Tribe of All Nations

Chapter 725: Nine-layer harvest (ten thousand more for subscription)

Push the door and .

Push the door, and it is difficult.

 However, when the door was pushed, Su Yu was stunned.

The King of the Great Zhou   helped  change things, ,  the situation outside.

When the door was knocked... all the people were stunned.


, a ruin.

When it was a glorious palace, now there are ruins, ruins, broken walls, huge rocks, and regular avenues.

Its people are , Su Yu is .

 Break the avenue!

 chaotic  a ball, such as  without  thread ball one , interweaving  one , chaotic  one piece.


Su Yu even  the dead body. .

A demon god, like a living person, was nailed to a wall by a spear, and his eyes were wide open.

With a strong and powerful breath, sway all around.

Su Yu's face changed slightly.

Move quickly around !

 Department  large  traces.

Through hou, nine floors of people, disappeared and calmly, a quiet,  nonsense!

 RoadPartner  induction,  sleeping.

The entire nine floors were barren.

Su Yu flew into the air, looked around, and fell into a sluggishness.

The entire nine floors, there is only one room left!

All  !

Brilliant People's Palace  , according to    Wenwang Mansion  People's Palace , .


Only blood, only corpses, only ruined walls.

The King of the Great Zhou rushed hurriedly.

 For a moment, suddenly, Huo Yunhou ran towards the distance, and the tube broke through the main road, and the tube was horizontally and horizontally nine layers, suffocating.

Quickly rushed to a dilapidated hall square.

At this moment,  Fang, a strong man in armor, was pierced through the skull and hung the Void .

Huoyunhou rushed quickly, his body was broken by the power of the avenue, and bloodstains were drawn.

But the Huoyunhou is  tube ,  almost .

 Stunned  was nailed to deathVoidthe strong, suddenly, the old tears in all directions? Bang  kneeling down .

"My King!"

A cry, resounding through the sky.

Huoyunhou tears like rain, kneeling down   crying bitterly, losing ? "My king? The last general  late!"

桀骜 Huoyunhou, irritable, Huoyunhou, crying for a moment? Like being abandoned? Letting go crying.

Even if you have made preparations long ago, even if you have already prepared with your heart,  ancient storage? Earlystore.


Today?  Your own  Wang? He was crucified to death Ren Palace !

Su Yu was slightly discolored? ? Void was crucified to death, a powerful existence.

The face is light, like a living person.

The breath is extremely powerful, and his face has the color of 桀骜, Huoyunhou  顀骜,  from this person.

A golden armour, scarred, broken, ugly.

 And? Still can’t stop Fang Fang’s domineering and tough air.

Long flying? Bloody.

One The most the strongest.

 top  empty, vaguely feel  a long river of light and waves.

In an instant, Su Yu went to the road!

 A strong person? Or  one responsible for blocking the road  the strong.

At this moment, Su Yu faintly looks like, in the most important scene.

The building exploded, the emperor forcibly expelled the rule of law, entered the long river of light, sealed off the area, but this was the only one with a hole, dozens of emperors, and a nine-story explosion. .

Once you are strong and save, choose to block your mouth, or stay behind the world.

As a result, the rules of the ten thousand races were too big, and after all, they all died of shopping.

The entire nine floors, at this moment, only the Huoyunhou is crying.


To  hundred ,  support the strong ones.

At a moment, the King of the Great Zhou complex had a complex complexion, and the voice transmission Su Yu: "The King Yue, the King Yue, the Emperor of the People unified all the ,  a tyrant,  was suppressed by the King Wen, subdued, and loyal to the Emperor. Majesty. I have been with the emperor of the people, the king of the literary king, and the king of war. I alone suppress the great worlds such as the demon wolf world and the soul world!"

"Huoyunhou, the king of Yue, will be the general, and the king of Yue will serve as the emperor of the emperor to subdue the general."

"In ancient times, in fact, it is considered a system of enfeoffment. Huoyunhou is the king of Yue, and Yuewang listens to the orders of the imperial court, and the Huoyunhou is regarded as a member of the imperial court. Once the king of Yue leaves, the fire of Yunhou  will follow  away , YuewangEn..."

The face of King Da Zhou was extremely complicated.

A strong and powerful figure is still there, dead, no one is in the sky, and one hundred thousand dead bodies are hanging!

