Wan Cong's joking voice came from the phone: "Boss Xia, don't be afraid. As long as you don't sell the stones, you should still be able to get them back. What I just said is that one day I will call you and ask you to give the stones to Boss Bian." For human use?”

Xia Houyue replied: "I just checked the communication records. Our call records in the past few days were from after 11 o'clock the night before yesterday."

Wan Cong smiled on the phone and said, "Well, it's possible. I had a party that night and I stopped drinking. I can't remember anything about the next few hours."

Xia Houyue also smiled and said: "You said that, I feel like I haven't sobered up yet. It seems that I also drank that night, so I have no memory of what happened that night. Can you trouble me? Mr. Wan helped me ask my boss how much stone was transferred from my construction area and whether it was one thousand square meters."

Wan Cong agreed: "Okay, just wait for my call and I'll ask right away."

More than ten minutes later, the anxious Xia Houyue finally received a call from Wan Cong, the garden construction engineer: "Boss Xia, what Boss Bian is talking about is that that night, he arranged for someone to borrow the granite for the square from your construction area. More than 900 square meters are all posted on the square. They have been used up and there is no way to return them to you.

Let's do this like this. Our production, material, business, and your two teams will all sign on the original delivery form to prove that the batch of materials you signed for was used in his construction area. After you have collected all the delivery slips, give me a call and I will arrange for everyone to meet and sign to resolve the issue. "

Xia Houyue was finally relieved. The matter was sorted out and there was no need to compensate for one thousand square meters of stone materials.

Xia Houyue happily told Yu Danzhen: "Mr. Yu, you heard what I meant by Wan Cong's call just now, right? The quantity of the granite paving work you measured at the site should be correct. That The one-thousand-square-meter stone supplied by Jia that was inconsistent with the warehouse-out list was also found. It was temporarily borrowed by Boss Bian. When Wan Cong called Boss Bian, the other party had already admitted that the stone was used in his place in the square. It’s above. So I don’t need to compensate for the one thousand square meters of stone materials.”

Yu Danzhen replied: "It's good if the rectification is clarified, otherwise you will always think that I am rectifying your injustice. You have to believe me, I can at least be fair and just, and I will definitely not confirm the output value at the receiving end." Your labor force has been deliberately rectified on these important matters. Now that the rectification is clear, your output value data is already very clear. Regarding your output value confirmation issue, I can start the approval entry process within our company."

Xia Houyue said with a smile: "Okay, thank you Mr. Yu, then I'll go. Mr. Zhang, my affairs have been sorted out, I'm going to the construction site."

Yu Danzhen said: "You walk slowly."

Zhang Yunqing said: "As long as the problem is solved, walk slowly."

After Zhang Yunqing waited for Xia Houyue to leave, he asked Yu Danzhen: "Have you collected all the on-site collection of these labor teams?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "The labor team has collected all the items, and those with disputes have come to me one after another to communicate. Basically, this month's items have been sorted out."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Okay, then quickly calculate the output value of the labor team and update it to the capital plan that needs to be filled out at the beginning of the month. You also need to remember to coordinate and track the capital plan for seedling procurement and material procurement, and let them After sorting out the data in the fund plan that they confirmed,

It will be sent to you, and then you will revise it into the fund plan of the entire project. "

Yu Danzhen said: "The fund plan for the purchase of seedlings and materials has not been handed over to me yet. I will urge them tomorrow."

Zhang Yunqing said: "You have to read the contract information of each labor team and supplier clearly, especially the payment terms. You must ensure that the payment terms abbreviated in the capital plan are completely consistent with the contract. There must be no mistakes. oh."

Yu Danzhen said: "Okay, don't worry, I have already checked it once. I will find time to check it again later."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Okay, I understand. Do things seriously and never be careless, especially the capital plan you made. If you have any questions, you must come to me for discussion in time."

Yu Danzhen promised: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I will handle the capital plan carefully."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Okay, you go and do your work. When you return to your seat, please help me invite Li Xixuan to come to my place."

A few minutes after Yu Danzhen left Zhang Yunqing's desk, Li Xixuan came to Zhang Yunqing's desk and asked: "Mr. Zhang, just now Sister Yu said you were looking for me."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Well, you sit down first. I just want to find out from you how you think about the quantity of the project to clear the bid. Is it going to be completed?"

Li Xixuan replied: "All the bidding drawings will be completed tomorrow at the latest."

Zhang Yunqing said: "During the calculation process, did you encounter any drawings or lists that you didn't understand?"

Li Xixuan replied: "I have never encountered anything I didn't understand. They are basically relatively simple garden landscape drawings. The reason why it has not been completed for so long is mainly because the construction area is large and special-shaped. It needs to be included in the drawings." Only by drawing a little circle on it can we calculate the corresponding amount of flat paving work."

Zhang Yunqing arranged: "Okay, after you finish calculating the project quantities tomorrow, you will send your calculation manuscript and calculation drawings to me for review as soon as possible, and then remember to find me, and I will arrange for you what the main work will be in the future."

Li Xixuan said: "Okay, I will send you the relevant documents after I finish the calculation tomorrow."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Okay, I will talk to you about this matter. Do you have anything else you need to talk to me about?"

Li Xixuan replied: "I have nothing to do with you anymore."

After hearing this, Zhang Yunqing arranged: "Okay, then you go and do your work first."

After Zhang Yunqing waited for Li Xixuan to leave, he sorted out his work during this period in his notebook:

1. The preparation of the corresponding bid clearance report needs to be completed as soon as possible. At present, the engineering quantity calculation is basically completed. Tomorrow, Li Xixuan's engineering quantity calculation result document needs to be reviewed and her new work content needs to be arranged.

2. For the next month's output, the matter of the labor team has been resolved, and Yu Danzhen has been arranged to supervise the fund plan for the purchase of seedlings and materials.

3. The corresponding output value confirmation data source will be available when Article 2 is completed, and you need to prepare the corresponding progress payment declaration documents yourself.

4. It is necessary to contact the company to confirm the amount of the output value confirmation data and the issuance of invoices. This matter needs to be communicated with the business department of the business department and financial communication. The content of the financial communication will be arranged by Tang Ying, the financial officer of the project department, to handle it tomorrow.

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