Shen Yu slept until noon.

The maid prepared water and waited beside him with clothes in her hands. After washing herself, she set off for Ling'an City.

The last time I came to Ling'an was six years ago, so long ago.

As the carriage drove through the streets of Ling'an City, Shen Yu raised the curtain and looked out.

Street vendors are hawking their goods, and pedestrians are bustling, which shows its prosperity.

The guards rode their horses and watched the passers-by from time to time to prevent any bad people from getting involved.

The carriage was not moving very fast. When Konoe looked back, he saw a little boy in dirty clothes following behind him. They had already walked two streets, but the boy had not yet been lost.

The boy was dirty and his hair was messy.

The guard gestured to the person behind him, and the guard behind him took out a handful of coins.

"Little beggar, go buy some buns to eat, don't follow me."

The little beggar shook his head, "I'm not a beggar, I don't want money."

"Then what do you want?" Konoe asked.

The little beggar pointed forward with his dirty finger, "I want to see the sister in the carriage."

Konoe's expression changed, "That's our wife, not everyone can see her, hurry up!"

The little beggar didn't want to leave, but he saw the knife on the tall guard's waist and was forced to stop.

We had dinner at the county magistrate's house. It turned out to be a misunderstanding.

Shen Zhao got a good piece of jade and made several jade pendants. Two pieces were given to his children, and the other three pieces were given to Xie Jin, Xie Yu and Li Xuan.

Xie Tingzhou and Shen Yu had no fixed residence for more than a year and had been walking and stopping on the road. Shen Zhao knew that they would pass through Ling'an, so he sent the jade pendant to Ling'an and asked the Ling'an County Sheriff to hand it over.

The county guard was afraid of missing out, so he had been waiting at the port for half a month, and finally got the person.

Xie Tingzhou was just passing through Ling'an and didn't want to stay here any longer, so he took Shen Yu away after the banquet.

Back at the port, Konoe found the little beggar from before, mingling among the crowd. When he saw people getting off the carriage, his eyes suddenly lit up, he pushed through the crowd and rushed towards this direction.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Konoe grabbed the little beggar by his collar and picked him up.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Seeing that the beautiful sister was about to get on the boat, the little beggar suddenly became anxious, shouting anxiously, and struggling desperately.

"Sister, sister, let me go, help me! I'm beating someone!"

Shen Yu had already stepped onto the boat and vaguely heard the cry of the child. She turned around and saw the guard carrying a struggling child.

"Go and ask what's going on." Shen Yu said.

The maid asked after getting off the boat, and when she came back she said that the little beggar had been following them since they got off the boat, all the way to the Sheriff's Mansion, and from the Sheriff's Mansion to the port.

"It's a lost child somewhere." Shen Yu guessed and asked the maid to bring him over and ask.

The little beggar was taken aboard and stood in front of Shen Yu, all dirty. He reached out to take her hand, but was stopped by the guard's scabbard.

"Boy, don't do it."

The little beggar stepped back a little in fear and looked up at her, "Sister, I have seen you."

Konoe warned: "This is our wife, don't yell."

Shen Yu raised her hand to stop her, squatted down and asked, "Where have you seen me?"

"In a dream." The little beggar said seriously.

Everyone present burst into laughter.

Xifeng knocked the little beggar on the head, "You know how to trick people at such a young age. Fortunately, our master is not here. When the master comes later, we can't talk nonsense anymore."

The little beggar remained unmoved and stared at Shen Yu, "I'm not lying. It's true."

He scratched his disheveled hair again, with doubt in his eyes, "But my sister doesn't wear such clothes in her dreams."

"Then what should I wear?" Shen Yu asked funnyly.

The little beggar pointed at Xifeng, "Wear something like this, with your hair tied up high."

Everyone who had been laughing just now stopped laughing and looked at the little beggar cautiously. Xifeng's hand had already subconsciously pressed down on the knife at his waist.

As guards, they must remain vigilant at all times. As long as they are not in a state of complete control, they must be ready to draw their swords at any time, and the boy in front of him is within his unknown range.

Shen Yu was also stunned for a moment.

All in all, it had been almost nine years since she had worn men's clothing, and the boy in front of her looked only five or six years old. How had he ever seen her wearing men's clothing?

"What do I look like in your dream?" Shen Yu asked patiently.

The little beggar thought for a while and said, "In the dream, you don't move. You stand and don't blink."

Xifeng thought for a moment and said, "This child must have seen Madam's portrait and thought it was in a dream."

The little beggar's eyes lit up, "It's just a portrait, but it was really in a dream. I didn't lie."

Shen Yu saw that the material on the little beggar was quite good. He didn't look like a wandering beggar, but probably a lost child from some family.

"Tell me, where is your home?"

"In the east of Ling'an City, my father is a member of the Communist Party of China."

"Then you got lost?"

The little beggar shook his head, "I ran out secretly on my own. There is a dog hole in my backyard. I crawl out of there every day and wait for you at the dock."

It seemed like either the kid knew they were going to pass by, or he was just making it up.

Shen Yu asked, "How did you know I would be here?"

"I dreamed about it. My brother in the dream told me. He asked me to wait for you here."

"It's a dream again." Shen Yu laughed, "Then tell me, what did you dream about in your dream?"

The little beggar said: "There was a brother in my dream. He had a painting, and the painting was you."

"What does that brother look like?"

The little beggar raised his head and thought, "He is very tall and loves to laugh. His eyes are crooked when he smiles. Oh, there is a mole on his ear, right here."

The little beggar reached out and pointed at his ear, but saw that the face of the beautiful sister in front of him had darkened.

"What else?" Shen Yu's voice began to tremble.

Pei Chunli loves to laugh. When he smiles, his eyes are crooked and there happens to be a small mole on his earlobe.

The little beggar said: "My brother said that if I help him with things, he will help me cure my grandma. My grandma is sick and has never recovered."

"What did he ask you to do for him?"

"Brother asked me to tell you that he has helped his father pay off his debt down below. Now he wants to reincarnate, but he is afraid that he will not be able to find you after reincarnation, so he keeps waiting and waiting."

Shen Yu suddenly covered her mouth, tears rolled down and covered the back of her hands.

"What else did he say?"

"Brother said he was going to be reborn in Ling'an and asked my sister to remember to come find him in eighteen years."

Shen Yu burst into tears, her eyes blurred, and she heard the little beggar ask: "You will come to him, right? Eighteen years later."

"No." Shen Yu shook her head and held the little beggar's shoulders.

"You tell him that I will not go to him. You let him come to me and let him be my child. In this life, I will protect him."


As I said before, the extras are the author's crazy literature, purely to relieve stress, so don't focus on logic, don't, don't, don't, just watch it for fun.

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