Chapter 42 Amazing Memory

Han Tang shook his head in amusement. It was a bit unexpected to think that the director of the Provincial Police Department, who was called strict, agreed so readily.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Yan Yan and Thunder Jaw standing aside with serious faces, looking like bosses.

I thought it was so difficult to talk.

did not expect.

This is all an illusion.

For a moment, Han Tang felt like he was being fooled.

But now that the deal was settled, Han Tang didn't care about it.

After all, Han Tang originally agreed to help for the optional tasks given by the system.

It's just that he helped because of the mission, not because of his good relationship with the police station.

As for option two or option three, Han Tang plans to listen to their plans before making a decision.

At this time, Yan Yan waved to Thunder Jaw, and then said softly.

"Bring the information here."

Thunderjaw originally wanted to ask if he wanted to consider it again.

After all, one million is not a small amount.

If you agree to Han Tang so easily, what should you do if you can't get it back later?


He is also a little worried now.

Like Wang Donglai, Han Tang is an outsider to them after all.

Whether he can follow their plan has always been his biggest concern.

It's just that Yan Yan has already agreed. No matter what he says, there will be no room for change.

Unless Han Tang made a serious mistake or lacked ability.

Lei Jaw took the information, walked to Han Tang's side, then put the information in Han Tang's hand and said.

"This is the information for this mission."

"First of all, you are a native of Donghai City."

"Both of his parents died when he was young, and he grew up in the Lotus Orphanage in Donghai City."

"These are the children who grew up in orphanages at the same time as you. Their current identities, backgrounds, and where they work now."

"Of course, you can read what kind of work they have and don't keep it in mind, because their work will not overlap with your mission this time."

"But what are their names and what are some impressive things to remember."

"And you are a child from this orphanage. Your name is Liu Huaqiang, nicknamed Brother Dao."

"Although you are a local, your power is not here because you made your fortune in Sichuan Province."

"The person you are dealing with is codenamed Brother K. Their boss is the Nine-Faced Buddha. It is said that the Nine-Faced Buddha is still in Dai country and has not come over."

"The Nine-Faced Buddha is very careful and will basically never show up."

"But you have to find a way to get information about the Nine-faced Buddha."

"In addition, we will organize a person to go in and cooperate with you and act with you at any time."

"If there are two people, firstly, it will dispel the other party's suspicion, and secondly, if you have any inconvenience, you can ask your companion to cooperate with you in transmitting the message."

"Here are the specific information."

After Han Tang took the information and developed a photographic memory, he could basically remember it all after reading it once.

I saw Han Tang briefly flipping through the information, then throwing the entire book of information aside and asking.

"What about trading hours?"

"And trading locations."

Seeing Han Tang throw the information away in a hundred years, Thunderjaw couldn't help but pick up the information, stared at Han Tang and scolded.

"Have you finished reading?"

"With so much information, you have to memorize it all."

"Not only do you have to memorize it, but you also have to engrav this information in your mind. If there is any problem, your life will be dead!"

"Do you think this is child's play?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Yan raised his hand to signal Lei Jaw to calm down, then he looked at Han Tang and said.

"Han Tang, Thunderjaw is worried about your safety. After all, this is not children's play. If the information is not correct, your situation will be in danger."

"So I'd better take another look at this information."

"And the time is urgent. The transaction will take place tomorrow night."

"You have to memorize all the information before this."

Han Tang glanced at the information, raised the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly.

"Tomorrow evening?"

"Time is tight enough."

"No wonder you can accept a million dollars and find an informant temporarily. Isn't this pushing people into a pit of fire?"

After saying that, Thunderjaw and Yan Yan blushed.

It's really a bit of a trap.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

If you continue to use the previous informant, then this mission will probably fail.

But now in the words of a newcomer, at least at first there would be no doubt.

How far it will develop in the future depends on luck.

There is also Han Tang’s on-the-spot transformation ability.

Yan Yan gave a dry laugh, patted the information and continued.

"We have no choice but to do so. If you feel it's dangerous, it's still too late to regret it."

"But the one million I just said is true to my word."

"Although the amount is a bit large, it can still be obtained."

“It’s unknown how many opportunities a person has to make money in this life and how much money he can make.”

"Maybe after passing this village, there won't be this store."

Han Tang smiled.

One million is really difficult for others.

But for him, there are many ways to make money now.

There really is no need to work hard for this.

The main reason why I stayed to help was because of the mission.

So he said.


"I have memorized the information."

"Tell me about the plan below."

"Since I have to act as a buyer, you can't just let me go like this, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Thunderjaw and Yan Yan stared at Han Tang with disbelief written all over their faces.

"What?" Lei Jaw looked at Han Tang in surprise. He picked up the information in his hand and took a look at the thickness. There were almost a dozen pages of content. He just glanced at it and memorized it?


Thunderjaw suddenly stuttered a little and continued.

"You said you memorized it?"

"Are you kidding?"

Han Tang knew that the two of them would react this way early on, so he didn't bother to defend himself and just said calmly.

"I, Liu Huaqiang, nicknamed Brother Dao."

"Grew up in the Lotus Orphanage in Donghai City."

"There were three people who entered the orphanage together in the same year, named Chai Zheng, Zhong Yuanlong, and Wu Qianqian."

"Before I left, there were a total of fifty-six children in the orphanage, and the director's name was Jiang Shuzhen."

"Chai Zheng, 24 years old this year, graduated from Zhonghai Vocational and Technical College, and currently works in an auto repair shop in Zhonghai City."

"Zhong Yuanlong, 26 years old, is currently studying as a graduate student in the Law Department of Huazhong University of Grammar and Law!"

"Wu Qianqian, 22 years old, dropped out of junior high school, and her whereabouts are unknown."


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