People detained by Dali Temple are usually kept in prison. Shigure's identity is unknown and he can only serve as a witness.

The light in the Dali Temple prison is dim, and all kinds of bloody torture instruments are hung on the walls. Those with a little weaker willpower can often have their defenses broken psychologically before the trial begins.

"You said that Shen Zhongan sent three urgent reports to Sheng Jing. Where is the evidence?"

Shen Yu said calmly: "There must be records of newspaper delivery by couriers going to Beijing at the inns along the road. We will know where the source is."

The record was written down quickly and recorded in the case file.

Zuo Zongdao: "How can you, a soldier with no official position, know about the urgent report?"

"Your Excellency, you don't know something," Shen Yu said: "Of course you didn't know it before the battle at Yanliang Pass, but Liang Jianfang closed the door and tried to trap thousands of troops. When General Shen issued the third seal, he was already at the end of his rope. , many people in the military know that urgent reporting is no longer a secret, but the hope of life for soldiers. "

Zuo Zong looked at him warily. The young man in front of him looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. His eyes were a little scattered and a little sharp, but his thoughts were clear and calm from beginning to end. He was not to be underestimated.

Since Xie Yun was so fond of him that he came to pick him up in person, then there must be something special about this man.

The interrogation lasted from early afternoon until late at night.

There was no special room for witnesses in Dali Temple, so Zuo Zong had no choice but to place her in Dali Temple Prison.

Dali Temple is in charge of important cases. Those who can be sent here are either extremely vicious people or high-ranking officials who have been dismissed. The conditions of the cells are also different. For officials awaiting trial who are expected to stand trial, the cells are naturally different.

Yanliangguan was an important case, and Shen Yu was a witness. Although Zuo Zong was angry with Xie Tingzhou, he could not avenge his personal vendetta and put her in the lowest cell.

In the dead of night, the banging of the clappers reaches its fourth round, and the patrolling jailer completes his last round of rounds in the cells, and then it will switch to one round every hour.

The jailer took a look at Shigure's cell and saw him lying on his side on the bed with his back to the cell door, snoring softly and appearing to be sleeping soundly.

The sound of Yu Cheng's footsteps faded away, and another moment of incense passed before Shen Yu suddenly opened her eyes.

The cell on the left was empty, but the people in the cell on the right were snoring loudly.

Shen Yu walked quietly to the cell door and observed it for a moment, then took out a slender wire from her boots and started to unlock it.

She half-crouched and fiddled with the wire in the keyhole a few times, only to hear a very slight click as the lock opened.

There is an iron chain wrapped around the door, and the iron chain will make a sound if it is moved slightly.

She took off her coat and wrapped it in the iron chain, opened the door slowly, looked around both sides of the aisle, and walked deeper into the Dali Temple Prison.

Liang Jianfang is sleeping.

He was imprisoned in Dali Temple Prison all the way back from Yanliang Pass, but he was not afraid and could still eat and drink.

Shen Yu stood in front of the wooden bed, looking down at the sleeping Liang Jianfang.

This is the man who killed a hundred thousand troops behind closed doors and killed his father and brother.

The enemy is right in front of him, and his heart is always screaming that he will be skinned, cramped, and cut into pieces, but he can only suppress the hatred that is about to explode in his heart.

Reason told her that this was not enough.

How could his life be worth the lives of those 100,000 soldiers? The black hand behind him has not yet surfaced.

Shen Yu raised her foot and kicked Liang Jianfang on the wooden bed.

Liang Jianfang had long been accustomed to being woken up by the jailer in the middle of the night, interrogating him when he was sleepy and when his willpower was weakest.

Thinking it was a jailer again, Liang Jianfang slowly got up. When he saw that the person in front of him was not dressed as a jailer, he was so frightened that he shouted.

When he opened his mouth, Shen Yu stuffed a piece of rag into his mouth and whispered: "If you make a sound, you will die. Do you think it is faster for the jailer to run away, or for me to take your life faster?"

Liang Jianfang opened his eyes wide. Although his hands were not tied, he did not dare to take off the cloth in his mouth.

Shen Yu stared at him coldly, "Let me ask you, who instigated you in the Yanliangguan case?"

The person in front of him had his back to the light, so Liang Jianfang couldn't see the person in front of him clearly.

Shen Yu took out the dagger and twirled it in her hand a few times, "I'll count to three. If you haven't figured out how to answer it yet, I don't mind reminding you, one..."

Liang Jianfang was afraid of death. He took the handkerchief off his mouth without waiting for the second call, "I'll say it, I'll say it."

Shen Yu raised her chin.

"Yes..." Liang Jianfang swallowed, "It's Mr. Jiang, the first assistant."

Shen Yu frowned, "Chief assistant? Jiang Yuanqing?"

Liang Jianfang nodded heavily, "Don't try to kill me. Every injustice has its own owner and every debt has its owner. I'm just a worker, and all the ideas come from the adults above."

Shen Yu thought for a moment and said, "Did you also say that when you recruited me?"


Shen Yu sneered, "Then tell me, what is the purpose of Jiang Yuanqing instructing you to do this?"

Liang Jianfang whispered: "Master Jiang and General Shen have a holiday. As for what the holiday is, I don't know."

"You don't know, then let me tell you," Shen Yu picked up the dagger and put it against Liang Jianfang's neck, leaned closer and said slowly, "That means...there is no festival."

As he got closer, Liang Jianfang suddenly saw his face clearly. He had seen this man in Shen Zhongan's army, and he was following Shen Zhao!

Shen Yu didn't miss the flash in Liang Jianfang's eyes when his lie was exposed. It was because he was subconsciously looking for a solution when his lie was exposed.

Shen Yu raised her dagger slightly, and Liang Jianfang was forced to raise his chin.

"I'll give you another chance to answer again. I want to hear the truth."

Liang Jianfang didn't dare to move, "I really didn't lie."

"Wrong answer." Shen Yu smiled.

Liang Jianfang read the danger from his smile, his pupils shrank, and before he could react, he was tapped on the acupoint, and the cloth was stuffed into his mouth again.

Then there was a sudden pain in my leg.

Liang Jianfang's eyes widened instantly and he let out a low growl.

Shen Yu said: "Is it worth it? The people behind you want you to die, but you block it for them, and you even try to bite others on their behalf."

Liang Jianfang opened his mouth to bite Jiang Yuanqing. If Shen Yu hadn't been married to Jiang Lianzhi in her previous life and knew something about Jiang Yuanqing, she might have actually believed it.

Jiang Yuanqing is one of the few good people in the Jiang family.

When his father and brother were wronged in the last life, Jiang Yuanqing was also the first to stand up and defend Shen Zhongan, saying that he was definitely not one of those people who were greedy for merit and rash.

It can be said that Emperor Tongxu did not issue a decree to punish the Shen family in the end, which was largely due to Jiang Yuanqing.

Later, when she married into the Shen family, Jiang Yuanqing also talked to her and asked her to live in the Shen family with peace of mind. The Jiang family would not let their loyal ministers feel cold in the future.

It's a pity that she was finally heartbroken by Jiang Lianzhi.

Shen Yu said coldly: "Do you know why we took such a long detour instead of taking a shortcut when escorting you back to Shengjing?"

Liang Jianfang felt dizzy from the pain, but he concentrated on listening to his words.

"Because the person you want to protect is thinking about killing you all the time!"

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