Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 170 Summary of Contract Disclosure Meeting

Production manager Xu Kun asked: "One more question, are there any clear requirements for the time node of the next settlement? I mean relative to the upper settlement. To put it bluntly, before the upper settlement has received the approval draft, Can we handle the settlement?"

Zhang Yunqing answered: "As for the settlement requirements, they are now clearly written into the contract.

The requirement is that the amount of settlement work for the lower side cannot exceed the settlement amount for the upper side. The confirmation of the settlement of the lower side must wait until the settlement of the upper side is confirmed before giving a written confirmation.

Regarding this, there are different voices within the Ministry of Commerce system.

I think we can fully discuss this in the Nanshan project department.

My suggestion is this:

Once the project is completed and accepted, the settlement review work will be fully launched, and the next party will be required to submit their settlement declaration documents in a timely manner.

The project department will review the settlement documents of the next party in advance according to the normal prescribed process, and reach a high degree of agreement with the next party. It is best to have the next party sign and seal a settlement confirmation document and file it with our project department for future reference.

What should be noted during this process is that we cannot give the next party any written procedures to confirm the settlement.

After the upper settlement is confirmed, we will issue written documents for the lower settlement according to the company's procedures. "

Zhao Manfu said: "Wouldn't it be against the rules to do this? Yun Qing, what do you think, and why do you have this suggestion?"

Zhang Yunqing explained calmly: "Mr. Zhao, I think the settlement agreement currently written into the contract is not very reasonable. At least from an operational level, it is difficult to implement, so I want to use a flexible method. To meet the company’s agreed requirements for contract settlement.”

Zhao Manfu continued to ask: "Give me an example."

Zhang Yunqing gave an example as requested: "According to the contract, the settlement of the upper pair is completed before the lower settlement is processed. There are some factors that are unreasonable and difficult to operate. I will now list the factors or reasons that I can think of as follows for your reference and discussion:

1. It is not conducive to locking in cost data.

Once the upper-level data comes out, it is not ruled out that the next party will obtain the specific data of our upper-level settlement through various means. At this time, we would like to review the lower-level settlement volume based on the upper-level settlement project volume, and then review the lower-level settlement volume. It's very difficult. Therefore, in this case, there is a greater risk of uncertainty in the cost data.

2. It is not conducive to the declaration of settlement.

For example: some projects submit the settlement documents for the upper end first, and then conduct the settlement review for the lower end. The concrete and steel bars at the bottom of the canal were not calculated in the settlement declaration. When handling the settlement, it turns out that the concrete and steel bars are actually made. The contractor can also provide photos of actual construction, videos of working hours, etc., which can also be seen with the naked eye when inspecting on site.

However, the as-built drawing above does not reflect the concrete and steel bars at the bottom of the canal.

When we traced the reason, we found that the arrangement at that time was made temporarily by the on-site representative of the builder on site. Afterwards, people from our project department did not submit written documents to confirm it, and the next company did not declare this item when reporting progress. Due to the insufficient number of personnel in the Ministry of Commerce, it is impossible to see every point of the site clearly. When such an extreme situation occurs, it will bring real economic losses to the company and the labor force.

3. It is not conducive to the review of settlement.

Generally speaking, for larger projects, the settlement can only be completed about a year after completion and acceptance, and there are many projects that have been delayed for a long time.

In fact, one year after the completion acceptance of the project department, basically the relevant managers did not know where they were assigned.

If they are still working in the company but in a different department, you can continue to go to them and ask for review support.

Because only the managers at the time know the situation best, they are the most suitable candidates to review the settlement.

But it is very likely that the relevant managers no longer work in the company, they may have resigned, and some may not be able to be contacted at all.

In this case, the labor team is likely to shift some responsibilities to people who are difficult to contact and communicate with, which is likely to cause great trouble to subsequent settlements and make it difficult to effectively protect the company's vested economy. Benefit. Because this situation may result in the subsequent reviewers being unaware of the situation, the deductible expenses cannot be deducted during the subsequent settlement review. This leaves a loophole for the labor force to exploit. "

Zhao Manfu asked Zhou Wencheng for his opinion: "Do you think the reasons Zhang Yunqing gave are reasonable?"

Zhou Wencheng replied: "Mr. Zhao, I think the reasons given by Mr. Zhang are not only reasonable, but also very correct.

I don't know why the company's contract has such an unreasonable determination.

I estimate that the biggest possibility is fear. If the settlement for the lower side is processed before the settlement for the upper side, there is a possibility that the amount of work for the lower side will be greater than the amount of work for the upper side, but the company does not know it.

Now Mr. Zhang proposed that the downward settlement process should be started after the completion acceptance, and the upward settlement declaration should be carried out after the completion or during the process.

During this intermediate process, both parties to the settlement will first reach an agreement. The next party will give us a written settlement confirmation and put it in the project department for reference. However, he must also promise according to the contract that if his settlement amount exceeds the settlement amount, Deductions must be made when measuring.

By doing so, it will not only meet the requirements of the company's contract, but also solve the problems that Mr. Zhang just mentioned that are detrimental to the company.

Therefore, I very much agree and agree with Mr. Zhang’s suggestion on settlement. "

Zhao Manfu nodded with satisfaction: "Just now, the two CEOs Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng expressed some opinions on settlement. Do you have anything to add?"

There were some subtle discussions in the venue, but no one took the initiative to speak up.

Looking at this situation, Zhao Manfu estimated that everyone would not be able to come up with newer and better methods in such a short period of time.

So Zhao Manfu concluded his speech and said: "Today's contract briefing meeting, I think, was a very successful one. Yu Danzhen took the initiative to throw out the key contents of the contract. Production manager Xu Kun, garden construction engineer Wan Cong, material procurement king Names, project manager Zhou Wencheng, area business manager Zhang Yunqing and others spoke enthusiastically, proactively and proactively, and participated in intense, intense and effective discussions.

It not only allowed them to improve their understanding and knowledge of the contract, but also allowed our participating colleagues to learn and understand the key contents, disputes and defects of the contract.

I hope that we can hold more meetings like this in the future and speak more actively to participate in discussions.

For minor questions that are not convenient to raise at the meeting, please maintain close communication and contact with the Ministry of Commerce after the meeting.

The meeting adjourned. "

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