Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 34 Isn’T Han Tang The Best Informant?

Chapter 34 Isn’t Han Tang the best informant?

"Found within two days?"

"Isn't this a joke?"

Director Li looked at Wang Donglai with an expression of disbelief, wondering when did the Provincial Police Department become so good at playing?

It takes two days to find such an informant?

Just kill them directly.

Informants like the one Wang Dong mentioned just now are hard to come by.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for those who have not received training to have this kind of mental quality.

It's almost impossible to find just one on the street.

Either they were trained in the police academy.

Or he is really someone who has come out of the evil forces.

Now, if you don’t want anyone with a police background, you can only look for them among their informants.

Wang Donglai also knew the seriousness of this matter, so he shook his head and said.


"Forget it, sort out all the informants you have and send them to me individually. Don't let the third person know during this period."

"Even you can only inform them, but you cannot ask about their informant information."


Director Li nodded slightly.

Informant information is generally not allowed to be shared with others.

Even in the police station, you cannot tell others about this.

Who can ensure that the people around them are clean?

So Wang Donglai did this, and Director Li understood it very well.

It just made him a little worried.

I'm afraid I can't find such an informant even if I search all over Donghai City.

Touching his chin, Director Li suddenly looked at Wang Donglai and asked.

"Wang Bureau?"

"The Han Tang we interrogated at noon today?"

Thinking about it carefully based on the conditions, it seems that among these people, Han Tang is the one who most resembles someone who came out of the evil forces.

Just a smile can make people break out in a cold sweat.

It would be perfect for such a person to be an informant.

Wang Donglai shook his head and said before Director Li finished speaking.


"This person's identity is based on his reputation. He does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. Letting him be an informant is tantamount to directly informing that the operation has failed."

"Han Tang will continue to be monitored. As long as our suspicions are not dispelled, nothing can be related to him."

"Especially what's going on in our police department."

The director nodded lightly and couldn't help but think to himself.

Now that I say that, there is no one.

Their Baiqiao District Police Station generally only manages public security and basically does not need to train informants.

So this matter has nothing to do with them.

As for Han Tang, he thinks Wang Dong is right.

The identity of Han Tang is unknown and confusing.

It would be a bit uncertain to find him as an informant.



the other side.

In the stern office of the Provincial Police Director, two people were sitting on the sofa.

The person in the middle had his legs crossed, pure black socks exposed between his trousers and leather shoes, and the toes of his shoes were on the coffee table drawer.

Yan Yan leaned on the sofa and looked at his phone, frowning as if he was thinking deeply, and then sighed after a while.


At this time, the person sitting alone on a sofa saw Yan Yan sighing and couldn't help but ask.

"Ding Yan, have you contacted the Donghai City Police Department?"

He nodded sternly and glanced at the two people around him, with some worry in his eyes.

"got engaged."

"But we can't place all our hopes on the Donghai City Police Department. We need to make more preparations."

The person sitting across from Yan Yan was Lei Jia, the leader of the provincial serious crime team, who was responsible for the arms case Yan Yan was talking about.

"It's all these arms dealers' fault. They are so cunning."

"The identity of our informant was found, and the location was temporarily changed, which messed up all our plans!"

He nodded sternly and continued.

"There's nothing we can do about it."

"The identity of the informant has been exposed. If he shows up again, he will die."

"Fortunately, this informant is just the guy in charge of the transaction, so not much has been exposed."

"Otherwise, the case that we have been focusing on for three years will fall short."

"It's just that it's a little hard to find a new informant now."

"By the way, how do you contact those arms dealers?"

Thunderjaw next to him looked at the stern office warily, habitually wanting to see if it was safe or not.

Naturally, this scene was not hidden from Yan Yan's eyes, Yan Yan glanced at Thunder Jaw in a funny way, and then laughed.

"Don't worry, no one dares to put surveillance in my office."

"Just say it."

Thunderjaw smiled awkwardly, then continued.

"Get used to it, hehe."

"That's right, the person who is going to join us is called Brother K."

"It is said that their boss, the Nine-faced Buddha, is in Dai country and will not come here in person."

"The Nine-Faced Buddha's business is not only selling arms to China, but also selling arms to some forces in other countries."

"Although the scale of his business is not comparable to that of those big arms dealers from the United States or Italy, his scope is very wide and his power cannot be underestimated."

"And according to the latest news, this Nine-faced Buddha seems to be from China as well."

Yan Yan nodded slightly and continued to ask.

"What about our side?"

"How do you deal with informants?"

Thunderjaw continued.

"The informant was probably bumped into by Brother K's men when he was sweeping the grave last time."

"I guess they will hack into our system and find the informant's information."

"The institute is currently modifying the informant's file. The file now shows that the informant was fired from the police five years ago on suspicion of accepting bribes. He now has no relationship with the police department."

"This is also to protect him. Otherwise, if the Nine-faced Buddha really becomes suspicious, he will definitely die!"

"But now I have told the people on Brother K's side that this informant has been killed, and someone else will deal with them when the time comes."

Yan Yan nodded slightly and then continued.

"We need to find someone who can play the role of connector in a short period of time."

"Not only must we help us complete the transaction smoothly, but we must also not expose any flaws."

"In this way, one is looking for informants, and the other is looking for prisoners held in various places."

"See if there is a suitable one. If so, you can also choose one from the prisoners in various prisons."

"With major meritorious service as a reward, I don't believe that we can't find a dead soldier who is willing to take risks."

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