Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 200 Collection and Payment Data

Zhang Yunqing arranged: "Okay, there are still so many data problems. We need to talk to Tang Ying from finance. We should talk to her first. Be sure to understand the situation clearly before telling me."

Yu Danzhen agreed: "Okay." Then she went out to communicate with Tang Ying, the finance officer, to understand the situation.

After Yu Danzhen fully communicated with Finance Tang Ying, she came to Zhang Yunqing to report the situation.

Yu Danzhenhui reported: "Mr. Zhang, I finally sorted out the receipt and payment data on the fund plan."

Zhang Yunqing expressed incomprehension and asked: "Just clear it up, but you went from morning to afternoon and went through several hours in between. Isn't the matter very complicated?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "Yes, it is very complicated for our business. For Finance Tang Ying, she needs to export all the collected data and paid data in the financial system, and then compare it with the data on the fund plan The collected data and paid data were checked one by one, and a lot of paid data was found to be incorrect."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Incorrect? What caused it?"

Yu Danzhen said: "I was quite puzzled at the time, why was such an important form incorrect? In the end, guess what Tang Ying answered me?"

Zhang Yunqing said: "If you can't guess, it's better to just say it directly."

Yu Danzhen said: "Tang Ying said that the reason was laziness. The original business people were usually not serious. When the time came when they needed a fund plan, and the company was in a hurry, he would fill in random data and submit it to the company without giving it. Who discussed it? The people in the project department were very dissatisfied with this. They did not pay what should be paid, and paid what should not be paid. Because it was urgent, the leaders of the project department did not have time to check, resulting in some mistakes being buried deep. in."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Has there been any overpayment?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "Originally, only 70% of the progress was paid. After checking the data now, some have already paid 90%. Is it considered an overpayment? Others should have paid 70%, but actually only paid 2 -30%.”

Zhang Yunqing asked in surprise: "Didn't anyone come to him for such a serious payment problem?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "Tang Ying said that it's not that no one is looking for it, but that it's useless. The window for reviewing the company's capital plan has passed. Although the problem is serious, no one dares to take the initiative to report it."

Zhang Yunqing fell into thinking after hearing Yu Danzhen's answer.

Yu Danzhen waited for a while and then asked Zhang Yunqing: "How should we deal with these situations?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I was thinking about this problem just now and how we need to solve it. Please tell me your thoughts first."

Yu Danzhen replied: "I think that since the mistake has been made, but it was not made by us after all, we can take this opportunity to correct the wrong received data and paid data in the fund plan. In this way It also shows that we took these data issues seriously after taking over.”

Zhang Yunqing said: "I agree with this. What do you think should be done to solve the problem of exceeding the progress payment ratio?"

Yu Danzhen said: "It stands to reason that we have to let him refund the money, otherwise it will be difficult for the company to explain."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Okay,

It's just more difficult, but this action can be done. In this case, at least this time, you can try to pay less to the unit that originally overpaid. "

Yu Danzhen said: "I don't care whether it's difficult for him or not. Let him refund the money first."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "After all, during the rush for work now, we should pay attention to our words and don't irritate them too much. Just let them know what we mean. We still hope that everyone will work together to rush for work."

Yu Danzhen replied: "Okay, I'll try my best to pay attention."

Zhang Yunqing asked again: "For those units that only paid 2-30%, their completed work volume needs further verification. You can make an appointment with the suppliers and production people tomorrow, and then go to the site to check, so Big discrepancies are either due to miscalculation or intentional manipulation. We don’t do this kind of thing. Now that we have discovered problems, we must work hard to resolve them fairly and equitably. Let the project department enter Normal operating track.”

Yu Danzhen nodded and said: "Okay, we will definitely be too late today. As you requested, I will go to the site tomorrow to check the total amount of work they have completed. If there are indeed problems, I will prepare this funding plan. When making the table, let’s adjust the data first. I’ll call the relevant people later and make an appointment to go to the site for review tomorrow.”

Zhang Yunqing asked again: "I just explained the supplier's problem clearly. Where are the data on production facilities and on-site expenses?"

Yu Danzhen smiled and said: "After Tang Ying poured out the data in the system and compared it, it can be said that basically no one of the production design and on-site funding data is correct."

Zhang Yunqing asked: "Is the problem so serious?"

Yu Danzhen said: "According to Tang Ying's explanation, this is not a serious problem at all."

Zhang Yunqing asked in confusion: "What's the problem?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "Tang Ying said that the costs of these production facilities and on-site expenses are dynamically changing every month. Therefore, every month, the data that has occurred needs to be found in the system, and then Fill it in the corresponding column in the fund plan. Tang Ying from the finance department does this work every month."

Zhang Yunqing said: "The expenses incurred for this production facility and on-site expenses have been clearly explained. Then who is doing the data expected to occur next month according to the usual practice?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "Tang Ying gave an appropriate explanation to this question. She said that as a rule, the finance and production managers discuss it, and then discuss it with the business department of the project department. If there are no problems, it will be reviewed by the project manager. Once approved, it will be put into the fund plan.”

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Just ask clearly. In this case, when will their data be available to you for discussion?"

Yu Danzhen replied: "The time I agreed with Tang Ying is that she will fill in the data she has discussed with the production manager in the fund plan this evening and send it to me. If the opinions are consistent, I will go to the project manager for review. This part of the data.”

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay. I understand, you should hurry up and implement these data issues."

After Yu Danzhen ended her communication with Zhang Yunqing, she first made an appointment with production personnel and supplier personnel to go to the site tomorrow to check the completed project volume; then she notified those who had overpaid the progress payment and asked them to come to the office in the evening Check with yourself the completed production value figures. By the way, I urged Tang Ying to discuss the estimated data of production facilities and on-site expenses in the capital plan.

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