Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 156 Did you go to the scene to find gold?

Zhang Yunqing continued to ask: "Isn't his a greening seedling contract? Why are there so many contract documents?"

Yu Danzhen said: "Every time Yu Shengjie took out a contract document, he briefly introduced it. In fact, the contract documents he provided were not all seedling procurement documents for the greening project, but also included the labor contract of the greening workers, the greening Planting machinery contracts, earthwork contracts, and even some sporadic procurement contracts, etc. In fact, many of these contracts have small contract amounts, but the total contract quantity is quite large."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Okay, no matter how many contracts he has, check your capital plan with his contract documents one by one. The contract amount and payment terms must be checked clearly. If the data in the original capital plan is incorrect, remember Revise it in a timely manner, and mark any revised areas in red fonts.”

Yu Danzhen replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, there is no problem, don't worry. If you work overtime, I think we can finish it today."

Zhang Yunqing said: "It's OK to go fast, but don't go too fast. We don't know the level of the capital plan made by their previous people. During this verification process, we must be careful and don't be careless."

Yu Danzhen replied: "Okay. I will try to be more careful and careful."

The project finance officer came to Zhang Yunqing's office and said, "Mr. Zhang, there is a loan order online that has been approved for you."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Tang Ying, please sit down first. What loan order has been approved by me?"

Tang Ying continued to explain: "It is used to pay for the wage subsidy for rush workers. The company asked us to borrow money once every 100,000. If we borrow money later, the previous procedures must be approved by the finance department."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Did the company say what procedures are required?"

Tang Ying shook her head and said: "The company does not issue unified system documents for these special emergencies. I understand that there must be procedures when they are actually sent out. We just need to provide the real procedures to the company's financial review."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Are you going to find the gold on site?"

Tang Ying said: "For now, I withdraw cash and distribute it on site."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Then who will decide this matter? How much should be paid to whom?"

Tang Yingdao: "I don't know about this. I am only responsible for lending the money and bringing cash to distribute it. Mr. Zhang, will you use this online approval system now?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "I haven't used it yet. You can use my computer to demonstrate it and you can use it later."

Tang Ying replied: "Okay. I will log in to the web page and you enter the password."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "You just need to enter the password. It is the initial password set by the system, 123456, and has not been changed."

After hearing this, Tang Ying entered her password to log in successfully, and said: "Mr. Zhang, after you log in to the system, there are obvious to-do tasks. You can click on the to-do tasks and you can see the specific information. If If you agree, click Agree; if you disagree, enter the reason for disagreement in this box and click the Reject button.”

Zhang Yunqing nodded and said, "Okay, you've already clicked on this first order, so just click Agree."

Tang Ying replied: "Okay, then I will click the agree button, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Yunqing agreed: "Just order it, who else needs to order it later?"

Tang Ying replied: "We still need the production manager of the area, Mr. Zhao, the head of the business department of the business department Hua Baibai, the business department president Song Zhiyuan, the financial interface person Tang Yulan, the deputy financial manager Ma Jing, the deputy financial director Xue Xue and others. one,

At least these six people are still required to review online. "

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Such a complicated approval process may not be completed today."

Tang Ying replied: "Although the number of these people is not very large, except for the leaders of the project department who are quick to click, the following leaders are usually in meetings, and they will hold several meetings as soon as they start. Hours, even half a day, or a day. At the same time, the current review can only be approved on a computer. So under normal circumstances, if this order can be approved within two days from the time the project department initiates the application to the completion of the approval, it can be considered a fast approval. The receipt.”

Zhang Yunqing shook his head and said: "With such approval efficiency, it is difficult to deal with the rush for work. It is often easy to end the process first and then report later."

Tang Ying replied: "The company is like this now. What can I, a small employee, do?"

After saying that, Tang Ying walked out of the Ministry of Commerce office where Zhang Yunqing was located, and was going to find Zhao Manfu to order the loan form.

After Tang Ying walked out of the office, Zhang Yunqing said to Li Xixuan: "When can you show me the project quantities you calculated?"

Li Xixuan said: "An area has been calculated and I am printing the calculation form file."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Okay. Then please send me the electronic version of the calculated drawings first."

Li Xixuan replied: "The file is several hundred MB. Let me copy it to you on a USB flash drive."

Zhang Yunqing said: "No, we are in the local area network now, and we need to learn to use QQ's online transfer function. This function can transfer many USB flash drive files faster."

Li Xixuan said: "Then I will try to send this online file using QQ on my computer. Mr. Zhang, I have sent you the electronic version of the graphic file. Please take it and take a look."

After Zhang Yunqing selected the storage location of the electronic version of the online transmission file sent by Li Xixuan on the computer, Li Xixuan's computer showed that the connection was successful and the transmission speed was 15.36MB/second.

Li Xixuan happily said to Zhang Yunqing: "Wow, Mr. Zhang, this method of yours is great. It is really faster than ordinary USB flash drives. Today I learned another trick to transfer files."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It's good if you learn it. In our actual work, we often need to transfer these relatively large files. If we always use USB flash drives to copy them, one is that it is very inconvenient to use, and the other is that One is that there are many computer viruses that spread maliciously through the use of USB flash drives. Do you think that our computers usually store important files? If the important files stored on the computer are accidentally destroyed by a virus, right? Big loss?"

Li Xixuan replied: "Yes, in the future, at least within the project, we can use the LAN to transfer a large number of files."

Li Xixuan printed out the engineering quantity calculation form file she calculated for area A, came to sit across from Zhang Yunqing's desk, handed the printed file to Zhang Yunqing, and said: "Mr. Zhang, the electronic version of the graphics on the computer The file transfer has not been completed yet. Please take a look at the engineering quantity calculation formula file I printed first."

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