Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 167 The day lily is cold

Wan Cong, a garden construction engineer, asked Yu Danzhen: "Is there a problem with the formwork and scaffolding included in this comprehensive unit price? For example, for the formwork for the concrete cushion, we have clearly listed it separately in the labor list. Is it repeated? Or is it repeated? Are you saying that the formwork fee is already included in the unit price of concrete labor?”

Yu Danzhen replied: "The formwork and scaffolding have been clearly listed separately in the labor service list, and there are corresponding unit prices. For list items other than formwork and scaffolding, this description is problematic and is considered a repetitive expression. Please everyone Do not understand that the formwork fee is included in the unit price of the concrete labor service.”

Wan Cong, the garden construction engineer, continued to ask: "What construction costs are included in the safe and civilized construction costs?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "First of all, the safe and civilized construction fee, whose full name is safety production fee and civilized construction measure fee, refers to the purchase and update of construction protective equipment in accordance with the country's current construction safety, construction site environment and health standards and relevant regulations. and facilities, and the expenses required to improve safe production conditions and working environment.

Specifically, there are four major categories:

1. Environmental protection fees, such as dust screens we often see in Kyoto and daily domestic waste disposal by migrant workers at construction sites.

2. Civilized construction fees, "five cards and one picture" fees at the construction site entrance, first aid drugs prepared by the project department, heatstroke prevention and cooling measures, such as boiling some mung bean water, buying Huoxiang Zhengqi liquid, etc., as well as air conditioning, showers, and electric fans Cost of cooling equipment, etc.

3. Safety construction fees, such as the "three treasures": safety helmet, safety belt, safety net, "four exits": stair entrance, elevator entrance, passage entrance, reserved opening, "five edges": building facing the edge, roof facing Edge, balcony edge, lift opening edge, foundation pit edge, etc.

The state explicitly prohibits fees for safe and civilized construction measures from being used as a competitive item.

4. Temporary facility fees, prefabricated houses, offices, migrant workers’ dormitories, canteens, toilets, temporary roads, etc. built on the construction site. "

Park construction engineer Wan Cong said: "I understand the content of this safe and civilized construction fee. So, does it mean that my current prefab house in the project department should also be built by a labor team?"

Yu Danzhen smiled and replied: "I understand it based on the literal meaning of the contract document and the contract we signed. In fact, it does not mean what you said.

Why do you say that?

Because the construction of prefabricated houses was purchased and tendered separately by the materials department, it was not included in the labor team’s bid price.

Therefore, I understand that the true meaning of this comprehensive unit price of safe and civilized construction fees is that in addition to the major items of safe and civilized construction that are actively handled by our company, other minor and minor items are borne by the labor team.

For example: the costs incurred for on-site work completion and site clearance, the labor team's simple color guarding for safety, etc. These small safety and civilized construction costs are included. "

Wan Cong, a garden construction engineer, said: "Now we need to produce more color steel plate fencing projects on site, with a total length of about 2,000 meters. Each labor team needs a little. Should these be borne by the labor team?"

Yu Danzhen said: "These are relatively large expenses in safe and civilized construction. If there is a need, the procurement plan will be submitted to Wang Ming of the material, and he will invite bids to solve it."

Park construction engineer Wan Cong said: "Yu Gong, now is the rush for work, and the demand for this color steel plate fence has only just arisen.

I can't wait to be surrounded by you soon. If you still go through the bidding process, will the day lily be cold by the time the process is completed? "

After Wan Cong finished speaking, the venue burst into laughter, and everyone began to discuss in a low voice.

Some people say that Wan Cong is right. After 20 or 30 days of bidding, the day lilies will be cold, so why grab jobs?

Some people say that the company doesn’t have an emergency system? Do we still have to deal with such an urgent matter in such a mechanical way?

Some say it's over, the company's policies and systems are too rigid and ineffective, and the job of robbing workers is not suitable for us.

Some people say that for such an urgent matter, shouldn’t the project department be authorized to handle it urgently? Can't the company provide a principle for handling this?

Zhao Manfu saw that the auditorium was gradually becoming chaotic. His eyebrows were compacted and his eyes were squinted together, as if he was angry but also trying hard to hear everyone's whispers.

Zhao Manfu finally couldn't help it anymore, lowered his head and whispered to the project manager Zhou Wencheng who was standing next to him to arrange an explanation, asking him to handle it this way.

Zhou Wencheng nodded while listening. After Zhao Manfu's arrangements were completed, he thought briefly for a while, then knocked on the table, pressed his hands down, and then shouted loudly: "Okay, okay, everyone should be quiet first." Come down."

After everyone heard Zhou Wencheng's request for silence, they gradually stopped communicating and quietly waited for Zhou Wencheng's next words.

Zhou Wencheng asked Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Zhang, did the discussion just now explain that the cost of the additional fence that needs to be added to the site is not included in the contract unit price of the labor team, and can be purchased separately by the company?"

Zhang Yunqing replied to Zhou Wencheng: "Yes, Mr. Zhou, the meaning of your summary is consistent with the original intention of the company's contract."

Zhou Wencheng asked Zhang Yunqing again: "Okay. Since it is included in the unit price of the labor team's contract, the company should spend money to solve this problem.

As soon as this question was raised just now, you can see that everyone reacted fiercely.

It made the venue a mess.

Based on the current shortage of work in the project department, is there any quick and good way to solve this problem? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "The company stipulates that if the cost is within 100,000 yuan, the project department can compare the prices and submit it to the company for approval. Now for the 2,000-meter color steel plate fence, Wang Ming, have you mastered the procurement of color steel plate fences around the project department during this period? Installation price.”

Material buyer Wang Ming replied to Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Zhang, the price of the color steel plate fence we use on site is 190 yuan per meter, and the height is 1.8 meters. If calculated based on 2000 meters, it is 380,000 yuan." The total price is normally not allowed to be selected through competition, and the bidding process must be followed.”

Zhang Yunqing arranged: "Wang Ming, now is the rush for work. We must be more flexible in our work. The focus of all work must be to meet the requirements of the rush for work. The company's rules and regulations are reasonable in normal times, but during the rush for work, The construction period is indeed based on the off-site time requirements. After the meeting, please ask Wan Cong, the garden construction engineer, to provide you with the project quantity and technical quality requirements required for the color steel plate fence. Please submit the bidding documents for the color steel plate fence. Everything is ready. When all the comparison and selection documents for the color steel plate purchase are ready, we can go through the unified approval process together."

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