"My king...the last !"

Huoyunhou cried, lifted, kneeled down, moved step by step, and collected the corpse by himself.

One hundred thousand  , Yue Wang   missing .

, death, pain, sorrow, sorrow, after all, it brings a ray of hope.

Today, I witnessed my death, and there was no one to collect the corpse. Huoyunhou was in great pain.

And , several of them  ancient hous,  looked around, with one panic, one fear, , worried .

In ancient times, the building was like this.

A strong man takes command of the party.

From EnWho, HuangquanEnzhi.

Hongmeng, Prince Gong, Dingjun Hou, Ping Wang, Lanshan Hou, Wu Wang...

 people, self, kindness.

At this moment, everyone is worried and safe, and there is a panic, even if there are 100,000 people, the rumor has it that the emperor is dead long ago, and the heart is always with a ray of hope.

If  the corpse... cannot be accepted.

 Invincible  survives, will you die?

The corpse of King Yue is !

And just for a moment, Su Yu suddenly stepped into the air with one step and stopped Huo Yunhou with , Huo Yunhou Dun was furious, double blood red, "Do you do ?"


 do ?

A corpse of the rules is too much to do.

Huoyunhou spear floated instantly, extremely angry, fiercely kicking Su Yu, Ming Su Yu was extremely powerful, at this moment, still murderously spilled, with a heart of death, glaring at him!

The whole person is like a volcano exploding. If you stay quiet, I'm afraid it will be a big event!

At this moment, the blue avatars floated one after another, frowning .

Su Yu waved his hand, Huo Yunhou, and said calmly: "Get closer, King Yue is dead, his energy is restrained, and his chest is murderous! If you get close and touch the corpse, you will definitely die!"

Huo Yunhou was stagnant, half-believing.

Su Yu took charge again, twisted and was nailed to death, Void, Yue King, and then   far away,  wall  hung  corpse,  first  The corpse said lightly: "The King Yue killed the gang at the last moment, severely injured his body, the road collapsed, and he fell."

The corpse is actually a corpse, a blood stain, or a residual limb.

Inverted the king of Yue, the demon god, the corpse was preserved intact.

Su Yu, the remains of King Yue, the last one, the most one scene.

The king of Yue blocked the road, the demon **** guang Changhe ran away, and the king of the people took the other person to the court, and the king of the king blocked the road, and only one person was killed. , His people were probably killed, or beaten.

 Demon kills , seriously wounds  King Yue, and finally  forcibly kills Zunyao Guang Changhe Demon God.

self,  dead li,  followed the large army,  stayed behind the ten thousand world.

Only the corpse was hung high in the air, still guarding the entrance.

Su Yu sighed and bowed slightly.

The most ancient one is one,  peoplerespect.

The human race is in danger,  continues to suppress the ten thousand races, the human emperor leads half of the enemy’s rules, and takes away all the world’s rules, and even includes a large number of  top hous.

There are 720 ancient hous of ten thousand people, and the most left are, in fact, one-third of them.

, when  Human Race Hou followed and .

A large number of rules, top-level harmony, follow the emperor of the people and leave.

At this moment, with countless chants, Su Yu bowed and saluted.

its,respect in ancient times, Ming dynasty must die, still without turning back, domineering and unparalleled, continue to suppress the ten thousand races, the top powerhouse.

"Yue Wang!"

Su Yuqing said: ",  one bit of murderous aura is hidden in the body,  loyal to his duty, waiting for  to run  guys give a blow!"

King Yue is dead!

 , the avenue is broken, and the dao is all inside the body, which is quite the last moment, swallowing the power of the avenue, and it is contained in the body.

For the strong of the ten thousand races, if everyone walks through the channel, I am afraid that they will escape with a shock!

A top-notch king, the best hit!

One blow, Huoyunhou bear ,Su Yu bear .

Huo Yunhou's face changed, and the King of Zhou,  , hurry up, bowed to the remains of the Yue King, bowed and saluted,   Huo Yunhou, sighed: "Believe in the emperor,   will deceive ! For this reason,  is willing to let the enemy go through the long river and harm the human race... Wang Yezhong,  prince minister, don’t be bad, prince is the most wise."

Huoyunhou's violent aura gradually slowed down .

