"Okay, Mr. Wang, don't worry."

After Wang Ming ended the phone call with the first color steel plate supplier, he talked on the phone with the second, third, and fourth color steel plate suppliers.

The second supplier can provide 800 meters, and the deposit is negotiated for 18,000 yuan.

The third supplier can supply 600 meters, and the deposit is negotiated at 12,000 yuan.

The fourth supplier has no goods in stock these days and has to wait a week for goods.

There is still 35 meters left to solve.

Wang Ming asked: "Dear leaders, if we can't solve this 35-meter problem now, why don't we just forget about installing it, is that okay?"

Production manager Xu Kun said: "It seems that 35 meters is not much, but you have to go to the site and see. If the area that is 35 meters short of the circle does not turn around, then it is not to be criticized. You can think about it tomorrow. Let’s find a way. If the 35-meter gap cannot be installed tomorrow, it can be installed the day after tomorrow. Let’s leave the places that are not particularly conspicuous first and then solve the problem later.”

Wang Ming replied: "Manager Xu, you see, I have tried my best. I will go to these manufacturers tomorrow to have a look. I feel that the goods are still available, but I may be a little nervous during this period. I have only allocated this to us."

Zhou Wencheng reminded Wang Mingdao: "What you need to pay special attention to is that one of these companies can solve the problem better. If it really can't be solved, you should go to other suppliers and explore some new supplier resources." come out."

Wang Ming replied: "Okay."

Zhao Manfu concluded: "Tonight's special emergency meeting on color steel plates was held very well. It allowed us to solve most of the problems on the spot. Although there are still 35 meters left to solve, the results are already very good. We will meet again tomorrow morning Thank you for your hard work, please hurry up and find a solution.

At the same time, I would like to remind everyone that although these companies tonight have agreed to us, after all, they are only verbal notifications and commitments. If any company does not come, or the goods that can come are much less, it will be a loss to us. A relatively big problem.

So tomorrow morning, Mr. Zhou, you will personally supervise the arrival and installation of the color steel plates of the three suppliers agreed tonight, and discuss solutions in a timely manner if there are any problems. "

Zhou Wencheng agreed: "Okay. Wang Ming, you will drive out early tomorrow morning to visit more places that produce or sell color steel plates, and establish cooperative contacts as early as possible. Once any of these units that have been discussed earlier are out of line, we will Use new suppliers to make up for it, otherwise we won’t be able to respond at all.”

Wang Ming nodded and agreed: "Okay, Mr. Zhou, I will go to the market early tomorrow morning to find more supplier information and have it in hand for later use."

Zhao Manfu saw that everyone had almost discussed the matter, so he announced that the meeting was adjourned.

The next day, at nine o'clock in the morning, the Nanshan project construction site.

Park construction engineer Wan Cong waited anxiously at the construction site and kept calling. He agreed to start installing the color steel plate fence at nine o'clock. When the time came, he saw neither people nor color steel plate materials arriving at the site.

A phone call brought Wang Ming, the material purchaser, and Xu Kun, the production manager, to the scene.

Material procurement Wang Ming said: "The other party said that the truck carrying the goods was already on the road. Because it was overloaded, it was stopped by the traffic police and is being processed."

Wan Cong asked: "Is it really the traffic police who are handling it or he didn't make the arrangements himself?

Are you talking about being perfunctory with us? "

Material procurement Wang Ming replied: "I don't have the ability to judge accurately on this question now."

Production manager Xu Kun arranged: "Wang Ming, can you tell the color steel plate supplier if there is any quick way for them to come here earlier?"

Material procurement Wang Ming said after talking to the color steel plate supplier: "The other party said that if you want to hurry up, you can find someone to help, but the cost will be increased by 5,000 yuan. He can't make much money from this job. He asked if we can bear?"

Production manager Xu Kun asked: "If we agree to undertake it, when will his materials and people arrive at the construction site?"

Material procurement Wang Judao: "He said on the phone that in that case it was just a phone call and the procedure would only take a few minutes. Their cars and people are now only about two kilometers away from our construction site, so it will be very fast."

Production manager Xu Kun said: "You tell the other party that someone who can make materials and install it will be there within half an hour, and we will bear the cost. If he can't, he will bear the cost himself."

After the material procurement Wang Ming communicated with the color steel plate supplier on the phone, after negotiation, the other party finally agreed to handle it according to the conditions proposed by the production manager Xu Kun.

Production manager Xu Kun immediately called project manager Zhou Wencheng and business manager Yu Danzhen to discuss the matter and made it clear that if the other party could arrive at the site to start the installation before 9:40, it would increase the cost of the project department. 5,000 yuan. Both people who answered the phone agreed with production manager Xu Kun's opinion.

Half past nine in the morning.

Material purchasing Wang Ming finally showed a smile on his face.

The first company to supply materials and personnel for color steel plates arrived.

The garden construction engineer hurriedly took his installation staff to the site to check where the color steel plates needed to be installed. It took almost ten minutes to actually arrange it.

The color steel plate supplier is also quite capable. It arranges a group of workers to unload the goods and arranges a group of workers to install the color steel plate fence first.

Production manager Xu Kun and garden construction engineer Wan Cong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The material procurement manager was fully communicating with the color steel plate suppliers present and told them that he had found a total of three color steel plate suppliers, but none of them could fully meet the required total length of 2,235 meters, and there was still a shortfall of 35 meters. look. Trying to help the other party find a way to solve the problem of the remaining 35 meters gap.

After several calls to communicate and coordinate, the other party said: "I found a colleague, and he promised to lend me 35 meters temporarily for today, and I will find a way to return it to him later."

Material procurement Wang Ming said happily: "Okay, thank you. You can just come to the site and start the installation. I will go back to the office and organize your price comparison documents. You can arrange it and bring your company's business license and organization code certificate." , tax registration certificate, and bank account opening license were all sent to me on QQ. Also, the purchase price quotation you negotiated with us was stamped and sent to me as a scanned copy. If you want the original copy, you can just give it to me another day."

The color steel plate supplier asked: "For the quotation, our company has its own format file. Do we need to use your company's format file uniformly?"

Material procurement Wang Ming replied: "You cannot use your company's quotation format file. Our company has a prescribed quotation format file. I will send it to you after I return to the office. After you arrange for someone to fill it out, stamp it with the official seal, scan and send it first. Just give it to me.”

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