to Yi'an?"

"Come with us to Linyan Island." Shen Yu said matter-of-factly.

Xie Tingzhou was silent.

After finally taking the time to get rid of these children and live a life of two, are you really being controlled by an eight-year-old child?

That's impossible.

Xie Tingzhou opened the curtain and looked outside, and saw several children gathered together, whispering, obviously planning some conspiracy.

If he couldn't even fight against a few dolls, he wouldn't be Xie Tingzhou anymore.


Xi Feng stepped forward and said, "Master."

Xie Tingzhou leaned on the window sill and said quietly: "Go and prepare a carriage and take the young master and young lady with you."

Xie Yu was so happy that he stomped his feet, leaned into Xie Jin's ear and said, "My brother still has a way."

I just missed Xie Tingzhou's slight smile before putting down the curtain.

The carriage went north along the official road.

Xie Yu opened the curtain in front of the car and took a look. When he saw his father and mother's carriage in front, he retracted his head again.

"I am bored."

Xie Jin looked at him, "You said you wanted to go to Linyan Island with your father and mother."

"Then I didn't know this journey was so boring." Xie Yu held up her chin, "We've been walking for three days, and my father and mother didn't even get off the bus. What's fun on the bus?"

Xie Jin's immature eyebrows raised slightly, her mind quickly turned around, and she suddenly opened the curtain and said, "Stop the car."

The coachman held the reins and said, "Master, we haven't reached the place yet. The master said we won't stop until we reach the place."

Xie Jin tried to jump down, but the coachman quickly reined in his horse, "Oh, my mistress, if he falls down, I'll have to whip him when I turn around."

Xie Jin quickly jumped off the carriage, ran to the front and opened the curtain of the carriage, stood there immediately, and then looked back at Xie Yu.

"What's wrong, brother?" Xie Yu didn't understand.

Xie Jin pointed and said, "Come and see for yourself."

There was no one in the carriage, it was clearly empty.

"Dad was deceived again." Xie Yu stamped his foot, "Dad, the big liar, humph, if you don't let me follow you, I won't let you follow me. Let's go find Uncle Jiang."

Xie Yu pointed forward, "Let's go to Yi'an."

Li Xuan held Xie Yu's hand, "It doesn't seem right."

This road was clearly going north, and Yi'an was in the south. The three children were fooled into walking in the opposite direction for three days.

The cruise ship goes down the river, the river breeze blows on your face.

"Is this okay?" Shen Yu asked worriedly.

Xie Tingzhou put his hand on the railing and locked Shen Yu in his arms, "The guards are here, don't worry."

Shen Yu turned around and said, "Xiao Yu'er definitely hates you."

"She's as easy to coax as you." Xie Tingzhou smiled like a fox. "When I bring her something later, she forgets everything. She still shouts daddy daddy more frequently than anyone else."

The wind on the river is very cool at night. If we go down the river, we will reach Jingyi'an in fifteen or sixteen days, and we will reach Yandao in another ten days.

Two years ago, Li Jifeng suddenly saw through the world of mortals and said he wanted to become a monk, so he went round and round and picked a place that turned out to be Linyan Island.

But this is not the first time he has called for becoming a monk.

When he first wanted to become a monk seven years ago, he gave up because shaving his head would affect his appearance.

Five years ago, I gave up because I couldn’t eat meat and had to carry water.

I went to Linyan Island two years ago, but this time I stayed for a long time, staying there for two years.

Xie Tingzhou and Shen Yu went to Linyan Island to see what kind of fairy life Li Jifeng lived.

The boat was sailing day and night, and you could vaguely hear the sound of water breaking through the water while lying on the couch.

Xie Tingzhou hadn't fallen asleep yet, but Shen Yu had already fallen asleep in his arms.

He brushed the hair that was scattered around her face and thought of the daughter with all her teeth and claws.

When Shen Yu was pregnant, Xie Tingzhou wanted a little girl who looked like Shen Yu. He wanted to see what Shen Yu looked like as a child, but Shen Yu also wanted a boy who looked like him.

As a result, no one got what they wanted. Xie Jin was more like Shen Yu, while Xie Yu was more like Xie Tingzhou.

The only similarity is their temperament. Xie Jin inherited Xie Tingzhou's scheming and arrogant nature, while Xie Yu inherited Shen Yu's wildness. He made love to wear men's clothes and said he wanted to imitate his mother in traveling in the world.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, was carved out of the same mold as his father Li Zhaonian. He was humble and polite in dealing with others at a young age.

Xie Tingzhou closed his eyes, and the wind noise around him seemed to be louder.

The tightly closed eyelids could not block the light, which was a bit dazzling.

Xie Tingzhou opened his eyes and found himself standing in front of the city gate of Yanliang Pass.

