Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 712 Chapter 989-990 Diary

Chapter 989

Over there on the hillside...

Before He Siying could see clearly, she was suddenly grabbed by the female ghost behind her and forcibly twisted her body so that she could look at its face.

It's actually...

Her husband Mei Qiugui’s face!

He Siying was taken aback and screamed loudly when she was caught off guard.

"Wake up! Wake up! Are you having a nightmare?"

Mei Qiugui patted He Siying's face and shouted to her.

"Go away!"

He Siying was so frightened that she suddenly pushed Mei Qiugui off the bed.

"Xiaoying! It's me! You were dreaming just now!" Mei Qiugui didn't expect He Siying to be so strong. He was thrown to the bottom of the bed and had no choice but to shout to He Siying again.

Li Teng and Fang Jianguo who were at the door also came over and looked at the frightened He Siying on the bed.

" I dreaming?" He Siying looked at the three of them, her whole body trembling.

It was not that she had never dreamed before, but the scene just now was not like a dream at all. It was completely indistinguishable from reality. She was extremely awake during the whole process, and everything she felt was extremely real.

How could it be a dream?

"Yes, you were dreaming. What were you dreaming about? You kept twisting your body in fear and woke me up, so I woke you up." Mei Qiugui explained to He Siying.

"I dreamed..."

He Siying told Mei Qiugui about her previous dream.

"That was not a dream at all! It was exactly the same as what really happened! Really! It didn't look like a dream at all!" He Siying cried at the end.

"It is indeed a dream, we are all watching!" Mei Qiugui sat back on the bed and tried to hug He Siying.

"This must be a dream! Otherwise, how could the two of us run away suddenly?" Fang Jianguo also comforted He Siying.

"It's really not a dream, it just happened." He Siying shook her head vigorously. She had no way to use dreams to explain what just happened.

"What is unreasonable must be a dream. It is difficult for people to realize that they are dreaming when they are in a dream." Fang Jianguo continued.

"Maybe it's not a complete dream, right? It might be a clue hidden in the mission. She just said that her husband was taken to the room at the end of the corridor? Let's go over and have a look at that room. Maybe we can find some useful clues." Li Teng brought it up to everyone.

"Don't go! Don't go, you two!" He Siying quickly shouted to Li and Teng.

In the dream, the two of them left first, and then Mei Qiugui also left, and then those terrible things happened.

"Or, let's go take a look together?" Fang Jianguo felt that what Li Teng said made sense.

"She's very scared. Don't do this for now. Why don't you just stay in the room quietly?" Mei Qiugui did not support Li Teng's proposal.

"Let's go and see with them. I also want to know what's going on." After He Siying calmed down a little, she came up with a different idea than Mei Qiugui.

"Are you sure you can do it?" Mei Qiugui confirmed to He Siying.

"I really want to know what's going on." He Siying nodded, then pushed Mei Qiugui away and got out of bed.

After reaching an agreement, the four of them left the room together. Li Teng walked in the front, Fang Jianguo followed closely behind Li Teng, and then Mei Qiugui and He Siying walked behind hand in hand.

While walking, He Siying looked at Mei Qiugui beside her several times, as if to confirm that he was not a female ghost.

In the dream just now, at the last and most critical moment, the female ghost behind her forced her to turn her body and make her look at 'it'. As a result... what she saw was Mei Qiugui's face.

That horrifying scene made He Siying very scared just thinking about it.

Soon Li Teng arrived at the end of the corridor, outside the door of the room He Siying mentioned.

Everyone did not search every room before, and they were not very familiar with the situation in every room in this building.

Pushing open the unlocked iron door of the room, Li Teng turned on the light next to the door, and looked inside with the dim light in the room.

No one else dared to come over and just observed Li Teng's expression.

"There is no one inside, and no danger was found." Li Teng turned around and said to the three of them, and then walked in.

Fang Jianguo quickly followed in.

Mei Qiugui and He Siying also followed in.

This room does look different from the others.