At this moment, several people in Yunshuihou walked out one after another, saluting the remains of King Yue, their complexions.

The heroic general should be comforted by one sentence: "Let's...Let's go to the King of Yue! Lord Yue, Xu...Xu Xu, and the other emperors return... …"

Huo Yunhou's complexion is complex, with a sorrowful color, "My king...The dead corpse is 100,000 years old, the original ......"

At this moment,  should be .

The original  Yue Wang died,  Su Yu, at this moment  Yue Wang, the prince  stayed the most , Fire Cloud Hou gave up  method.

 The remains of King Yue, even more sad.


, the only one who has fallen from the dead, whose man, after all, is missing and missing, represents a ray of hope, even if hope is slim, and he gave up early.

Yuewang, really hope!

At this moment, the Great Zhou King Shen said: "Yuhuang, Yuewang, died, ...... ......  Necrosphere is reviving?"

As soon as this remarks, Huoyunhou shines!

Su Yu shakes: "First, sleep, the long river of dead primordial souls, cannot recover. Because of the power, the road is sufficient to revive the rules. Second, there are different levels of existence, the dead souls. The avenue...   can't lead the party!"

Huoyunhou is dim in God.

Su Yu said again: "If the first type is completely revived, when the necromantic realm is strong, survived, and killed, it is enough to give birth to a rule of law,  hope !"

Huo Yunhou once again brought a hope, and said eagerly: "Master Yuhuang, my king...recovery, hope?"

Su Yu calmly said: "Any guarantee! , !"

Broken Fire Cloud Hou has the most hope, , hope is too slim.

LevelDead, is the Avenue of the Dead really lead away?

not necessarily!

Strictly, there is a avenue of dead souls, one road, and the rule of one realm is preserved. Will it lead to the strong realm?

Su Yu   again.

Huoyunhou leave a glimmer of hope.

 King Yue’s corpse, with a pity and emotion.

Today, see the corpse of the first dead king.

When the emperor stays away, it is not as easy as it is.

, the rule of ten thousand races, the strong , the immortal emperor  people,  second only to the wenwang ,  see  weaker than the king of Wu.

The strong, who are willing to follow the human emperor and leave the world?

Kill all the way !

To persecute the powerful of all races, go against the current, and fight countless years.

In this case, the corpse is stored according to the rules.

Stopped like this, Su Yu opened the door and was stabbed with blood and tears.

One after another broke, the regular avenue, and the void was filled.

Su Yu.

Actually... Stop death, one of the rules!


 square,  avenues are mixed,  powerful and not ,  Xu several avenues are completely broken, and yuewang Demon God.

Su Yu suddenly said, "Mozu, is it only one of the rules?"

The King Shen of the Great Zhou said: "Only one! Human race is full of 41 rules, and demons are not one. Even the iron-eating race, only one, January is the rule of February, February !"

Su Yu is slightly .

"One of the ten thousand rules, isn't it 99?"

The King of the Great Zhou Dynasty: "The ancient lords of the ancient ten thousand tribes,  have the strength of the rules!  ,  seal the king, seal the king, exclusive to the human race!"

The King of the Great Zhou also said: "Although there are only 99 people, you should be an ally of the human race... so, the human race is only the rule of the human race."

Su Yu is slightly .

Looking around, the entire nine floors are full of confusion.

There is only one small house, standing there.

It    just flew  hut.

There are countless powerful buildings, and they are preserved in their homes. It is not an accident. Su Yu suddenly presented a map, then the road map.

Next to the hut, Su Yu   , lightly said: "This house has the heaviest human emperor's morals, and it is connected to one of the entrances of the realm. The defense is extremely strong, and the power of the road is difficult to destroy. ...... Save it ."

Too  strong,  big .

As a result, the house stayed in ,  was counted as wrong.

After , Su Yu  again  Yue Wang corpse, a god-like strong man,  waiting for you to return.

Su Yu was nailed to death on the wall, the devil, and he said lightly: "A rule of law, ,  is as powerful as a king!"

Huo Yunhou glared, "Master Yuhuang, smashed the corpse, pumped blood, and peeled off the skin!"

King Yue, because of the escape from his gang, he hit a final blow, causing the road to collapse.

 Killing King Yue, the culprit!