There is no snow this season, the grassland outside the pass is a green field, and I don’t know what time it is.

The city behind him was very noisy, so Xie Tingzhou turned around and walked towards Ganzhou City.

Just as he was about to enter the passage of the city gate, his steps slowed down, he turned to look at the little man standing at the city gate, and then stopped completely.

It was a five or six-year-old girl with a double-snail bun on her head. It seemed that the person who tied her hair was not very good at tying her hair, so it was tied crookedly and loosely.

This was not what caught Xie Tingzhou's eye. What attracted him was the fact that the female doll had a knife on its back.

The knife was almost as tall as her.

Xie Tingzhou stepped forward. As soon as the girl raised her head to look at him, his heart trembled and he shouted softly.


Shen Yu's clear eyes looked up at him in confusion. He was too tall, and her neck felt sore when she raised her head. The sunlight made it difficult for her to see the man's face clearly. She only felt that he was almost reaching the sky. He was taller than her father and brother. Still high.

"How do you know my name?" she asked.

Xie Tingzhou did not answer her, but squatted down in front of her with a smile, "What are you doing here?"

Shen Yu looked him up and down. He was so handsome and had a nice voice. He didn't look like a bad guy.

So she said in a sweet voice, "I'm waiting for my dad and my brother."

Xie Tingzhou's eyes were gentle, "Where are your father and brother?"

Shen Yu opened her mouth, as if she wanted to answer subconsciously, and then quickly shook her head, "I can't say."

"I can't say it doesn't matter." Xie Tingzhou looked at her intently, "Can I wait here with you?"

Shen Yu's eyes moved, as if she was thinking, and after a while she shook her head.

"No, daddy said not to talk to people you don't know."

Xie Tingzhou laughed, "But we have already talked a lot, so what should we do?"

Shen Yu blinked and silently moved a few steps to the side to avoid him, still staring outside the gate.

Xie Tingzhou looked at her profile.

At this time, Shen Yu was still full of breasts, and her cheeks were bulging. Only her eyes were as clean and clear as they would be when she grew up.

Xie Tingzhou took a step toward her, and the little girl immediately moved two steps to the side. He moved again and she moved again, and finally she reached the base of the city wall.

"Don't come here again!" Shen Yu shouted loudly.

His little face was angry and unhappy, and his eyes were wary.

Xie Tingzhou leaned over and looked at her and said, "I'm not a bad person, nor am I an unknown person."

"then who are you?"

"I am your future husband." Xie Tingzhou said softly.

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl became angry and said, "You are a scumbag."

She wanted to pull out the knife on her back with her backhand, but her arms were not long enough. She held the handle of the knife and pulled it out a little, but it stopped moving. No matter how hard she tried to pull it out, she couldn't pull it out. Her eyes were so anxious that her eyes were red.

Xie Tingzhou asked tentatively: "Shall I help you?"

After that, he helped her pull out the knife and put it into her hand.

Perhaps Shen Zhongan was afraid that he would be injured. The sword looked like a serious scabbard, but when he pulled it out, it turned out to be a wooden sword.

Shen Yu pointed the knife at Xie Tingzhou. The handsome man in front of her was not afraid at all. He still looked at her with gentle eyes.

Xie Tingzhou said: "Look, I'm not a bad person. How could a bad person help you draw a sword? Right?"

Shen Yu thought for a moment and realized that this was true. She wanted to imitate her brother in inserting the knife neatly into the scabbard, but her arms were not long enough.

Xie Tingzhou helped her put the knife back and asked her warmly, "Are you hungry?"

Shen Yu shook her head, still wary of him and reluctant to talk to him.

Naihe had already squeezed into the corner and had no way to retreat, so he squatted on the ground.

The knife was very long. When she squatted down, she poked the ground. The little girl fell forward. After holding on the ground to steady herself, she patted the dust on her hands and moved the rope tied to the knife upwards.

Seeing that Xie Tingzhou was still looking at her, the little girl squatted and turned in a circle, facing the corner. The scabbard dragged on the ground to draw a semicircle, leaving a silhouette of her back. She squatted there like a small potato, as short as Short and round.

Xie Tingzhou's heart melted and turned into a puddle of water, which he could not hold up.

Shen Yu faced the city wall and heard footsteps leaving. She couldn't help but look back and saw that the man was walking towards the city gate.

After a while, the man came back and spread out the oil paper bag in front of him, with four pieces of pineapple cake inside.

"Look, it's noon, you must be hungry, right?"

Shen Yu shook her head, but couldn't move her eyes away from the thing in his hand.

Xie Tingzhou picked up a piece and took a bite, "Well, it's delicious. Don't you want to eat it?"

The little girl in front of her swallowed her saliva and said, "Daddy said eating something so sweet will cause toothache."