It looked very messy, as if someone had lived there before.

There were black stains on the floor, walls, and bed that looked a lot like dried blood.

"There is indeed blood in this room..." He Siying seemed to have found evidence that her 'dream' was not a dream.

"Don't think nonsense, people just lived here, this is not necessarily blood." Mei Qiugui shook his head.

"There's a diary here."

Li Teng opened a drawer and pulled out a diary.

The diary was covered in stains that looked like blood.

“After we came here, we got separated from the children.

"They took my nephew to the back mountain and happened to pass by the door. My two brothers heard my nephew's cry and chased after him. My husband was awakened and went to the door, and he happened to see them. And took our daughter away,

"My husband also chased me.

“I heard my husband scream and I rushed out of the room.

“But I saw that my husband was covered in blood and they were taking him to the backyard, so I quickly followed the blood trail.

"I chased it all the way to the back mountain. When I went up the hillside and looked over, I discovered a huge secret...

"I regret everything I saw, and I regret even more that I shouldn't have gone there..."

"If anyone sees this diary, please..."

The last few pages of the diary were torn out, and I don’t know what else was written in the back.

The contents of the diary shocked everyone, and they all looked at He Siying.

"I have never seen this diary! No one has told me the contents of this diary!" He Siying quickly defended.

The others were silent, as if they were thinking about what was going on.

"Why did I dream about the contents of this diary? It was really not a dream! It really happened!" He Siying looked very scared.

"Perhaps there is some grievance. It is probably the female ghost who appeared in the back mountain. She entrusted you with a dream and forced everything she has experienced into your dream. The answer to the mystery should be in the cemetery in the back mountain.

"But now is not the time to look for answers. We can wait until dawn tomorrow and then go there to look for answers and look for that huge secret."

Li Teng thought for a while and said a few words.

"Yes, it's not a good time to go to that place now." Fang Jianguo nodded quickly. He was worried that Li Teng had just said that he would take them to the cemetery to see something like that.

Chapter 990

Since they are not going to the cemetery, of course everyone should return to the previous room.

It was almost midnight, and it was Mei Qiugui and He Siying's turn to stay on duty while Li Teng and Fang Jianguo went to bed.

Li Teng and Fang Jianguo were already exhausted. After the rotation, one of them slept on the bed and the other on the floor, and soon fell asleep.

"Weren't you dreaming just now?"

He Siying and Mei Qiugui were sitting where Li Teng and Fang Jianguo were sitting before. He Siying asked Mei Qiugui in a low voice.

"You must be... dreaming, right? I have a lot of messy dreams." Mei Qiugui thought for a while and answered He Siying.

"What's the content?" He Siying asked quickly.

"I don't remember. I rarely remember my dreams." Mei Qiugui shook her head.

"Why did I dream about that diary? Was that diary written by the female ghost? Did she want me to do something for her when she told me these things?" He Siying spoke in a low voice again, as if asking Mei Qiugui seemed to be talking to herself.

"Don't think too much, maybe it's just a coincidence?" Mei Qiugui comforted He Siying.

"It kept making me look back in the end, but when I turned back, what I saw was your face! Why?" He Siying looked at Mei Qiugui, with a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Because you woke me up, of course the first thing you see when you wake up is my face!" Mei Qiugui had a helpless expression.

"No, I remember it very clearly. When I turned around, what I saw was your face! It was what I saw in my dream, and then it slowly became your face when you shook me awake. Speaking of these two Although the face is yours, there seems to be something different..." The look on He Siying's face became even more frightened.

"Stop thinking so wildly, you just had a dream." Mei Qiugui smiled bitterly and reached out to try to hug He Siying.

"Are you really you? Are you really my husband?" He Siying pushed Mei Qiugui's hand away, her whole body trembling.

"Hey, how do you want me to prove that I am who I am?" Mei Qiugui became even more helpless.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, questions that only my husband and I know. If you can answer them, it proves that you are still my husband. If you can't answer them, it will be hard to tell." He Siying asked Mei Qiugui.