Su Yuqing said: "Let’s go, ...Use the waste! A realm of rules, a devil, a corpse of rules, and a corpse, a wild animal, a corpse, transformation. The blood of the Great Qin King, the Great Xia King, will soon have the top power..."

Everyone, the King of the Great Zhou hesitated slightly and said: "Yuhuang, I mean, let people change the Tao?"

", the avenue is broken , turn to repair ."

Su Yu shakes: "Use it, the rules are...  treasure,  civilization , Mozu page,  completely complete !"

Su Yu smiled, "The Way of the Demon Race, it takes more time!"

Strong and surviving, contains the power of the magic way, the false way quickly completes!

After Su Yu finished, he quickly smashed the corpse. At this moment, the corpse was nailed to the wall with a long spear. The long spear should be the weapon of King Yue.

Su Yu's door opened, and his eyebrows were slightly condensed, and the power of the avenue waved.

Gang Bo  one ,  nail   square forehead   spear, instantly turned into powder.

Huo Yunhou was anxious, and Su Yushen said: "Don’t, the spear has long been exploded by the king of Yue, and the charm is empty. At this moment, the corpse, the weapon, must disappear. !"

Huoyunhou was helpless, with a sense of sorrow, "My king's favorite yuelong spear is to slay a top dragon from the dragon, and draw his keel to build..."

Su Yu.

  people,  code  ten thousand people, so, Su Yujue,  world way,  bad points,  stand.

The human race feels that the ten thousand race is evil, and the ten thousand race feels that the human race is evil.

Listen, draw a dragon and cast a keel, is it a human being?

It's obvious!

Yue King,  dead, dying dedicated his duty, guarding the entrance,  ten thousand people, hanging 100,000 dead,  the most  one strike, standing on the human race’s position,  Human Race Great Hero!

Enemy’s enemy,  hero.

, Su Yu once again  the devil, speared into powder, and the corpse was still hung .

Qi machine   content!


Ordinary people are corpses, and they are looking for death.

, Su Yu is afraid.

The corpse of the King Yue, the true corpse, the method , the corpse of the King Yue.

Since the Yuewang station is the most squad guard, Su Yu will be all around.

To   Devil... It’s a big deal!

Su Yu hand, floating a seal, Xingyu seal.

Yiyin suppressed!

The violent qi machine instantly calms down, Su Yu’s **** flickers, civilization is floating,  is broken, and the cover of the book disappears. At this moment, its one page belongs to one page of the devil’s family. Powerful.

Su Yu's hand shook, and the second stage of Eternal Demon's shadow floated, swallowing towards the corpse.

,  Fang is too powerful !

 The devil ghost shadow,  jealous, and forcibly swallowed,  digestion signs.

Everyone was silent  .

And Su Yu narrowed his eyebrows slightly.

Suddenly, I was just taken away from the road map .

As for the road map, black and white rotate at this moment, like the sun and the moon.

"Civilization: The book cover is shattered... This is the soldier of the proof, the ordinary book cover,  can not meet the needs of ..."

Su Yu Xingyuyin, "Today, I want to use the road map to recast the book cover. Please forgive me!"

Everyone was shocked!

Use the road map to cast the book cover!

...  big  handwriting.

"An explanation of the avenue of the Emperor of Humanity, creating a map of the avenue, and the way of life,  want to , ten thousand ways converge, to be the fourth person! This picture is  suitable for casting a civilization book cover!"

Su Yu self,person, or human emperor, or take an oath!


Be the fourth person to preach!

Civilization is strong enough, even to suppress the king, ,  is strong enough!

Su Yu is stronger!

 hand,  strong.

 Respect,  Xu, Quickly encounter TrueThe rule of ,civilization,weak, , Calculate the messy page, such as Powerful  , virtual shadow  ,   first entered eternity  virtual shadow.

 phantom shadow, meet the top strong, slap to death!

At the beginning, just after casting, 300 suns and moons, Su Yu felt powerful and scared. Nowadays, the 2,000 pages of the book have been cast, almost  the sun and the moon, a part of the eternal strength of .

, but  is still extremely weak, unable to match strong enemies.

Civilization, Su Yu consumes countless resources.

How can it be too bad to be a soldier of the proof.

In other words, the power of Su Yu Dao is , a hammer is suddenly floated in the hand, and the road map is drawn from the road to the civilization.

