A group of men in black came up and surrounded a few people, but they did not start fighting immediately. Those people were a little happy to see the men in black.

Shen Yu said in a deep voice, "Because they know each other."

"Yes, it should be." Sanfu said tremblingly, "I was scared at the time, so I didn't open the door. Then, I saw the men in black approaching. I took advantage of them to let down their guard and chopped their necks."

Those people were unarmed and were no match for them. Moreover, they were acquaintances, so they were obviously unprepared.

"Then why didn't you report it to the official?"

"I was scared." Sanfu said in horror: "Later, they cleaned up the blood stains, put on clothes and pretended to be guests who were staying overnight, and knocked on the door to confirm. Fortunately, I had the idea and pretended to have just woken up, and said they would not accept guests at night, so they left. ”

In other words, only Sanfu saw what happened that night, which can also explain why after reporting to the official, it was said that those people left in the morning and did not come back.

Sanfu was afraid of being retaliated, so he didn't dare to tell the truth.

"Later I went to the mass graves outside the city and saw the bodies of those people."

Shen Yu frowned, "Why are you going to the mass grave?"

"Firstly, I am curious, and secondly, I need to confirm whether they are really dead. Their knives... look quite valuable."

Shen Yu didn't know why she cared so much about this case. Maybe it was because it was related to the Qichang Mansion, or maybe there was something guiding her to investigate this matter.

In short, her intuition told her that this matter was not just a matter of the inexplicable death of a few people who complained.

Shen Yu inserted the dagger back into her waist, clapped her hands and stood up, saying, "Let's go, take me to the mass grave."

Sanfu was frightened and quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's so late at night, can't we go there again during the day tomorrow?"

Sixi then said, "Are you going to the mass graves? If you leave the city at this time, you won't be able to get back before the city gate closes, so you'll have to spend the night outside the city."

It's not like Shen Yu has never slept in the wild before, so that's not a problem. The problem is that she didn't inform Xie Tingzhou in advance, in case he thought she was missing or something happened.

Shen Yu thought for a moment and asked: "Which door is closest to the mass grave?"

Sixi said: "It's Chong'anmen."

"You guys go and wait for me outside Chong'an Gate. I have something else to do. Meet me near the gate at three o'clock."

Shen Yu walked to the door, then turned back and pointed at Sanfu, "Don't even think about running away. I know where you work and where you live. You can't run away."

After the beginning of spring, the daytime became warmer, but the wind at night was still thin and cold.

Sanfu and Sixi left Chong'anmen and hid in the leeward place to wait for others.

"You said he was generous, and as long as he could do things with peace of mind, there would be no benefits. But in the end, after working all night, he didn't get any reward for his hard work?" Sanfu complained while rubbing his hands.

Sixi took out something from his chest and waved it in the wind.

Sanfu had sharp eyes, "Is this...a banknote?! Touch it for me."

In his entire life, he has never seen a banknote. Usually, all he gets through are scraps of silver.

Sixi said "Shhh", put the banknote away, looked around, and whispered: "When did I ever lie to you?"

"But why didn't he give it to me?"

"See you are dishonest." Sixi said.

"Look at this young master, you can tell you are lying just by looking at one thing. How can people like us fool you? If you really want to follow the young master like me, then you have to keep your ears open and your mouth shut. That kind of sneaky person. The thing is designated not to be done anymore.”

Sanfu thought to himself that if he could really follow the young master to do things, why worry about not having money? Would he still take advantage of it?

"Then there was no way before." Sanfu said, bumping Si Xi's shoulder, "Who do you think that young master is? He's so generous."

Si Xi looked at him with a look of hatred, "I just told you to keep your mouth shut, but now you start asking around. If the young master doesn't want you to know anything, even if you know it, you have to pretend not to know it."

"You know that?"

Sixi: "I don't know."

While he was talking, there was a sound of horse hooves at the city gate.

The two people looked over and saw only a dozen people riding horses, surrounding a large carriage in the middle.

The heavy city gate slowly closed behind the team.

Si Xi was a little anxious, "The city gates are closed. Isn't it possible that the young master won't come out?"

"I just think he is unreliable. Who would go to a mass grave in the middle of the night..."

Suddenly there was a scream in the wind.

The two looked up at the same time and saw a huge falcon flying across the sky, its wings covering half of the moon.

"Mom!" Sanfu shouted, "What a big bird."

"That's an eagle."

Shen Yu galloped up on horseback alone and reined in the horse in front of the two men. The horse's hooves were raised high and fell down, and the guards behind them also rode up to catch up.

Shen Yu looked down at the two of them, "You lead the way to the mass grave."

The mass grave is several miles away from Chong'anmen, in a mountain depression.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the night wind whistled through the mountain col, which sounded particularly scary.

Even though the incense burner was lit in the car, it couldn't block the putrid smell of corpses.

Shen Yu went back to inform Xie Tingzhou before, but she didn't know that Xie Tingzhou would come after hearing about it.

Xie Tingzhou has many capable people and strangers under his command, and Feng Yang is one of them, who was born as a widower.

Feng Yang handed Shen Yu a bottle, "Master, let me smell this to remove the smell."

Before Shen Yu said why you didn't give it yourself, Feng Yang had already turned around and left to distribute the notices to other guards.

Crush garlic and ginger, then mix it with vinegar and put it on a cloth to cover your mouth and nose. Although it doesn't smell good, it can resist corpse odor and diseases.

Shen Yu had no choice but to get into the carriage by herself. Her face was still covered with a scarf soaked in spices, leaving only a pair of clear eyes exposed.

Xie Tingzhou smelled the bottle and suddenly couldn't smell anything at all.

Shen Yu said: "It's windy at night. If you haven't recovered yet, don't go down there."

"Don't go either." Xie Tingzhou closed the lid, "There's nothing interesting about a pile of corpses."

"I still want to take a look, maybe I can find something."

Xie Tingzhou knew he couldn't stop him, so he thought for a moment and nodded: "Let Feng Yang go, but don't do anything."

Shen Yu nodded, opened the carriage door and prepared to get off.

Xie Tingzhou: "Come back."

Shen Yu turned around and caught what Xie Tingzhou threw in the air.

"Smell it." Xie Tingzhou said, "It will make you feel better."

Each of the guards had a torch, lighting up the mass grave as bright as day.

The corpses dumped before spring were frozen in the snow, and began to rot and stink as soon as the weather warmed up and the snow melted. Adding in the corpses dumped recently, the huge corpse pit was almost filled.

That scene made people feel frightened.

Shen Yu looked at the corpse pit, and the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood at Yanliang Pass came to mind.

Sanfu hugged a tree and vomited wildly.

Sixi stuffed two pieces of cloth into her nose and asked him, "Didn't you come here once?"

"I vomited like this last time, vomit-" Sanfu took advantage of the vomiting break to say, "It will be fine soon after vomiting is over."

The medicine was so precious that it cost thousands of taels of silver to prepare such a bottle, so Feng Yang was reluctant to give it to them.

"Come here and take a look. Who are the people you see?" Shen Yu said in a deep voice.

Sanfu wiped his mouth and stepped forward to take a look.

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