"It hurts if you eat too much." Xie Tingzhou coaxed, "It won't hurt if you eat a few pieces."

The chubby little hand slowly stretched out, and just as he was about to take it, someone grabbed it.

Shen Yu wanted to shrink back, but Xie Tingzhou took out the handkerchief and wiped it on her dusty hands bit by bit.

Food is really something that can easily bring people closer together. Shen Yu ate pineapple cake and sat on the hillside with Xie Tingzhou.

She ate very slowly, biting her cheeks until her cheeks bulged, and she chewed for a long time before swallowing.

Xie Tingzhou thought to himself that he would have to go back and tell Xiao Yu'er that her mother was so cute when she was a child, but she didn't act like a crazy girl like her.

Xie Tingzhou fiddled with the chirping hair on Shen Yu's head, "Who tied your hair?"

"It's my daddy." Shen Yu said while biting the pineapple cake.

Xie Tingzhou took apart the loose hair on one side of her hair, tied it into a beautiful little tutu, and fiddled with it with his fingers.

"Am I okay?"

Shen Yu nodded, "Okay."

"Then when you grow up, I will marry you, okay?"

The little girl was stunned for a moment, and her face became a little panicked, "Then...what should Brother Zhuangzhuang do?"

"Brother Zhuang Zhuang?" Xie Tingzhou asked with a smile: "Who is Brother Zhuang Zhuang?"

Shen Yu said seriously: "Brother Zhuang Zhuang is the most powerful, strongest, and most handsome brother in our street."

At this point, Xie Tingzhou didn't realize anything yet.

Then the little girl added, "We have agreed that he will join the army when he grows up, and then I will marry him."

The warm expression of the man in front of him immediately darkened, causing the little girl to shrink back in fear.

"It really can't be done." The little girl said anxiously, "We all have made an appointment."

Xie Tingzhou suppressed his unhappiness and told himself that this was just a dream.

But not even in dreams.

He asked her, "You like people who are good at fighting, strong, and good-looking, right?"

"Yes." Shen Yu nodded and added: "I still want to join the army."

Xie Tingzhou asked: "Then is he as good-looking as me?"

Shen Yu honestly said: "No."

Xie Tingzhou smiled, "Well, you see, I'm better-looking than him, I'm better at fighting now, and I'm definitely stronger than him, and I've already joined the army, so do you want to consider changing to someone else?"

Shen Yu was a little confused, but Xie Tingzhou kept up his efforts, "Did he go to your house to hire someone?"

"What is a lower job?" Shen Yu asked innocently.

Xie Tingzhou explained: "The engagement is to confirm that you want to marry him. Without the engagement, nothing will count."

"Is that so?" Shen Yu thought for a while and said, "No, then I'll go back and ask him if he wants to come to my house to hire someone."

Xie Tingzhou was furious. After talking about it for a long time, he was still making wedding clothes for others.

"Don't ask." Xie Tingzhou made a decisive decision, "I will go to your house tomorrow to hire someone."

The sound of horse hooves came from far away, and a group of cavalry came running from the pasture outside the pass.

Shen Yu's eyes lit up, she stood up, spread her short legs and ran forward.

"Dad, brother."

The man on the horse raised his whip and sped up, bent down and picked up Shen Yu from the ground and put her on the horse's back.

The man smiled heartily, "Ah Yu, why did you run out to pick up Daddy again?"

Xie Tingzhou looked from afar, a smile appeared on his face, watching his girl laughing wantonly in her father's arms.

The horse is about to pass through the city gate.

Shen Yu turned around on her horse and looked at the figure on the hillside. Then she raised her head and asked, "Dad, a very handsome uncle will come to my house tomorrow to hire me. Is that okay?"

Shen Zhongan rubbed her head in confusion, "What are you talking about? What uncle?"

Shen Yu pointed to the hillside, "It's over there."

Shen Zhongan turned his head and saw only the undulating green grass on the hillside, "Where is it?"

Shen Yu looked doubtfully, but saw that the figure was still standing there, looking at her, and then he opened his lips and said something to her.

Her ears were full of wind and she couldn't hear what he said. She didn't remember until the horse passed through the city gate.

Even though they were so far apart, those words seemed to penetrate into her heart. She heard him say:

"Don't be afraid of anything you encounter in the future, Ayu. I will always be here waiting for you."

Xie Tingzhou looked at the empty city gate.

They parted here, and his Ayu would go through hardships later, but they would eventually meet here.

The sound of wind was replaced by the sound of water. Xie Tingzhou opened his eyes and saw the moonlight streaming in from the window, and the cruise ship was still sailing.

The little girl, who was carrying a sword about the same height as a person and holding two chirps, had grown up and was sleeping quietly in his arms.

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