"Police officer! Uncle police officer!"

Huang Mao was so nervous that all the features on his face were twisted together. He looked helplessly at the police officer and asked in a lowered voice.

"what to do?"

"He noticed I was gone!"

"I'll be here soon!"

"You must protect me, otherwise I will really be killed by the black boss!"

Looking at Huang Mao with tears and runny nose mixed together, the police officer curled his lips and frowned and hissed.

"Keep your voice down!"

"No one knows where you are until you tell me."

At this time, the police officer was also listening to the sound of the phone with a confused look on his face.

The police officer who just now felt that this phone call was full of loopholes now had to wonder, could there really be a killer running to Huang Mao's doorstep?

Think about this carefully.

It still feels a bit unrealistic.

But listening to the voice on the other side of the phone, it seemed as if he was actually at the door of Wang Qiang's house. In addition, the conversation between the killer and the Wang family's neighbor made it completely flawless.

There was also the sound of going upstairs and the sound of the door opening. You almost didn't need to think about it. The image of a person going upstairs had already appeared in your mind.

It's no wonder that Wang Qiang said just now that he saw the black boss murdering someone. Even the police officer now feels like he saw the killer standing in front of Wang Qiang's house.

This sound is really picturesque.

At this time, Han Tang on the other end of the phone smiled. After his previous judgment, he had already concluded that Wang Qiang had left.

It seemed that Wang Qiang was really frightened by himself.

But if you just scare him, the rating will only be an S rating at best. If you want to reach an SSS rating, you have to continue to cheat.

So he immediately switched to the voice of the young killer and asked.


"Then do you know where he went?"

After finishing speaking, Han Tang opened the map and searched for the vicinity of Tailai community where Wang Qiang was located.

On the left side of the community is a kindergarten and a vegetable market.

On the right is a shopping mall, Internet cafe, restaurant and a police station not far away.

There are also some small shops, but not all are shown on the map.

After thinking about it carefully, someone like Wang Qiang should be unmarried. After all, there are never any photos of his family in his meager account.

Singles live alone, and very few can cook for themselves.

So for Wang Qiang, it should be the shopping mall on the right side of the community. Internet cafes and restaurants are more familiar to him.

So he raised the corners of his mouth and switched to the voice of an old man.


[I’m not sure about this. When I came back from the vegetable market just now, I seemed to see him going to the right side of the community. 】

[Hey, I don’t know this young man very well. I don’t know where he went. 】

[Aren’t you his friend? Just ask him where he is. 】

At this time, when Huang Mao heard the old neighbor who was a Han Tang imitator talking on the other end of the phone, he was so frightened that his body began to tremble.

The interrogation room had no windows, but he couldn't help but look towards the door.

At this time, Han Tang smiled, switching to the voice of the young killer and saying with a sinister smile.

【Oh yes. 】

[Wang Qiang, where are you? 】

This sentence was naturally said to Wang Qiang on the other end of the phone.

Hearing Han Tang's voice at this time, Wang Qiang trembled in his heart, as if his voice was a call from the god of death. Just calling his name, his brain instantly went blank.

Just as the police officer was about to answer the phone, Wang Qiang suddenly broke down and shouted into the phone.

"You can't find me!"

"I'm already gone!"

"Even if you find me, you can't kill me!"

"Brother, you'd better go back quickly and stop looking for me!"

The police officer frowned at Huang Mao and thought to himself, what are you talking to at this time?

Just say you are at the police station!

Perhaps Huang Mao's emotions were so contagious. At this time, the police officers could not help but be confused by Han Tang's voice on the phone, making it difficult to tell the truth from the lie.

However, Han Tang didn't notice this at this time. When he heard Huang Mao's collapse, he almost burst out laughing again.

After holding back, Han Tang thought for a while, as if just saying this was not enough.

Gotta make this scammer more scared.

So he imitated the young killer's voice and pretended to call Wang Qiang's neighbor back.

[Ah, he told me! 】

[Indeed on the right. 】

[But... uncle, do you know what I'm here to do? 】

【I'm here to kill him! 】

[But, you saw my appearance...I'm sorry! 】

After saying this, Han Tang immediately switched to the voice of an elderly man, and then said in surprise.

【ah? 】

【What? 】

【You are here to kill...】

Han Tang pretended that the voice of an old man was interrupted, put his hand in front of his mouth, activated S-level ventriloquism, and imitated the sound of a pistol being loaded.


Then there was the sound of the safety opening.


Then there was the sound of direct shooting.


Finally, there was the sound of blood gushing out after being shot.


The three mechanical sounds were coherent and smooth, and the sound of blood splashing was extremely real.

After imitating firing a pistol, Han Tang switched to the voice of an old man and pretended to be in pain as if he had been shot.


Immediately afterwards, Han Tang imitated the sound of an elderly neighbor bumping into the door and then falling to the ground.



Hearing this series of sounds, Huang Mao and the police officer stared at each other, and the image of an old man who spoke kindly to him, but was shot to death appeared in his mind.

Especially the police officer who was looking at the phone in shock, his mouth slightly open and his eyes full of disbelief.

what's the situation?

Killed Wang Qiang’s neighbor?


Kill people like this?

Really a killer?


There are not many words in the new book now, but the author writes very quickly, at least 10,000 words per day. If there is data, he can write 30,000 words and 20 chapters in one day!

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