Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 175 It’s not about the level

After the meeting, at the door of the conference room, Zhang Yunqing called the King of Material Purchasing: "What did you plan for the emergency procurement report of color steel plates that was mentioned at the meeting?"

Material Purchasing Wang Ming grabbed Xu Kun, the production manager who happened to be passing by him: "Where to go? Mr. Zhang is asking me what my plan is for the emergency procurement report of color steel plates. How can I do this without you?" Okay?"

Production manager Xu Kun looked a little unhappy and brushed away the material procurement Wang Ming's hand: "Oh, I'm so panicked. I'll wait in your office to draft."

Material procurement Wang Ming replied to Zhang Yunqing: "Mr. Zhang, I am the only one to make a draft first. After the production manager Xu Kun comes to discuss it with me, I will print out the adjusted color steel plate emergency procurement report for your review."

Zhang Yunqing nodded and said yes, then left the conference room and returned to his office.

An hour later, Wang Ming, the material purchaser, brought Zhang Yunqing a printed emergency purchase report for color steel plate fences.

Zhang Yunqing took the document and looked at it carefully. The specific contents of the report are as follows:

Urgent report on requesting the purchase of 2,235 meters of color steel plate fence

Dear leaders of the company:

The Nanshan Project Department received a written notice from the relevant management personnel of the construction company Jingchuang Group and the general contractor Huati Nanshan Project Department that the construction tasks of the entire project must be completed on XX, XX, XX.

According to the current time situation, the end date of the rush to work will result in a relatively short construction period. More than 80% of the work on site is still unfinished, and three shifts will be required from now on, with overtime work for 24 hours continuously.

In order to coordinate with the rush to complete the construction period, this afternoon, the builder, general contractor, supervisor, cost consulting unit, our company's project department, etc. negotiated on site and reached a basic agreement. That is, all the areas that can be constructed now and the parts adjacent to the municipal roads must be enclosed and enclosed with color steel plates. Any part where the building is connected to the landscape square must be enclosed and constructed with color steel plates at the border line. It is required that the siege work be organized and implemented immediately from now on, and the actual work arrangement of the work rush shall not be affected.

According to the material department and production department of the project department, combined with the actual conditions on site, full communication and on-site measurement with the relevant labor team, it was found that 2,235 extended meters of 2.5-meter-high color steel plate fences were required. The full unit price per extended meter was 192 meters, totaling 429,120 yuan.

Since the time requirement is very urgent, I urgently report to the company.

Request the company to agree that the project department will find a color steel plate fence supplier who is willing to cooperate with the company tomorrow morning. First, purchase 2235 meters of color steel plate fence and go to the site for installation and fencing work. Afterwards, the bidding, bid determination, and contract signing procedures will be supplemented and completed based on the price comparison model. .

Is it appropriate? Please instructions!

western construction co., ltd.

Nanshan Project Department

XXXX year XXX month XX day

After reading the document, Zhang Yunqing said to Wang Ming about the material procurement arrangements: "I have no objection. I have made it clear. You sign first."

After the material procurement Wang Ming signed his name in the upper left corner of the report, he handed the report document to Zhang Yunqing and said, "Then please sign first."

Zhang Yunqing said to Wang Ming, the material purchaser: "Okay.

I'll sign first. Later, you can ask Yu Danzhen to sign as well, and then ask the project manager Zhou Wencheng and the area's vice president of production Zhao Manfu and Zhao to sign. Once the signature is completed, it will be scanned and reported to Lei Zhao, the material manager of the business department. If there are any problems with signing in during the process, please let me know in time and see who should be asked to coordinate in time. "

Wang Ming, the material purchaser, said yes, and then went to the business manager Yu Danzhen first with the "Emergency Report on Requesting the Purchase of 2,235 Meters of Color Steel Plate Fence".

Yu Danzhen asked: "Why is it so urgent? Do you have to sign at night?"

The material purchasing king Mingyang took the report document in Yangyang's hand and handed it to the commercial director Yu Danzhen, saying: "What was discussed at the meeting will be done after the meeting. Mr. Zhang caught me at the door of the conference room and asked me what I planned, so I The document was drafted overnight. Look, Mr. Zhang, the business manager of your area, signed it first."

Yu Danzhen took the document and read it carefully and replied: "It was indeed signed by Mr. Zhang. I will sign it now. Where can I sign it?"

The material purchasing king pointed to the lower left corner of the report and said, "Did you see where I signed my name? Just sign behind and below my name."

Yu Danzhen asked cautiously: "Are there any regulations that require signing like this?"

Material procurement Wang Ming laughed and replied: "The company already has a lot of regulations, but none of them are so detailed. This is a common practice formed under the comprehensive requirements of leaders at all levels when we report to the company. That’s all. Why, are you still afraid that I’ll trick you?”

Yu Danzhen smiled sheepishly and said, "Well, I just came here and I don't know the details of the signing of these reports. Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your guidance." Then he signed his name at the end of the report with Wang's name. below the name.

Material procurement Wang Ming came to the office of project manager Zhou Wencheng with the "Emergency Report on the Request for the Purchase of 2,235 Meters of Color Steel Plate Fence".

Project manager Zhou Wencheng asked: "Gong Wang, what's going on?"

Material procurement Wang Ming handed the "Emergency Report on the Request for the Purchase of 2,235 Meters of Color Steel Plate Fence" to the project manager Zhou Wencheng, and reported: "Mr. Zhou, this is not a request to write this "Request for the Purchase of 2,235 meters of Color Steel Plate Fence" at the meeting. "Emergency Report on Steel Plate Fence"? Mr. Zhang found me right after the meeting, so after full and careful discussions with the production manager Xu Kun, I formed this report document. I sent it to Mr. Zhang for review first. Because it is an urgent matter, I asked Mr. Zhang to sign it first, and you can see if there is anything wrong. If you want to modify it, I will go to Mr. Zhang and Yu Gong to sign it."

After carefully reading the "Emergency Report on the Request for the Purchase of 2,235 Meters of Color Steel Plate Fence" document, the project manager Zhou Wencheng praised: "Not bad, your report writing skills have improved a lot. It is basically smooth and the purpose is to express It’s clear. No need to modify it, I’ll sign it now.”

Material procurement Wang Ming happily responded to project manager Zhou Wencheng: "Really? Mr. Zhou, I used to get scolded when I wrote a report document. This time after I finished writing it, I printed it out and reviewed it with production manager Xu Kun. Understand."

Project manager Zhou Wencheng pointed out the problem pointedly: "This means that the report you made before was not of poor quality, but that you did not find the right person to cooperate with, or it may not have been fully and carefully inspected and demonstrated. You We must sum up our experience well and improve our comprehensive work ability as soon as possible.”

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