In the hospital.

Han Tang sat in front of the dean and glanced at his watch.


"No more, no less, exactly ten minutes."

After saying that, Han Tang moved on his toes and gently kicked the dean who was twitching on the ground.

At this time, the dean raised his head and looked at Han Tang viciously, bit the switch and said nothing.

Han Tang looked down at the dean and saw that the dean still refused to speak out. He picked up the pistol with a smile, bent down and looked at the dean.

"It seems you are really not afraid of pain."

"As expected of the dean."

"If you can endure it, you are a person who can do great things."


"Since you don't want to say it, there's no use keeping you."

"But I won't let you die so easily."

After speaking, Han Tang stood up, took two steps towards the door and continued.

"Don't think what I just said was a joke."

"The person you're afraid of can threaten your whole family."

"I can do the same."

Han Tang originally wanted to try the skill of airdropping mercenaries.

But if you think about it carefully, using it on this dean is like using an anti-aircraft gun to kill mosquitoes, and it is an overkill.

So he shook his head and walked towards the door.

Such little things.

Just leave it to them, the police.

Killing or not, Han Tang chose a moral robber after all. He would not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but the damn bad guys would never have an easy time.

The dean should be damned if he secretly took over the opportunity to perform surgery on Xiao Chong. Moreover, he has indeed done many immoral things in his daily life, most likely selling human organs in his capacity as the dean!

It was he who first violated the rules of society.

Then don't blame others for not following the rules when treating him.

If you come out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

But before Han Tang could reach the door16, suddenly there was a "sizzling" sound of electricity coming from the intercom.

Then a very familiar voice came in.

[Hello friends inside. 】

[I am Yan Yan, the director of the Donghai Provincial Police Department of China. 】


Hearing the sounds inside, Han Tang frowned in confusion.


Harshness was familiar to him.

But what he didn't understand was why he could hear a stern voice at this time?

Isn't it strict in Yuncheng?

If we count the time, we should be back to Donghai City by now.

Why did you come to the demon country all of a sudden?

Frowning, Han Tang couldn't help but stand up, and then walked to the door of the hospital's outpatient department. He stood far away in the blind corner and glanced out the window, and couldn't help but whisper.

"not coming?"

Then Han Tang noticed Xue Zhengyi outside the door. He was holding a mobile phone and a walkie-talkie in one hand. He couldn't help but shook his head in amusement.

"You really know how to find people."

"We actually found Yan Ting."

Hearing the stern persuasion inside, Han Tang switched to the voice of a middle-aged man in his thirties.

It was a harsh voice that I had never heard before.

It's not an underground boss, it's not a killer, it's not his own voice.

At this time, Han Tang lowered his voice, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

"Officer Yan."

“No need to waste your breath.

"If others don't suffer, encourage others to do good."

"I don't need to explain this. You understand it, right?"

This conversation between a Chinese police officer in China and a Chinese robber in a demon country immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Whether it was the Internet or the onlookers on site, they were all looking at the door of the hospital's outpatient department quietly at this time.

Even though they couldn't see anyone there, they knew it was in the dark corner behind that door.

There was a man holding a walkie-talkie and talking about the darkness he had experienced.

"Brother!" Yan received a harsh response, but he didn't hear anything familiar about the voice.

"What do you call it?"

"When you suffer injustice abroad, you will inevitably have some emotional emotions."

"But a lot of people are innocent."

"If you have any questions, you can tell me. We are all Chinese. If you have any problems, I will help you solve them.

"But don't do anything drastic."

"This will not only push others into the abyss, but also put yourself in danger."

Han Tang raised the corner of his mouth. When he knew that Yan Yan had not come to the scene, he leaned against the wall beside him, holding the walkie-talkie casually, and continued.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"As for my request, I have made it clear and clear from the first time I talked to the demon country police.

"There is a heart that should have been placed in my godson's body."

"But it was misappropriated by their hospital and given to a patient named Sucha."

"Is it fair?"

"My godson's father borrowed a lot of loan sharks in order to raise money. Now he disappeared for no reason and the police ignored him."

"Is it fair?"

"Now I want to get back the heart that originally belonged to my godson."

"Compared with the former, my request should be very fair!"

After speaking, Han Tang glanced at Xue Zhengyi outside, and then continued.

"But I am a very trustworthy person."

"I promised them an hour."

"Less than twenty minutes left."

"If you don't see the heart that belongs to me within the stipulated time, I will cause someone here to start losing their heart."

"Then the second person."

"The third person."

"The fourth person."

Han Tang simply turned off the intercom and walked back.

At this time, there was already an uproar on the Internet.