At this moment, Su Yu's divine writings are floating.

Universe civilization!

The four big characters fall into the picture.

Su Yu struck with a hammer, slammed  sound,  empty and silent  nine layers, instantly spread !

At this moment, Su Yujue, the road map, is simply too suitable for the book cover!

And,  really .

Alternation of black and white, such as white and dark night, the emperor of human beings is the same .

 fills the blank of Su Yu one,  contains four divine writings.

The king of Yue died, and the emperor led the people away, so Su Yujue, the situation of the emperor might not necessarily be !

,  Let King Yue die .

Take away the rules of ,  live less,  difficult.


Crisp and sound, nine layers of sway!

 Recast the book cover and devour the corpse of the rules of the respect. Once it is finished, one page of the Demon Race is considered complete, and even one page of the Demon Race is a virtual shadow, hope to reach the strength of the Demon Race.

 Quite, Su Yu’s weapon, relying on civilization, can match and even kill a Hedao!

Stop this, kill Xu people, Su Yu, corpses, essence, blood, etc., but not swallowed, waiting for the book cover to be recast, and the level of civilization will be upgraded again,  , Just assimilate and digest .



Eight floors.

Through Hou Xin's tremor, ... the nine-story transmission  sound?

How   !

Ninth floor, is it people?

How     sound transmission !

Through Hou Huan and tangible,  far away, the courtyard is empty,  nine-story entrance, , at this moment the rules are chaotic, dangerous,  dare to .

After hesitating, Tong Hou disappeared instantly.


Quick, seven floors.

Tong Hou shouted: "Emperor Wu, !"

"Listen to  sound?"

Void wave, , the outsider  Wuhuang, at this moment, it is condensed to the flesh, and outsiders see the flesh.

With a grievance, an overbearing intention, unrestrained, wild, cold and cold.

However, Hou Hou, Gu, Gu, and Xu Xu, nervously said, "Eighth floor sound, is it? Listen? Wu Huang, let us live, why? yin? Isn’t it...Is it the emperor?"


", just !"

Hou was shocked, "Just yin! Listen to ?"

Emperor Wu condensed his eyebrows slightly, at this moment,  listen .

Originally      stupid idiot,   dignified .

Human Emperor ?

……, how do you deal with yourself?

Wrinkled eyebrows,  sound, one  spreads and , according to the method of Tonghou,  from the nineth floor.

Xingyu Mansion, one and seven floors, is cast in the flesh of Emperor Wu Huang.

From the eighth floor to the ninth floor, it's down to .

There are eight floors and nine floors, with additional forging.

Although the Emperor Wu is strong, no matter how strong he is, his physical body, his feet, can hold hundreds of rules for storage, so there are eight floors and nine floors, which will be built in the future.

At this moment, rhythm forged, broken.

Emperor Wu lifted  with a dignified weight.

Really the emperor ?


On the side, Tong Hou nervously said: "Wu Huang, Human Huang? If ,  surrender to Yu Huang, is it a betrayal? Count it! ,  ,  unlucky !"

Emperor Wu was cold and cold.

He said to death: "True, I must be unlucky! Truth be told, the clamor is to kill the human race, exterminate the inheritance of the emperor, and must be killed!"

Emperor Wu was cold, irritated, "How about it?"

" will die !"

Tong Hou hurriedly said: "Are you afraid?"

Emperor Wu killed him, buddy!

A palm moves towards  , and the communication disappears instantly, and then , “Don’t hit, don’t hit!” If you say ,  just  door, Emperor Wu really killed ,  eighth floor The ninth floor crashed, and Emperor Wu died faster."

Emperor Wu coldly swept  , then  , and listened to the sound in silence, for a long time, Shen said: "The smell of forging soldiers!"

"Forging soldiers?"

Through Hou Yiyi,  quickly said: " evidence forging soldiers?  Feel it,  hit the gong ,  knock on the door,  drink and hit a glass,  Knock  beg for mercy ......"

  Break  , the emperor Wu’s breath changed, , coldly said: "Through ,  nonsense, the emperor will kill today!"

Nonsense 忒!

 Although completely unblocked, , strength has been cut off and restored, the road seal  slowly solved  one , now, kill all !

After all, Hou is depressed, please talk again.

With a helplessness.

 Really!

