Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 166 How to solve the transportation fee?

After Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng returned to the office, Zhang Yunqing went to the computer to check his QQ mailbox. In his mailbox, he had received a sample progress payment declaration form sent by Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Nanshan Project of Huatie Company, and also forwarded the email to Yu Danzhen.

After Zhang Yunqing downloaded the sample form file, he carefully studied the format content information and thought about what specific information and materials the project department needed to provide when reporting the progress.

After dinner, Nanshan Project Department Conference Room, 7pm.

Zhao Manfu glanced at the entire venue and asked Zhou Wencheng: "Have all the colleagues who were notified to attend the internal contract briefing meeting tonight arrived? Mr. Zhou, please count the number of people."

Zhou Wencheng stood up, counted everyone one by one, and answered Zhao Manfu: "Everyone is here, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Manfu said in a loud voice: "Okay. Now that everyone is here, the internal contract briefing meeting will begin now.

Before the formal meeting, please silence your mobile phones. I hope we can all develop good meeting habits.

If someone's cell phone rings during a meeting, a cash fine of 50 yuan will be imposed each time.

If your phone rings three times in a row without being muted during the same meeting, please exit the meeting automatically. Did everyone hear this clearly? Are there any different opinions? "

"Listen clearly."

"There is no dissent."

The venue was filled with chaotic responses.

Zhao Manfu continued: "This contract meeting is more important. If the terms in the contract are unclear, ambiguous, conflicting or even wrong, everyone can raise them and try to make sure that today's meeting can explain the big issues. It’s clear and resolved. Now please ask Zhang Yunqing to arrange the specific internal contract disclosure work.”

After listening to Zhao Manfu's explanation, Zhang Yunqing pondered for a while and said: "First of all, thank you for taking your precious time to participate in this contract briefing meeting. Our people from the Ministry of Commerce also made some preparations. First, the commercial director Yu Danzhen Let me share with you our understanding of the main terms of the existing contract, and if there are any problems, we will discuss and resolve them through communication.”

Yu Danzhen sorted out the manuscript she had prepared in front of her and said: "I am honored to have the opportunity to share my understanding of the main terms of the existing contract with my colleagues. I have just arrived at the company not long ago, and there may be literal differences in my understanding of the contract. I understand, but the company's long-term actual implementation practices are not clear. I hope that during the sharing process, old employees and colleagues like Yu Shengjie who purchase seedlings can supplement the company's practices. This will also make it convenient for all colleagues in our project department to use Understand, understand, and understand the original meaning of the contract as quickly as possible.”

Yu Shengjie promptly replied to Yu Danzhen: "If there is anything that needs to be added, I will be happy to do so."

Yu Danzhen cast a grateful look at Shengjie and said, "Thank you to Yu Gong for your support.

Let me explain below my understanding of the comprehensive unit price of labor services:

The comprehensive unit price is the full unit price excluding taxes, including but not limited to labor costs, small and medium-sized machinery, material costs, inspection and testing fees other than supplied materials, secondary transportation fees, formwork and scaffolding, safe and civilized construction costs, construction Personnel accommodation, transportation and domestic water and electricity expenses, finished product protection fees, night construction fees, winter rainy season construction fees, garbage cleaning and consumption fees, risk fees, management fees, profits, regulatory fees and payable insurance (not limited to work-related injury insurance and accident insurance) and all other expenses. Do you have any questions about your understanding of this comprehensive unit price? "

Project production manager Xu Kun asked: "Yu Gong,

This comprehensive unit price is written as a full-fee unit price, which I can understand. However, I think the secondary transportation fee is inconsistent with the current situation of on-site work rush. "

Yu Danzhen nodded and asked: "What aspects are inconsistent? Can you give an example?"

Project production manager Xu Kun gave an example: “It is understandable that the next party will not be charged a separate fee for the first and second transportation of actual construction materials on site.

However, the stone materials currently on site are concentrated on the municipal roadside next to the east entrance because the area where the materials are needed is not vacant. This resulted in almost all stones having to be transported twice, or even three or four times.

The transportation costs incurred in this case are very high. We also tried to force these costs to the next company, but no labor team agreed.

They suggested that either we arrange for the machinery to be transferred to them within the 50-meter radius where they need the stone, or we agree to their machinery transfer fee. "

Yu Danzhen nodded and asked, "How much is the additional secondary transfer fee expected to cost?"

Project production manager Xu Kun replied: "According to current estimates, it will cost at least 300,000 yuan. If there are multiple transshipments in the future, more costs will be added."

Yu Danzhen replied: "I think if this cost is too much, it can be considered separately, because our corporate quota also states that the transportation distance for the second transportation is within the range of 50 meters. When the transportation distance reaches the current When the distance is hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters, you can apply for visa confirmation separately. Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhou, and Mr. Zhao, do you think it is okay to apply for a visa for the next person for this long-distance secondary move? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "You can apply for a visa for me or the project department can entrust the machine to do the transfer. "

Zhou Wencheng replied: "I suggest that the project department entrusts the machinery to be transported separately. Don't ask the next party to apply for a visa.

Because the volume of transshipment is large, it is convenient for us to handle transshipment in a centralized manner, and the cost is relatively low.

If the next family is asked to carry it separately, much more machinery will be involved, and the area that can be opened to traffic on site will only be so large, and it will be inconvenient to miss the truck.

At the same time, this situation will undoubtedly increase the cost of machinery and the management fee of the next company. If their costs increase, they will either seek compensation from us, or they may ignore us, making it difficult to implement our on-site work arrangements.

This is my personal suggestion. Mr. Zhao, please give your instructions and see what we should do? "

Zhao Manfu instructed: "Regarding the issue of whether the long-distance secondary transshipment fee is included in the comprehensive unit price of the original contract list, Yu Danzhen's explanation of the contract just now was very clear that the secondary transshipment fee in this special case is not included.

Mr. Zhou Wencheng’s explanation and understanding are also very good. I agree with Zhou Wencheng’s opinion: the solution should be solved by the project department individually entrusting machinery for transfer. "

Zhou Wencheng immediately replied: "Okay, Mr. Zhao, we will handle this matter according to your instructions. Xiao Hou, please record everyone's important opinions and leadership instructions in the meeting minutes."

Project data officer Hou Huaiwei agreed: "Okay."

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