"Okay, just ask."

"First question, when is my mother's birthday?" He Siying asked.

"This..." Mei Qiugui scratched her head and scratched her head, but couldn't answer.

"You are indeed not my husband!" He Siying moved her chair to the side.

"I can remember your birthday, how can I remember your mother's birthday?" Mei Qiugui explained.

"Stop coming! Every year on my mother's birthday, I take you home to see her, and she always cooks a big table of dishes for us. Since you go every year, how could you not know her birthday? You must be Fake!" He Siying questioned.

"Even if I go every year, I won't necessarily remember which day it is!" Mei Qiugui said frantically.

"Okay, let me ask you another question."

"You ask."

"When was our first 'that' day? You should remember this clearly, right? You said it was your first time too, but I remember that day very deeply!" He Siying asked Mei Qiugui another question .

"This... that..." Mei Qiugui thought hard, and found that he really didn't remember.

Who can remember so clearly what happened a few years ago? What are women remembering in their minds?

"You are really not my husband...that's terrible!" He Siying's whole body trembled.

"I admit my mistake. I should really remember these days. It's my fault that I forgot, but I am indeed your husband! Although I don't remember your mother's birthday, it's your sister's birthday and your cousin's birthday. , and I remember the birthday of your best friend. If you don’t believe me, I will tell you one by one. Their birthdays are..."

Mei Qiugui quickly found some evidence to prove that she was indeed He Siying's husband.

"I really got everything right this time, but why do you remember the birthdays of my sister, my cousin, and my best friend so clearly?" He Siying heard Mei Qiugui's words and believed his identity, but she immediately discovered new question.

"Um...why do you always ask questions from such a tricky angle?"

"Why is this question so tricky? Don't change the subject!"


Fang Jianguo slept on the bed, and Li Teng slept on the floor.

After Fang Jianguo lay down on the bed, he quickly fell asleep.

In a daze, he seemed to hear the whispers of Mei Qiugui and He Siying, but he didn't hear them clearly.

The two of them seemed to be whispering and occasionally bickering quietly.

I don’t know how long it took.

Fang Jianguo suddenly felt very hot.

There was even a smell of smoke.

My body suddenly felt hot and painful.

Fang Jianguo felt something was wrong, so he quickly sat up from the bed.

Only then did he realize that the quilt on his body was smoldering!

Fang Jianguo coughed several times due to the smoke. He hurriedly took off the quilt and tried to get out of bed. Only then did he realize that Li Teng was missing on the floor, and the quilts, cushions and other things on the floor were also gone. Smoldering and looking like it could become an open flame at any moment!

Also smoldering were his two shoes.

"Ahem! Ahem! Hey! Where are the rest of you? Where have they gone?"

The two chairs by the door were also empty, and Mei Qiugui and He Siying were missing.

Incredibly, the wooden legs and wooden backs of the two chairs were also smoldering at this time.

"Could this be a dream?"

Fang Jianguo had the previous experience of He Siying, and now he tried to calm himself down. He had no shoes to wear, so he could only walk on the ground barefoot.

The room was filled with thick smoke, and Fang Jianguo coughed a few more times and rushed around the smoldering chair by the door, rushing out of the room and into the corridor outside.

"Is this really a dream? Why is it so real? What if this is not a dream? Where did the three of them go?" Fang Jianguo was still inexplicably panicked and scared.

It's a terrible thing for four people to come to this strange mental hospital together.

I never thought that I would be the only one left now!

Is this really a dream? A dream similar to the one He Siying had before?

Her dream became more and more terrifying as she went on. Fang Jianguo didn't want to experience such a terrifying scene, and to experience it alone.

If this is a dream, how do you wake up from it?

Fang Jianguo slapped himself hard.

"It hurts like hell! It hurts so much, how could it be a dream?" Fang Jianguo cursed.

"Help me..." A voice appeared in the distance, seemingly coming from the end of the corridor.

"Who are you?" Fang Jianguo boldly asked over there.


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