 Really  the situation.

  Cast soldiers,  feel, , threaten with force!

Emperor Wu  again, continue to listen.


And Su Yu continued to forge.

Hammer, break percussion.

again and again.

Great Daoshu is integrated into civilization and is simple.

With each hammer, it will act as a brute force, and with each hammer, Su Yu's own thoughts will be mixed.

The Book of Great Dao should be explained by the emperor.

Expand the magic hammer, then  Su Yu Wandao solution.

 once wandered the river of light,  once stolen the power of ten thousand ways, mastered ten thousand clan exercises, and buried ten thousand clan book pages.

Su Yu himself, 10,000 ways, and his own understanding.

One hammer is like fire, one hammer is like wind, one hammer brings the power of space, and another hammer brings the way of vibration!

Hard work!

 Breaking the hammer, as Su Yu Dao’s perception merged, Dao Books gradually began to blend into civilization, a black and white book cover, gradually began to shape.

The king of the Great Zhou, a man, listened silently.

Gradually ,  people,  feeling .

One time,  gains  small.

I have just learned about the great road, and I feel that the emperor’s great road has explained that it is fast, and Su Yu, it is quite easy to listen to Su Yu’s great road.

The Emperor , Su Yu,  peerless evildoer.

Su Yu's strength is like a man's Xu, and he has a great sense of understanding. Compared with the general rules, he has less difference and heavier. He has a wide range of skills and is not focused on one force.

The biggest gain is actually blue.

  Road, Common People Road.

The Confluence of Ten Thousand Ways: One kind!

The emperor, Su Yu, Su Yu, there are different types of roads. At this moment, there are countless avatars floating in blue, and one avatar sits cross-legged and listens silently.

The blue avenue has a low sentiment, and no matter how strong it is, it is much better than that of Su Yu, which is quite good for friends.

The flame rose, and the Five Elements Road was knocked by Su Yu.

Quiet Avenue, followed by .

The King of the Great Zhou Dynasty can think and feel Su Yu's silent avenue. Su Yu himself often uses one, one and one, and his accomplishments are shallow.

Only King Daming listened for a while, secretly slandering.

Yuhuang, with a formation,  too little insight.

,  sentiment,  like King Daming himself.

King Daming is powerless, so he can count on it.

Percussion, countless times  percussion.

Su Yu's forehead, sweat is broken.

Daoshu, civilization, and integration, the more and more the Taoism is revealed, at this moment, once civilization is, there is a unique treasure!

 Channel tap  a few times, boom!

Civilization is one!

At this moment, the golden lines spread!

Gradually, 180 lines of texture spread!

180 gold patterns, divided according to their levels, are considered the pinnacle of the gods!

All the pages of the book are powerful and powerful.

The Mozu  one page, the original eternal second stage left and right phantom shadows, suddenly increased aura, one child, feel the strength of the fourth or fifth stage.

And the phantom,  took the opportunity to swallow the corpse.

The corpse, the corpse, and a force of strength began to flow away. Su Yu continued to suppress it with the star seal, and the sweat rolled down drop by drop, and the ghost was swallowed off.

The more  the stronger!

The enemy is weak and strong!

 Corpse, after all, a corpse of the rules, even if it dies for countless years, the power of blood and essence will flow out, and the power of the great road will collapse.

The phantom breath is strong!

Eternal six paragraphs!

Continue to swallow.

As soon as the corpse’s breath began to weaken, the phantom’s strength began to increase.

Seven paragraphs!

The King of the Great Zhou  is secretly shocked!

Su Yu, a soldier of the Dao, was quite scared.

The corpse breath   weakened, vitality and blood flowed away, and the power of the demon phantom increased again.

At this moment, the phantom is gradually condensing signs!

The body, the power of a great road, wraps around the body.

In fact, it’s just an incarnation!

If Su Yu gives the virtual shadow an aura and makes the virtual shadow wise, it is actually quite a bean bag.

When, at this moment, Su Yu's interest makes the road more spiritual.

What's more, false roads.

Outline  virtual avenue!

It’s not the real way, unless you are in harmony with all the way, the way, the virtual avenue, and the virtual road is turned into reality.


In a moment, the phantom's strength increased again!

The body is wrapped around the avenue, becoming more solid.

Such as a black dragon, entwining the phantom body.

