Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 191 Stop the evil trend

After diligent communication, Zhang Yunqing, Yu Danzhen and the steel structure boss Fang Xian finally reached a basic agreement on the method for confirming the output value of the steel structure project completed this month.

Fang Xian, the boss of the steel structure, left the office of the Commerce Department of the Nanshan Project Department feeling slightly exhausted.

Zhang Yunqing praised Yu Danzhen in a timely manner: "Yu Gong, you did a good job. By handling the problem of confirming the output value of the steel structure this month in this way, we neither violated the contract principles signed between Western construction companies and steel structure manufacturers, nor did it affect the The enthusiasm of steel structure manufacturers to rush for work. On the contrary, it allows steel structure manufacturers to proactively and proactively arrange for work rush work. Western construction companies have not paid additional economic costs for this."

Yu Danzhen expressed her gratitude tactfully: "Thank you Mr. Zhang for his timely help in coordinating the solution. The problem of confirming the output value of his steel structure this month has really troubled me for a long time, and I have never been able to find a comparison. The perfect solution.

Today, Fang Xian, the owner of the steel structure, came over to communicate and discuss with us, and finally we were able to reach an agreement on the opinions of all parties. It is indeed not easy.

In addition, I understand that at work, I should strictly control the situation. If I really need to be a little more lenient with suppliers, the authority to tighten this policy is in the hands of the leaders. I am only responsible for mastering the basic data and not allowing their data to be overestimated. "

Zhang Yunqing nodded and affirmed with a smile: "Your understanding is correct, just continue to carry it forward."

While the two were discussing, Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, arrived.

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, greeted the two of them: "Mr. Yu, Mr. Zhang, two bosses, do you have time? I want to talk to you about confirming my output value this month."

Zhang Yunqing said to Bian Zhen's family: "Boss Bian is here. No matter how busy you are, you still have time. Please sit down and speak slowly."

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, pulled up a chair and sat down: "My budget staff reported to me this month's output value data reviewed by General Manager Yu. There are some big discrepancies in the data. I would like to find two The leadership will communicate and confirm.”

Yu Danzhen replied with satisfaction: "I confirmed the output value in accordance with contract principles and actual on-site conditions. Why do you still have so many questions?"

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, took over what Yue Danzhen said: "Mr. Yu, Mr. Zhang, I think there may still be some disputes between the two parties regarding their understanding of the contract principles and the actual situation on site.

After all, Chinese culture is vast and profound, and word games are tiring.

It’s normal to have some deviations in understanding the differences, right? "

After hearing Bian Zhenjia's answer, Zhang Yunqing smiled and said: "Boss Bian, everyone has a lot of things to do now, and time seems to be particularly tight. We should avoid these verbal lawsuits. Do you think anything is inappropriate or inappropriate?" Appropriate issues should be raised directly and discussed thoroughly by everyone. The biggest principle is to resolve disputes as soon as possible and allow the project to proceed smoothly."

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, agreed: "Okay, I like Mr. Zhang, a cheerful person like you. You always go straight to the topic, talk less nonsense, and save time in dealing with problems.

Then I will express my opinions directly. If there is anything inappropriate, we will discuss it again.

The first point is that when Mr. Yu reviewed the quantity of our water and electricity trench work, it was clear that we had completed 11,000 meters of work.

However, when reviewing the results, it was only 5,500 meters. I felt it was inappropriate and needed to confirm this month’s output value based on 11,000 meters. "

Yu Danzhen asked: "I just want to ask the boss below, have you carefully looked at what your contract list item actually means?"

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, replied: "I participated in the bidding, and I also participated in the management of the construction process. Can I not know this contract item?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "Okay. Then let me tell you. After you listen carefully, we will discuss it. The item in your contract is the excavation and filling of water and electricity trenches. The unit is meters and the unit price is eight yuan per meter. The actual situation at your site 11,000 meters have been excavated, and more than half of it has not been backfilled. In this case, calculating this month's output value based on 5,500 meters actually confirms your completed output value.

At the same time, there is still a problem with your water and electricity pipe trenches. A large number of them are 30cm wide and 10cm deep, which seriously does not meet the requirements of construction regulations.

Since you both still shamelessly only know how much you want for these places where water has been put for you, and don’t think about the problem from the other party’s perspective, then this time you will dig and fill the water and electricity trenches. For the measurement, I suggest subtracting 1,000 meters from 5,500 meters. Otherwise, it will not be conducive to curbing the unhealthy tendencies of your suppliers. "

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, looked embarrassed and asked Zhang Yunqing for help: "Mr. Zhang, look, I originally wanted to get more confirmation of the production value, but now it's better. Not only did I not fight for more, but I got more and more. Less. Can I show my superiority to others, or should we just carry out the excavation and filling of 5,500 meters of hydropower trenches?"

Zhang Yunqing asked, "Do you want to know what I would do if I dealt with your situation directly?"

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, replied: "How could I know, Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I will first separate the number of meters that you have completed excavation and filling and the number of meters that you have only completed excavation. In this case, they are 5,500 meters each. Then you are seriously cutting corners in the actual implementation. The estimated project volume is still more There are more than 4 divisions in this data. Assuming that the calculation is based on division by 4, the 5500 meters that have been dug and filled is equal to 1375 meters; the 5500 meters that have only been dug are 1375 meters and divided by 2 equals 688 meters. The total is completed The amount of water and electricity trench excavation and filling is equal to 1375+688=2063 meters. According to the calculation given to you by Yu Gong, it is 5500-1000=4500 meters.

If you think about this issue again now, do you want to continue to discuss it in a deeper level? "

Bian Zhenjia, the boss of the garden construction team, replied to Zhang Yunqing: "Forget it, Mr. Zhang, we won't discuss this issue anymore. We will temporarily implement Mr. Yu's opinion and calculate the amount of water and electricity trench excavation and filling work based on 4,500 meters, okay?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I have no objection. Are there any other questions?"

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, said: "Mr. Zhang, of course there are still many questions. For example: Regarding the 300-meter-thick sand and gravel cushion, Mr. Yu only provided a 150-meter-thick sand and gravel cushion. Volume, in this case the overall output value will be a bit different."

Zhang Yunqing looked surprised and asked Yu Danzhen: "Yu Gong, what's going on with Boss Bian's measurement of the sand and gravel cushion?"

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