Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 171 No overreporting of progress is allowed

The meeting lasted too long. When Zhao Manfu announced that the meeting was adjourned, everyone ran out of the meeting room in a hurry. Some have to go to the bathroom in a hurry, while others rush outside the meeting room to take out a cigarette and smoke a cigarette to relax.

There was a commotion outside the conference room. Everyone was chatting briefly about some situations during the meeting, waiting for the next meeting to come.

Some people who do not need to attend the next meeting will leave the meeting room to do their own business.

After resting for about 30 minutes, Zhao Manfu asked Zhou Wencheng to organize the next meeting.

Zhou Wencheng shouted outside the conference room: "The supplier meeting has begun, it has begun, it has begun. Please come and take a seat in the conference room."

Zhao Manfu, the vice president of production in the area, discussed with project manager Zhou Wencheng: "Mr. Zhou, you should chair this meeting. There are many suppliers and labor teams. I have no contact with them in my work and don't know them."

After listening to the explanation of Zhao Manfu, the vice president of production in the area, project manager Zhou Wencheng thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, obey the leadership arrangement, then let me chair this meeting."

Project manager Zhou Wencheng preached to everyone: "Quiet, quiet, please find your seat and sit down. Please set your mobile phones to silent and do not answer the phone during the meeting. If you really have a particularly important call, please come to the meeting Go outside to answer the call.”

After everyone listened to the words of project manager Zhou Wencheng, they each found their seats and sat down, and the noise gradually quieted down.

Zhou Wencheng preached to everyone: "Today, in such a tight time period, we are invited to hold this meeting because the issues that need to be solved at this meeting are very important to everyone.

Some time ago, the business personnel in our project department have been understaffed, which has resulted in delays and accumulation of many of our business and cost tasks.

The lag and accumulation of these tasks will naturally affect the confirmation of the self-interests of each labor team and supplier, and will also have a certain adverse impact on the current rush for work.

Recently, the company has been very good at recruiting people. We have hired a new budgeter and a business director.

Today's meeting is also very important. We are honored to invite our regional vice president of production, Mr. Zhao Manfu, to guide the work. Now, please give us warm applause to welcome Mr. Zhao’s speech to us. "

After everyone waited for project manager Zhou Wencheng to finish speaking, the venue burst into warm welcome applause, which lasted for more than a minute and then gradually subsided.

Zhao Manfu, the vice president of production in the area, waited for everyone's applause to calm down and then said in a calm tone and loud voice: "Hello everyone, I am Zhao Manfu, the production manager in the Nanhai area.

The main purpose of today's meeting is to bring together suppliers and labor teams so that you can meet and get to know our Commerce Department personnel for the first time. This will facilitate everyone's future practical work to be carried out smoothly and solve economic problems during project operation.

If there is indeed a problem that cannot be solved after full communication with the Ministry of Commerce personnel, all suppliers and labor team leaders are asked to come to the project manager Zhou Wencheng and Mr. Zhou in a timely manner. If the problem cannot be solved, you can come directly to my office to communicate with me and solve it. .

The reason why we attach great importance to this meeting is that we actually have only one goal, which is to work with everyone to overcome all difficulties and maintain a high degree of unity in our thinking.

The rush work must be completed according to the time node requirements of the builder.

Now let me ask project manager Zhou Wencheng to introduce the staff of the Ministry of Commerce to everyone. "

As soon as the Vice President of Production Zhao Manfu finished speaking, the project manager Zhu Wencheng pointed to Zhang Yunqing with his palm and introduced: "Hello everyone, this is Zhang Yunqing, the commercial manager of our Nanhai area. He works in conjunction with the Vice President of Production Zhao Manfu and General Zhao of the Nanhai area.

He also manages the business staff of our Nanshan Project Department. In other words, the direct leader of the business staff of the Nanshan Project Department is Zhang Yunqing.

If you have a problem that cannot be solved by the business personnel of the project department, you can directly contact Zhang Yunqing for help in coordinating the solution. "

After Zhou Wencheng's introduction was completed, Zhang Yunqing stood up and smiled at everyone.

Project manager Zhou Wencheng pointed to the business manager Yu Danzhen with his palm and introduced: "This is the business manager Yu Danzhen of the Nanshan Project Department. He is mainly responsible for preparing the project department's capital plan and cost statistics, so everyone's liaison work with her will be Very often."

Yu Danzhen stood up and introduced herself to everyone with a smile: "Hello everyone, my name is Yu Danzhen, and I am the commercial director of the Nanshan Project Department.

It's almost the end of the month, and I need to count every labor supplier in the project department. I also need to verify the cost data of each supplier, including materials, machinery, labor, etc., and compile it into the project department's capital plan.

According to Mr. Zhou, my contact with everyone will be very frequent.

Let me announce here that my mobile phone number is xxx and my QQ number is xxx.

Well, please record it well to facilitate future communication and document exchange.

Well, everyone must provide timely support and full understanding to the Ministry of Commerce in future work.

Thank you everyone. "

After Danzhen introduced herself, the project manager Zhou Wencheng pointed to the budgeter Li Xixuan with his palm and introduced to everyone: "This is the budgeter of our project department, Li Xixuan."

Li Xixuan stood up, bent down to everyone, and said with a smile: "I am a new budgeter with little work experience. I hope to get your help and guidance in my future work."

After project manager Zhou Wencheng introduced Zhao Manfu, Zhang Yunqing, Yu Danzhen, and Li Xixuan to the suppliers and labor team, he told the more than 20 people from the labor team and suppliers one by one what professional team they belonged to, and the main construction content , gave a brief introduction to the new business personnel.

After the project manager Zhou Wencheng introduced the people, he said to Zhang Yunqing: "Now, please ask Mr. Zhang Yunqing to announce to us some rules and precautions related to the business work of the project."

Zhang Yunqing continued what Zhou Wencheng said: "The rules and precautions for business work I talked about today are not new things. These things are all written in the contract. I just take this opportunity to explain them to you. . I hope everyone will pay attention to it.

The first is that when reporting your progress payment, you must follow the contract and only report the output value completed between the 25th of the current month and the 26th of the previous month. It is not allowed to over-report the output value after the 25th of the current month in the progress payment declaration form. .

If found, we will appropriately deduct the amount of the project payment you should pay for that month when paying the monthly progress payment. "

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