Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 95 Public Execution, The Ruthless Han Tang!

"come here!"

Han Tang pointed to Doctor Gama and then said.

"Let's see if we can still revive him?"

After saying that, Han Chang stood up and came to Songchai's side, squatting on the ground and looked at Songchai carefully.

"I really didn't expect that."

"I can actually meet people from the Nine-faced Buddha here."

Songchai raised the corners of his mouth, looked at Han Tang, endured the pain of two broken arms, and then smiled.

"There's a lot you don't know."

"It's a pity that you don't know it anymore, no one can find the Nine-faced Buddha!"

"No one can hurt the Nine-Faced Buddha!"

"You can't even take it from me..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Han Tang sprinting directly to Songchai's side, and then pinched Songchai's jaws with one hand and opened Songchai's mouth.

After taking a closer look, Han Tang noticed that there was a pill about the size of half a pinky finger hidden under one of Somchai's dental implants.

Han Tang raised the corner of his mouth, and under Songchai's astonished gaze, he took out the small pill, placed it in front of Songchai, and said in a cold voice.

"If it were just special forces, I don't think they would have such small pills in their teeth."

"But what makes me curious is that even if the special "790" soldiers retire, they should not work in a small police station like this.

"come here..."

"I'm afraid there is such an ulterior secret.

"as expected."

"You are a dead soldier."

"Only a dead man would have such a secret way of killing."

Han Tang let go of his hand, wiped his saliva on Songchai's body, threw the poison pill to the ground, and crushed it with his foot.

After giving up Songchai's hope, Han Tang smiled again.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing Han Tang's creepy smile, Somchai couldn't help but asked in horror.

Han Tang said lightly.


"Of course I'll torture you to death bit by bit."

"Kill yourself by swallowing medicine. It's too easy for you."

Just as he finished speaking, the walkie-talkie in Han Tang's hand suddenly emitted a "sizzling" sound of electricity.

"Friends inside."

"The reporter has been found."

"When do you think reporters can be allowed in?"

Han Tang glanced at Somchai, then took the walkie-talkie and said.

"ten minutes later."

"Let the reporter come in alone."

"Bring a camera."

After saying that, Han Tang put the walkie-talkie into his pocket and found a rope in the messy ruins nearby.

the other side.

Tea Scorpion was anxious outside.

Somchai entered but was stopped by Han Tang, which was undoubtedly a huge pressure for him.

It is already difficult for a dean to handle this.

Now another person from the Nine-faced Buddha is sent in.

It would be easier to kill him directly.

Kill him directly and he won't have to worry about so many messy things anymore.

"Director Cha Xie, I apply to enter the hospital outpatient department!"

Meng Nu, who was standing next to Director Cha Xie at this time, suddenly said.

Tea Xie looked at Meng Nu beside him, frowned, and then said in a deep voice.

"Reporter Meng Nu, I know how you want to break the news."

"But the situation inside is very complicated now, and if you go in, you will only get one more trump card.

"You don't have to think about this matter. The reporter and the police will find it."

According to Tea Scorpion's idea, another special police officer was sent to pretend to be a reporter and sneak into the outpatient department of the hospital.

But even Songchai has been folded in.

If he sent someone else, Cha Xie would feel even more unsure.

Is there anyone better than Somchai?

There may be, but they don't have any on the SWAT team.

Another special police officer was sent just to have someone inside to respond to them.

Reporter Meng Nu seemed to have paid attention at this time. He glanced at Tea Scorpion and said nothing more.

When Tea Scorpion wasn't paying attention, he rushed through the cordon with the camera in hand, and then came to the door of the outpatient department.

Although he was stopped halfway by the special police, a sound can came from the walkie-talkie in Zhengyi's hand.

"Officer Xue."

"The reporter next to you is very suitable."

"Ask him to come in."

At this time, Han Tang was standing at the door, but it was not Han Tang who let the reporter in.

Instead, Han Tang found a security guard who had been kidnapped.

Xue Zhengyi and Cha Xie had no choice but to bite the bullet and let Yaolingyao's reporters in.

Seeing that the reporter had entered the door of the outpatient department, Cha Xie couldn't help but asked angrily.

"Aren't the snipers ready?"

"Why didn't you shoot just now?"

A sniper's voice came from the headphones.

"Director Cha Xie, I didn't see the robber just now. I only saw the shadow of a security guard from the hospital outpatient department."