Everyone wants to ask a question.

Who is Sucha?

Why can hospitals freely appropriate other people's hearts for heart transplant surgery?

Is this an abuse of hospital power?

Or is it the person behind Sucha who is so powerful?

At this time, netizens in the live broadcast room of Yao Ling Yao were talking a lot.

[Even if someone robbed his heart, he shouldn’t implicate others, right? Does Mr. Hua always do things so inconsiderate of other people’s feelings? 】

[If the hospital robbed your heart, you go to the hospital. If Sucha robbed your heart, then you went to hijack Sucha. Why did you hijack the outpatient department? 】

[Sucha? I seem to have an impression. Could it be that the mayor’s son? 】

[What’s wrong with the mayor’s son? The mayor’s son has hijacked your heart. Go find the mayor!]

[Damn Chinese people, no matter how pitiful he is, I will never sympathize with him!]

[Book of blood of thousands of people! I request the ace SWAT police of our demon country to sneak in and kill him now, damn, I can’t stand it anymore!]

[It’s just a loss of heart, what are you pretending to be? After a while, our ace special police from the Demon Country came in and looked at the Chinese robbers and said what else!]

At the same time, the Chinese people watching the live broadcast on the other side all fell silent.

Surviving in a foreign country is very difficult.

Almost everyone is treated unfairly.

After leaving my own country, I realized that the most fair place in the world is China.

Even in China, people will suffer injustice, but in China, there is a police force that can serve civilians.

With them, no matter how dark things are, there will be a day when the clouds will clear up.

[The speech of the demon country people is really ridiculous, and they went to find the mayor. As someone who has lived here for more than ten years, I don’t feel that I have received the same attention as the demon country people here, and they went to kidnap the mayor? 】

【Why not eat minced meat?】

[Hey, although I have begun to sympathize with this robber, it is still wrong to hijack a hospital. After all, the people he hijacked are innocent. I hope he can think clearly. 】

[Fuck, you embarrassed us Chinese people and even kidnapped us. Don’t call us Chinese people in the future. 】

[Awesome! I have finally seen a real brave man. Come on, come on, let’s fight, let’s fight! 】

[I've seen this kind of thing a lot. It's just to scare people. They don't dare to kill people. If they dared to kill people, they would have been killed long ago. I saw that they were the ones who were caught in the end!]

Tea Scorpion, who was standing next to Meng Nu at this time, completely ignored the interview from the Demon Spirit Demon program team next to him, and stared at the door of the outpatient department with his eyes.

At the same time, I secretly thought to myself.

Looking for a heart for you?


Find a fart!

The heart you want has now been transported to another place, and I'm afraid the heart transplant operation will begin in a while.

'That person' is still awesome!

Although I didn't know that something like this would happen today, I still changed the location of the surgery as a precaution.

Otherwise, if I had the surgery at Huanan Hospital, I would have been cut off by this robber at 977.

After a while, Ace SWAT Song guesses it, and the Chinese robber will officially end the game.

Still threatening?

Just let you try your best for a while.

You only have a few minutes in your life to be a hero.

the other side.

Just as Han Tang was about to walk back to the lobby.

Suddenly I heard a rustling sound coming from the lobby.

He frowned and looked around, then walked in the direction of the sound.

The sound was coming from several vents above the lobby.

After getting closer, Han Tang quickly understood what was going on.

The vent ducts were not blocked when entering.

At this time, it is very likely that the demon country police officers have sneaked into the vent duct.

However, it is more troublesome to block vent pipes.

Even with sufficient preparation time, it is easy to be caught off guard.

Hijacking a hospital requires surprise.

Han Tang listened to the sound, then walked along the ventilation duct, and finally found the location of the vent.

Listening to the sound, it feels like the person in the pipe is about to crawl out.

Han Tang stood in the blind spot of the pipeline exit, quietly waiting for the people inside to come out.

There should be only one person.

Because the sound in the pipe is relatively single.

If you look closely, you can see that this ventilation duct is not large, and it is suspended from the ceiling, with average load-bearing capacity.

It can probably only accommodate one person.

If there are too many people, it may be unbearable.

Two minutes later.

A very soft sound came from the entrance of the ventilation duct.

If it weren't for Han Tang's current physical condition being different from ordinary people, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to hear this small voice now.

At this time, a black gun barrel with a metallic luster poked out of the ventilation duct.

The muzzle of the gun kept moving, probably looking for Han Tang's location. At the same time, he quietly moved the microphone next to his mouth and said softly.

"Songchai has reached the predetermined location, but the location of the robber has not been found."

"Request direct rescue of the hostages.",

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