Chapter 18 The basis is that we found nothing

For a moment everyone in the room became silent.

If it is determined that this is the murder scene, then there will be no body or any traces.

This result can be said to be the most realistic and chilling conclusion.

Such a killer.

It would be difficult for them to catch him.

Or very difficult.

Because he understands so well!

While everyone was silent, suddenly several police officers who were conducting surveillance downstairs ran in.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw everyone was silent and couldn't help but ask.

"Director Li?"

Director Li came back to his senses, glanced at the police officer, and then asked.


"Oh, did the surveillance find it?"

"Is there anything I can figure out?"

The police officer took out a USB flash drive, then looked at Director Li in disbelief and said.

"All monitoring has been copied to this USB flash drive."

"But just checked."

"From the time Wang Qiang left the community to when he received the call from the killer, there was no visible figure in the surveillance."

"But this community is an old community, and many of the cameras are broken."

"So it is difficult to determine whether the killer entered the building through other surveillance blind spots."

Through the analysis just now, Director Li has almost given up any hope.

After all, no useful clues were found at the scene.

How could such a cautious person let them find something to do in the surveillance?

Shaking his head slightly, Director Li continued after everyone was silent for a while.


"It seems our opponent is not easy this time!"

"It can be inferred from the murder scene and surveillance video that this murderer is a perverted killer who is very proficient in cleaning up crime traces at the scene."

"And he has very keen anti-reconnaissance capabilities. It is a bit unrealistic to find him through surveillance videos."

"The opponent is very cunning and we are very passive!"

The people in the city bureau couldn't help but look at each other with different expressions.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that they have no information at all so far.

Some are just a phone recording between Wang Qiang and the killer.

From such a few clues, there is simply too little that can be inferred.

Several people shook their heads at each other, and then asked Director Li.

"Director Li, you are in charge of this operation, what are your plans next?"

Director Li pondered for a moment and remembered that Wang Donglai had said that there were five things to be done during the meeting.

Now the most important murder scene investigation and investigation of surveillance video have been checked.

Not a clue.

I can only hope to find the merchant who sold Wang Qiang's phone number on the Internet, and then find out the news about the underground boss.

Or find the killer's detailed information through the phone number.

Both of these are unreliable.

After all, people in this industry are very cautious, even though mobile phone cards now require real-name authentication.

But mobile phone cards can be traded after all.

Almost all the mobile phone cards of such underground bosses are bought, and it is almost impossible to find his information through this.

Director Li shook his head and then said.

"We are here with a failure. Let's go back to the police station first and see how the other groups have done."

"Director Wang attaches great importance to this matter. No matter what, let's go back and report the situation first, and then make plans."

"By the way, could you please all the experts from the Municipal Bureau to come with us? There are many details at the scene that you need to report to Bureau Wang."

No clues could be found at the scene, and there was nothing we could do if we stayed.

But it can't be said that there are no clues at all. Before leaving, Director Li took a photo of the album on the table.

The content of the photo is Wang Qiang's neighbor, an elderly man who looks to be in his sixties.

With this photo, we can at least know the general condition of the deceased.

You can also find out more by visiting the family members of the deceased.

After returning to the police station.

Everyone returned to the conference room again.

The conference room was not very big, and it was still the same as during the morning meeting. Those who did nothing were standing nearby, holding a notebook and recording the meeting at any time.

Because I was in such a hurry, I drank half of the mineral water that was placed in the conference room in the morning, and it is still placed on the table.

No one will pay attention to these insignificant things anymore.

City Police Department Wang Donglai was sitting at the round table in the conference room. Seeing Director Li and the city bureau experts looking dejected, Wang Donglai roughly guessed the outcome.

So I didn't say anything more and asked directly.

"How about it?"

"Were there any clues found at the murder scene?"

"Have any suspicious persons been captured in the community surveillance?"

"I think no matter how powerful this murderer is, he should still leave something behind."

"It doesn't matter. Don't get downcast. It doesn't matter if we find few clues. We can explore bit by bit."

"This is just the murder scene and surveillance. Other teams will continue to find clues later."

"If we put it together, we can sort out a complete chain of clues!"

At this time, Director Li and the experts from the municipal bureau looked at each other. Everyone had different expressions, and they looked a little embarrassed.

It's like when you were in school, your parents watched you come home from the exam with great anticipation, and then you took out a blank paper.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Wang Donglai, the chief of the city police station, couldn't help but frowned sullenly.

Why are you all mute?

So he pointed at Director Li of the Baiqiao District Police Station and asked.

"Director Li, you are in charge of this operation. You speak first!"

"What clues have you found?"

Director Li felt a little on pins and needles, but he felt like he had done nothing wrong.

So he looked at Wang Donglai anxiously and hesitated.


"Wang Bureau, we infer that the murderer may be..."

"No hair!"

"No eyebrows!"

"Have superb counter-reconnaissance awareness!"

"And he is also a professional killer who likes to clean up the traces of crime at the scene!"

Wang Donglai picked up the pen and recorded it seriously in his notebook. At the same time, he nodded and said solemnly.

"Well, yes, we have deduced the murderer's character."

"What's the basis for the inference?"

"Tell me the basis for your inference!"

Director Li choked up and looked at the city bureau experts in embarrassment.

I noticed that these experts were looking at their mouths and their hearts, and I immediately felt that taking charge was not a good thing.

He took another look at Wang Donglai and saw that Wang Donglai was still lowering his head to record, so he said.

"The basis is..."

"We just didn't find any clues at the scene."

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