"If you shoot him, it will only make the robbers inside more excited!"

Hearing the voice in the earphones, Tea Scorpion couldn't help but stamp his feet, sighed hard and cursed.



"Damn Chinese robbers!"

After the rage, Cha Xie and Xue Zhengyi couldn't help but look at the door of the outpatient department, then walked quickly together and asked the staff who followed the reporter to the scene.

"How about it?"

"Can you see the scene inside now?"

The staff member shook his head, then raised his finger and said.

"The signal inside has been received."

"Wait three minutes, the signal inside is being connected!"

After saying that, Cha Xie and Xue Zhengyi nodded anxiously, and then couldn't help but look at the screen, expecting to see the picture inside.

At the same time, there was an uproar on the Internet.

Ever since Songchai went in and failed to kill the robbers, the major live broadcast rooms broadcasting the incident became very enthusiastic, and the number of viewers began to soar.

At this time, all netizens couldn't help but discuss it.

[Our special police from the Demon Country have already folded in. Who else can punish this Chinese robber now? 】

[Now that we have to send people in, have the demon country police lost their minds? Doesn’t this make the robbers more rampant! 】

[Oh! I have already foreseen what will happen next. 】

[So there is no way to deal with this robber now? 】

[No, the police in our demon country are so passive!]

The Chinese people from the Demon Kingdom on the other side couldn't help but comment.

[I kind of admire this Chinese robber. This should be the first Chinese robber to cause such a headache to the demon country police, right? 】

[Such a thing has never happened before, but now even if it gives the demon country police another headache, he will eventually die. With so many police officers present, he can’t escape! 】

[What should we do now? Why did we call reporters in? Wouldn’t calling reporters in let the police know more about their activities? Has this Chinese robber lost his mind?]

[Let’s start again, I bet this Chinese robber will be caught within a day!]

[Is the span so big all of a sudden? The demon country people opened the market just now and were caught in three minutes!]


At the same time, Yan Yan and Lei Jaw, who were paying attention to the kidnapping case in Demon Kingdom, couldn't help but frown...

Looking at the video in the live broadcast, I couldn't help but say.

"Yan Ting, do you think this robber will run away in the end?"

"Besides, I don't understand why he asked a reporter to come in?"

Yan Yan shook his head slightly and then said.

"From the robber's point of view, calling reporters in must be for his own benefit."

"You can understand it as a threat."

"As for the threat, it depends on what he does."

Just as he finished speaking, the scene suddenly reappeared in the live broadcast room.

"Hey, here comes the picture!" Lei Jaw said while looking at the picture in the live broadcast room on his mobile phone.

It came into view at this time.

It was a man tied to a chair.

The man was wearing the costume of a special police officer from the Demon Kingdom, but he was not as energetic as the special police officers from the Demon Kingdom.

Now he seems to have been drugged, and I am sluggish, with no sparkle in my eyes.

Looking at this scene, everyone knew what the robber was going to do.

This was to be a public execution.

The next person who appeared on the screen was a man wearing a combat uniform.

The man wore a peaked cap and had an expressionless face, but there was always a fresh murderous intent in his eyes.

Appearing in the camera, Han Tang walked behind SWAT officer Somchai and put down an iron bucket with an infusion tube hanging on it.

The flow rate of the medical solution in the infusion tube is controlled, and no medical solution is dripping down yet.

Han Tang held the saber seized from Somchai, then looked at the camera in the reporter's hand and grinned arrogantly.

At this time, Tea Scorpion's almost roaring voice came from the intercom.

"who are you!"

"What on earth are you going to do!"

"Do you know the consequences of going against our demon country police?"

"You didn't just hijack the hospital!"

"They also kidnapped the special police of our Demon Country!"

"No matter what, you can't leave this hospital!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Tang suddenly grabbed Somchai's hair, revealing Somchai's face with a bruised nose, swollen face and blood oozing from the corners of the mouth.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Somchai looking at the camera listlessly, and then made a very weak sound.

"kill me!"

"I beg you to kill me quickly!"

Han Tang looked at the camera, and a knife was inserted directly into Somchai's thigh. Somchai screamed again in pain.

Then Han Tang said in a deep voice full of murderous intent.

Can’t get out of this hospital?”


"You demon country police are colluding with the Nine-faced Buddha."

"It makes me very angry now!".

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