Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 194 Maintaining a Detached Attitude

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, continued: "Mr. Zhao, you just heard that the thickness of the sand and gravel I laid is basically enough for 30 centimeters, but when the Ministry of Commerce calculated this month's output value, it only Calculated at 15 centimeters.”

Zhao Manfu looked at Zhang Yunqing and asked, "Yunqing, what's going on?"

Zhang Yunqing looked at Yu Danzhen and said, "Let's ask Yu Gong to explain."

Yu Danzhen politely reported: "I would like to report to the leaders that when calculating the output value, we calculate it as 15 centimeters because the average thickness of the visible sand and gravel in the random inspection is a little over 14 centimeters, so we will temporarily calculate it as 15 centimeters."

After hearing Yu Danzhen's answer, Zhao Manfu asked Bian Zhenjia, the boss of the garden construction team: "Boss Bian, you are cutting corners too much. It is considered an unqualified engineering product. I will give you a little bit of output value. You What else can you be dissatisfied with? Do you have any reasons?"

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, agreed calmly: "Mr. Zhao, some of the conditions at the site may not be clear to you. During my time when the sand and gravel base layer was being connected to the site, it often rained. The roadbed is very soft. Due to the rush for work, we have to backfill the sand and gravel when the soil is soft. The soil is too soft. After filling the sand and gravel, you can no longer see the sand and gravel when the road roller presses it. Only soil can be seen. We later filled in some sand and gravel in this kind of place, but the filling was thin, just a symbolic amount."

Yu Danzhen replied: "Who among you has never worked on a construction site? If that's the case, does such particularly soft soil not need to be replaced?"

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, retorted confidently: "You haven't seen it, so it hasn't happened? Among the few people here, the project manager Mr. Zhou often visits the construction site. Mr. Zhou, what are you doing?" Let’s talk about whether such a situation exists.”

Project manager Zhou Wencheng was silent for a while and then replied: "The soft soil problem mentioned by Boss Bian does exist, but he may have exaggerated."

Seeing that the situation was probably unclear for a while, Zhao Manfu asked the boss of the garden construction team for his opinion: "Well, Boss Bian, tell me about the thickness of your sand and gravel, what thickness do you want to use when calculating the output value?" Does it count?"

Bian Zhenjia, owner of the garden construction team, agreed: "How about calculating it based on a thickness of 25 centimeters?"

Zhao Manfu looked at Yu Danzhen and motioned for her to discuss the thickness issue.

Yu Danzhen said emotionally: "According to my own personal opinion, I definitely only believe in the real situation that I see. Since the project manager last week also helped you prove that some are indeed pressed into the soft soil, at most Just calculate it as 20 centimeters.”

Zhao Manfu asked Bian Zhenjia: "Even the thickness of the sand and gravel should be calculated as 20 centimeters to calculate this month's output value."

Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the garden construction team, agreed: "Okay."

Then he expressed dissatisfaction with Zhao Manfu and said: "Mr. Zhao, the thickness of my concrete base is also the same as this with sand and gravel. The thickness on the drawing is 20 centimeters, but after Mr. Yu closed it, it became 10 centimeters." "

Zhao Manfu asked Bian Zhenjia, the owner of the Zeyuan Construction Team, "Then what is the reason you analyzed yourself?"

Bian Zhenjia replied: "I think the most important reason is that when Mr. Yu was randomly checking the thickness, he selectively checked the thin areas of mine and did not check the thick areas."

Yu Danzhen replied: "Do you have any thick areas? In addition, you only see the thickness of the concrete at the edge.

You said the spot checks are uneven, we can choose another time to do the spot checks. "

Zhao Manfu said: "As for the thickness of the concrete, you two should make an appointment to go to the site to review it. We just need to be more objective.

Boss Bian, do you have any other questions? "

Bian Zhen's family replied to Zhao Manfu: "In addition to the issue of concrete thickness, it is also a loss to level the site. I hope to be able to calculate the average excavation and fill volume of 30 centimeters based on the excavation and fill volume."

Zhao Manfu asked: "What's the difference between the two algorithms?"

Bian Zhenjia replied: "Based on my current estimate of the construction area, I can probably add an extra 20,000 to 30,000 yuan to make up for the output value."

Zhao Manfu replied: "Boss Bian, I am not talking about you. If everyone must take it seriously, the places where the thickness of sand, gravel and concrete are not enough, especially the places where the thickness is seriously insufficient, must at least be regarded as substandard projects. It needs to be reworked and redone. Calculate how much economic loss you will suffer if you are asked to rework and redo it.

I have been working on the construction site for so many years to level the site. You said that all excavation and filling are done to a thickness of 30 centimeters. It is just excavation, filling and leveling of the uneven areas within plus or minus 30 centimeters. This area is still Just follow Yu Danzhen's review. "

Bian Zhenjia replied helplessly: "Okay, then we will handle it according to Mr. Zhao's advice. Can we go to the site to re-measure the concrete thickness issue now that the meeting is over?"

Zhao Manfu replied: "It is not up to me to set the time. You can discuss the details with Yu Danzhen from the Ministry of Commerce. If there are no other questions, the meeting will be adjourned. Zhang Yunqing will stay for a while."

The Bian Zhen family quickly invited Yu Danzhen to go to the site to measure the controversial thickness of the concrete cushion.

After Zhao Manfu saw that everyone had left, he waved to Zhang Yunqing and said, "Sit over here and let's talk."

Zhang Yunqing sat on the chair in front of Zhao Manfu's desk and asked, "Mr. Zhao, what are your instructions?"

Zhao Manfu smiled and criticized: "There are so many instructions. It's not easy for everyone when going out. Just chat casually, relax and don't be nervous."

"Okay. It's better to just chat casually. Look at these subcontracting teams and suppliers. They are not doing their jobs well. They are so arrogant when they ask for output value calculations. I don't know where they get the confidence."

"Where does the confidence come from? In the bidding of these construction companies, who can participate in the bidding? Which one is not somewhat related? In other words, if he is not related, can he know the bidding information?

This was originally an invitation to bid.

So when it comes to dealing with them, it’s right to adhere to principles, but don’t go too far. It would be bad if people feel that we are bullying others. Otherwise, a big leader might come out to say hello one day. Category. "

"This home construction team doesn't seem to have much to do with the project department. Most of them are from the company level, and the steel structure team is also from the company level."

"As long as you know. No matter where the team comes from, it can't affect the gross profit rate that the company has agreed upon for us. Otherwise, the purpose of the company inviting us will be lost, and we will lose the value of our existence to the company. In that case , the company can choose to let us leave at any time. As for the current relationship between the leaders of each team, we don’t need to be so clear about it, we just need to maintain a detached attitude."

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