After a long time, the corpse was absorbed and half of it was absorbed. Su Yu drank a low, and a force of rules flooded into the Mozu’s page, and drew from the Emperor’s Avenue. There is no power of rules!


A loud noise spread.


The phantom is like the Primordial Demon God, steeply roaring, and the body is black, fast condensing, extremely powerful, in the blink of an eye, the breath soars!


The breath escaped, and in an instant, the king of the Great Zhou changed his color slightly, and he was in harmony!

Step into Hedao !

Su Yuju cultivated a spirit of harmony, a spirit of harmony, a spirit of weapons, a spirit of weapons, and a spirit of one page.

When the phantom crosses into the Hedao, the phantom is condensed, and it looks like a face. Su Yu is completely corresponding, full of magic, with a magical nature, and extremely cold and cold. .

Everyone stared at  one , bearing  staying  oneSu Yu.

 Full of magic, the spirit of the avenue, I feel quite scared.

If Su Yu himself has a cold face, he is probably bad.

selfcold faceMadao Su Yu, jue?

Su Yu is a soldier of the path, showing a phantom shadow. He is always in the dark, and he is always thinking about it.

At this moment, the corpse of the rules, most of its power was absorbed.

Su Yu put it down and continued to absorb.

The magic shadow swallowed frantically, faster than that.

The breath is strong again.

The corpse became weaker and weaker, and its power was swallowed seven, eight... Boom, the magical breath changed again!

The King of the Great Zhou raised his eyebrows,  one  Xinghong, Xinghong  one ,  full transmission said: " to do ? The most power of the fourth-class combination,  will soon be Wait... Magic Shadow,  hit  extinguish, really scared!"

One page, Su Yu  creates million pages!

Dare !

At that time, its page is probably strong and hopeful, after all, it is swallowed by the rules.

Even if one is dead, one of the rules!

The body gradually disappeared.

When the most powerful force is swallowed, the corpse disappears completely, and the magical aura changes again, extremely powerful!

Wait for the power of harmony!

Su Yu frowned slightly, and quickly stretched her eyebrows: "After all, it's dead, the rule of the law, and the power of the avenue is broken,   barely created a statue that has just stepped into the illusion of the magical path...  ."

 too bad!

At this moment, the whole civilization is full of demons.

, the devilish energy spread, as soon as the book cover was forged and absorbed by the book cover, the black and white rotation is very mysterious.

The devilish energy is suppressed!

"Congratulations Yuhuang!"

Congratulations from the King of the Great Zhou, and Su Yu, the soldiers of the proving Tao, are much stronger than them.

Su Yu smiled and said, "After finishing one ten-thousandth of forging, don't forge it, gadgets, the more resources they consume, the more resources they will consume, the way they will be, and they will be thoroughly raised.

Su Yu shook his head and counted, he said that he was on the same road. In fact, the virtual avenue was turned into a , so just try to join the Wandao.

Su Yu stopped and said with a smile: "Nine floors, , everyone clean up the field, let Yuewang guard this...!"

The eighth floor is familiar, the eighth floor,  just whatever .

Everyone has , several ancient hous, Huoyunhoushe, ,  method, , one night, the corpse of King Yue,  only increased grief.

, everyone began to clean the field.

One incomplete weapon, one spilled blood, and collected targets, including the original imperial palace and one treasure. At this moment, take the ,  as the carrier.

And Su Yu counts  to , the distance is ,  fast.

 Road, boundary, , situation.

Xia Longwu is a human being, and he can do it by himself.

The nine-floor Xingyu Mansion is actually very small. Su Yu sweeps the entrance of the Yuewang King and the entrance, and it's probably...Only the nine-floor is the core place!

If the emperor is a man, there is a high probability that he will enter the long river of light, go against the current all the way, and kill him.

 If  enter him by oneself,  and go against the current,   look for the man king  ?

The emperor, where is the king of literature?

As soon as he read, Su Yu's mind flashed.

It is necessary to quell the dangers of the world as soon as possible!

Otherwise, if you really wait for the gang to kill, the Taoist emperor will die, you will die, and the ten thousand tribes will win the battle, which is one of the top rules, just do it. !

PS: October is the smallest month. If you vote for a monthly pass, it will be wasted. Please vote for it, thank you!

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