"Okay, I'll go now." After Zhang Yunqing took Li Xixuan's employment approval form from Zhou Wencheng, he quickly left Zhou Wencheng's office and soon arrived at Zhao Manfu's office.

Zhao Manfu asked with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you are here so soon."

"Of course it has to come as soon as possible. If anyone is not satisfied with the process and no one signs it, it will be difficult to go through the formalities."

"Well, since you are in such a hurry, please give me the documents that need to be signed and approved quickly."

"Well, here you go, Mr. Zhao. This is the entry approval form for the newly recruited budget officer Li Xixuan. Please approve it."

"Yeah. Wait a minute...Okay, I'm done reading. Pass me your signature pen."

"This is a signature pen. I carry it with me. Please approve it, Mr. Zhao."

After Zhang Yunqing waited for Zhao Manfu to sign, he quickly took the documents away.

After returning to the office, I immediately scanned a copy of Li Xixuan's employment approval form, and then sent the offline file to Li Wenwen of Human Resources on QQ.

Then, Zhang Yunqing called Li Wenwen of the human resources department and reported the report: "Gong Li, look, I have sent you Li Xixuan's entry approval form. Please help me with the subsequent process. Others promised to come to work tomorrow, and finally It’s good that we can complete the approval of her entry approval form today. I’ll do my best to avoid unnecessary complications.”

Li Wenwen laughed and said: "Gong Zhang, don't worry. After you have worked to this extent, you just need to ask the leaders to sign. Believe me, we will definitely win. I will print it out immediately and ask the leaders for approval to give you reassurance." .”

Zhang Yunqing joked: "I've been waiting for you to give me some reassurance. Please hurry up."

"No matter how fast it is, it's just to do it right away. That's it. We have to do business first. Goodbye."


After Li Wenwen ended her phone call with Zhang Yunqing, she immediately printed out Li Xixuan's employment approval form, signed her name in a formal manner, and then walked to Hua Baibai's office with Li Xixuan's employment approval form.

Some people were having a meeting in Hua Baibai's office, so Li Wenwen had to stand and wait outside the office.

Half an hour passed in a flash.

The office door that took a hundred years to open finally opened.

A group of people filed out of Hua Hundred Years' Office.

After they all come out.

Li Wenwen hurriedly walked in, handed Li Xixuan's employment approval form to Hua Baibai, and asked for instructions: "Mr. Hua, this Li Xixuan was interviewed for cost technical work by Zhang Yunqing of the Nanshan Project. This person has been doing budgeting in the garden landscape industry. I have been working for more than two years and have certain practical experience.

IQ was also tested. Hearing Zhang Yunqing say that the result of the IQ test was pretty good, with a score of 109, he was quite satisfied. "

After hearing this, Hua Baibai asked: "Oh, I have work experience and the IQ test value is also good, so this is a good seedling. Tell Zhang Yunqing that this person should be trained well and strive to cultivate more talents for the company. Who will train him in the future?" The area with the best talent will be assigned to whomever."

"Okay, Mr. Hua, I will definitely convey this guidance of yours to Zhang Yunqing."

"If the conditions are met, is there any time when I can arrive at work?


"As I said, as long as our company allows her to come to work, she will be able to work tomorrow."

"What about the salary situation?"

"The salary is set at 4,500 before tax."

"Is the salary set a bit high?"

"It doesn't matter. After all, we need people very urgently now. There is nothing we can do about it."

"Well, okay. No worries then. You need me to sign her employment approval form, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Hua, what I just gave you is Li Xixuan's employment approval form. Please approve it."

"Okay, I'll sign the approval now. Thank you for your hard work, Wenwen."

"This is my job, as it should be. Thank you Mr. Hua, then I'll go to the business unit president to sign it."

"Okay, hurry up and go, Mr. Song will have another meeting to hold in a few minutes."

"Okay, then I'll run over right away."

Li Wenwen took Li Xixuan's employment approval form and quickly ran to Song Zhiyuan's office.

Song Zhiyuan saw that Li Wenwen was running over. He quickly stood up and asked, "What's the matter? You're so anxious."

After Li Wenwen handed Li Xixuan's employment approval form to Song Zhiyuan, she gasped and explained: "When I went to Mr. Hua's office just now to ask him to sign Li Xixuan's employment approval form, he said that Mr. Song was going to have a meeting in a few minutes. I was asked to come quickly, so I came here because I was afraid that it would delay this matter and affect the project's employment."

After hearing this, Song Zhiyuan praised: "Wenwen is serious and responsible in her work, and the business department needs people like you. I have already signed and approved Li Xixuan's entry approval form. You go and inform her to arrive at work early."

Li Wenwen took a breath, her tone finally returned to calmness, and she replied calmly: "Okay, thank you Mr. Song, I will inform you right away."

After Li Wenwen came out of Song Zhiyuan's office, she numbered Li Xixuan's entry approval form and put it into the file box of the entry approval form for business department personnel.

Then he picked up the phone and called Zhang Yunqing and said, "Sorry, Mr. Zhang."

"What happened? Mr. Li, don't scare me. I'm not in good spirits during this period. If you scare me, no one will do the work on the project, but it's your turn."

"After I signed Li Xixuan's employment approval form, I went to Mr. Hua to sign it. As it turned out, Mr. Hua was in a meeting, so I had to wait there."

"You can't be so. Wait until Mr. Hua is still in a meeting."

"That's not true. I waited outside Mr. Hua's office for at least half an hour before their meeting ended."

"After the meeting, won't it be settled by asking Mr. Hua to sign it?"

"You made it simple. After I handed the form to Mr. Hua, Mr. Hua looked at it for more than ten minutes."

"Are you bragging? Mr. Hua can't look at that list for more than two minutes at most. Otherwise, he would just read documents every day and not be able to do anything."

"Don't be anxious. Mr. Hua is finding fault and says that the salary is too high and he can't sign."

"No, Engineer Li, the project department has to report to the business department every day. Now the project department is sending people, sending people, sending people. Important things may have been mentioned more than thirty times, and it has been recruiting for so long. When I recruit people, I am almost overwhelmed by the work, and the business department is still worrying about these small things."

"Then what should you do in this situation now, Mr. Zhang?"

"What should we do? Liang Ban. I'll go find Mr. Zhao, and ask Mr. Zhao to go to Mr. Song to coordinate."

"This is a way. However, if I follow the method you said, it may be more complicated. Otherwise, just be calm and wait for a while. I'll wait and see when Mr. Hua feels better. , how about I ask him to reconsider?"

"I think it's okay, then I'll bother you."

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